Anaemia can be defined as decreased haemoglobin counts or reduced red blood cell counts or reduced oxygen carrying capacity of blood, due to “loss of” or “abnormality of” red blood cells or haemoglobin.
Normal Heamoglobin Counts
6 months to 5 years of age > 11g/dl
5 years to 12 years of age > 11.5g/dl
12years to 16 years of age > 12g/dl
Adult Females (non-pregnant) > 12g/dl
Adult Females (pregnant) > 11gm/dl
Adult Males > 13g/dl
Blood losss
Excessive Red Blood Cell destruction
Hypovitaminosis B12
Anaemia of Chronic diseases
Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
Inflamatory bowel diseases
Hypervolemia or water retention due to sodium or other salts.
Genetic hereditary conditions like Thalasemia
Certain cancers
Kidney diseases
Reduced erythropoetin production
Excessive RBC destruction
Impaired RBC production
Certain infections like malaria which causes RBC destruction.
Certain drugs which causes RBC destruction eg. Quinine causes chinchonism.
Bone Marrow lesions and pathologies
There are many types of anaemias. It can be broadly classified into 7 categories depending upon their causes
Anaemia due to
Blood Loss
Impaired or abnormal Erythropoesis
Chronic Diseases
Nutritional deficiency
Based on RBC morphology it can be classified into 3 groups
Iron Deficiency Anaemia
Aplastic Anaemia
Megaloblastic Anaemia
Pernicious Anaemia
Sideroblastic Anaemia
Autoimmune Hemolytic Anaemia
Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Fanconi Anaemia
Congenital Dyserythropoetic Anaemia
Daimond-Blacfan Anaemia
Anaemia of Prematurity
Erythroblastopenia or Pure Red Cell Aplasia
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Hereditary Elliptocytosis
In children it affects growth in general
Somnolence, Drowziness in day time
Disturbed sleep at night
Pallor, general pale appearance of skin, mucous membranes and eyes.
Dyspnoea on Exertion.
Reduced Immunity, tendency to catch infections and slow recovery and healing.
Cyanosis in severe cases
Low blood pressure
Chest pain
Craving for indigestible things , PICA
Cold clammy extremities
Oedematous swelling of extremities, dependent oedema
Angina or cardiac failure in severe cases
Will impact general growth and repair of all the vital organs and tissue of the body.
Depending upon the cause of anaemia and general constitution of the patient, one of the following medicines may be called for duty by a homeopathic physician.
Gall Bladder Stoneor Cholelithiasis is a condition where cholesterol monohydrate stone starts coagulating and neucleate together to form stone in gall bladder.
Ecxess of Cholestrol can be eliminated from body only through Liver, either as free cholestrol in bile or as bile salts.
Cholestrol is water insoluble.
Bile salt and lecithin when co-secreted and are mixed with this cholestrol to make it soluble, then can easily be eliminated.
But when,
This cholestrol is in excess beyond saturation limit of the bile – lecithin -cholestrol solution saturation.
Or if the character or quantity of bile salt and lecithin alters.
Or if there are any other physiological or structural anomaly of hepatobilliary aparatus to cause stasis of bile.
Or there are some other metabolic anomalies.
Or if there is presence of some other metabolites or micro-precipatates of protein or salts like calcium salts that promotes cholestrol crystalisation.
Then this excess cholestrol which was no further able to mix in bile salt and lecithin due to oversaturation starts forming dispersed cholestrol monohydrate crystals, which later agregates and coagulate to neucleate and form Cholelithiasis or Gall Stone or Gall Bladder stone.
So for such formation following three conditions are required.
Supersaturation of Bile with Cholestrol.
Kinetically favourable conditions for neucleation of dispersed cholestrol crystals.
Cholestrol crystals should stay in bile long enough so as to aggregate and form stone.
An its very difficuly to judge or find out any of the risk factors, except genetic and familial predesposition and is found more in men compared to women.
CASE B – Gall Bladder Stone USG report – Before treatment
CASE B – Gall Bladder Stone Cured With Homeopathic medicines USG report -After treatment
Gall bladder Stones affect 10-20% of population in developed countries.
Upto 80% of Patients will never develop any symptom throughout their life and are called Silent Cases of Gall Bladder Stone and remainder 20 % become symptomatic at the rate of 1-3% per year.
Though most of the patient frequently present with non specific general mild complaints like eructations, GERD, unsatisfactory bowel clearance.
A few patients also present with prolonged mild discomfort in right hypochondrium and lumbar region with occasionall in epigastric region, with sensation as if weight or stone was lodged in the site of discomfort which aggravates on false stepping or jumping , unsatisfactory bowel clearance and other mild digestive derangements.
When Acute Symptom appear they are very severe and may be life threatening which needs immediate medical attention as in most of the cases it sets in whenever there are complications like
Cholecystitis- Inflamation of gall bladder due to infection or adhering of stone to bladder wall or severe statis and obstruction of downstream of bile due to blockage created by lodging of stone in bile tree, usually such blockages are created by very smallstones which can easily enter cystic and common bile ducts.
Inflamation of bile tree.
Pancreatitis is a very severe and life threatening condition may also present along secondary infection.
Gall Stone illeus when large stone enters adjoining loop of small intestine.
Empyema, collection of puss in pleural cavity due to secondary infections
Patient with acute symptoms has severe excruciating spasmodic colicky pain in abdomen more pronounced in right hypochondriac region epigastric and umbilical region.
Fever with rigor and chills and it is indicative of secondary infection
Ultra Sonography is the most common prescribed test.
MRI in cases where unable to detect by USG or accidental finding.
CT Scan in cases where unable to detect by USG or accidental finding.
X rays not specific; very occasionally shadow is visualised in accidental findings, after which the patient is sent for USG for confirmation and proper evaluation of size and severity.
Serum Lipase and Serum Amylase activity with Ultra Sonography of pancreas need to be monitored frequently in cases with acute complaints to rule out pancreas involvement which can be life threatening.
Gall Bladder Stone consists 50-100% cholestrol.
More the cholestrol more pale yellow colour of stone, Exclusive Cholestrol stones are complete pale yellow in colour.
More the proportion of Calcarea Carbonate and Phosphate, more the stone has Greyish-white to black discoloration from pale yellow.
Calcarea flourica is a powerful tissue remedy. Calcarea flourica is a combination of lime and flouric acid. It is a naturally occuring mineral in the body. Calcarea flourica is very useful remedy in the treatment of gallstones. Usually patient presents with prolonged mild discomfort in the right hypochondrium and lumbar region. Gastric derangements, weakness, loss of appetite. Vomiting of undigested food. Indigestion, fatigue and brain fag. Presents with paroxysms of lancinating paind in the right hypochondrium awaking him about midnight with aggravation lying on painful side. Sensation of dull weight and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Sensitive to cold, to drafts and changes in weather.
Fel tauri is remedy used since ancient time. Fel tauri is a very efficient remedy for gallstones. Fel tauri increases the duodenal secretions, emulsifies fats and increases the peristaltic action of intestine. Liquifies bile and acts as a purgative. Presents with disordered digestion, diarrhoea, obstruction of bile ducts. Eructations and pain in the epigastrium. Gurgling in stomach and epigastric region. Pain in the right hypochondrium with sensation of heaviness. Fel tauri liquifies bile and helps in expulsion of biliary calculi.
Choleatrinum is considered as a specific remedy for gallstones. It helps to relieve pain at once. Useful in obstinate hepativ engorgements, obstinate gall stones. Pain in the right hypochondriac region. Sensation of heavines in the abxomen. Gastric derangements. Reflux of gastric contents with pain in the epigatrium.
Silicea is a deep acting remedy indicated in case of gallstones. Silicea disturbs tbe stomach, causes hiccoughs. Severe pain in abdomen relieved by heat, distension of abdomen with flatulence and rumbling. Tightness accross the abdomen. Disturbed by pressure of clothes and worse after eating. Constipation from inability of rectum to expel faeces. Great straining at stool. Constant urge but cannot expel requiring mechanical aid. Hardness and distension of the region of liver with throbbing pain. Gastric derangements causes hicoughs, nausea, vomiting, disturbs the liver. Silicea is usually very sensitive to extremes of heat and cold.
Carbo vegetabilis is a very effective remedy in patients suffering from gallstones. When Carbo vegetabilis is indicated the patient will be below par, the digestion will be slow and imperfect. Heaviness and fullness sensation. Sensation of weight in the abdomen. All gone sensation not relieved by eating, but after a few mouthfuls there is a sense of repletion. There is great distension of abdomen which is temporarily releieved by belching. Burning in the stomach extending to back and along the spine. Cramping pain forcing patient to bend double.
The action of Cardus marianus is centered on the liver, gall bladder, portal system causing apin, soreness. Pain in the region of liver. Swelling of gall bladder with painful tenderness.Sensation of fullness and soreness. Constipation with hard stool, difficult knotty, alternates with diarrhoea. Poor appetite. Nausea retching and vomiting sensation. Inflammation of gall bladder, pain in the upper abdomen in the region of gall bladder which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Chelidonium majus is one of the most indicated medicine for gallstone. Effective medicine for gall stones and jaundice when there is obstruction of bile ducts.Useful when gallstone colic is shooting, stabbing, tearing and lancinating type extending to back. Colic with constriction as by a string across abdomen. Most important symptom of Chelidonium is constant pain under the right shoulder blade. Suffers from hepatic or gastric symptoms. The tongue is coated thick and yellowish with imprints of teeth. Alternate diarrhoea and constipation. All symptoms are usually right sided.
Calcarea carbonica is one of the indicated remedy in gallstone. Calcarea carbonica is usually suited to fair, fat, flabby constitution. Shooting pain around the liver with discomfort after wearing tight clothing. Sensitive to slightest pressure. Liver region painful when stooping. Presents with severe gall stone colic. Weak digestion. Milk disagrees. Feeling of tumefaction and fullness. Loss of appetite. No desire for food. Constipation. Frequent nausea ezpecially in morning. Cramps in stomach at night. Pains generally shooting or tensive, pressive type with swelling and induration of hepatic region.
Crategus oxyacantha is a excellent heart tonic and also useful in gallstone colic. Acts a a tonic for heart muscles that have becomw weakened due to reduced blood supply to heart as a result of deposits of cholestrol in arteries. Crategus is a very useful remedy in dissolving cholestrol deposits in arteries. Colic with severe pain in the hypochondrium with sensation of heaviness. Presents with difficulty in breathing with slight exertion. Dyspepsia and nervous prostration. Cold extremities.
Colocynthis is indicated in case of choleliathiasis. Colocynth is a ideal remedy when gall stone pain is of a cutting shooting nature and better by bending double or by applying pressure. Worse by cold. Presents with pain in right hypochondriac region with sensation of fullness of abdomen. Colocynth is usually a acjte useful in gall stone colic. Neuralgias with sense of restlessness. Sharp shooting and lightening type of pain.
IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a functional Gastrointestinal disease that mainly affects the bowel-large or small intestine.
It is the chronic relapsing inflammation of intestine.
Certain genetic and environmental factors are known to be associated with IBD.
The disturbances of immune system and impaired action of microbes leads to development of IBD.
Chrons disease and ulcerative colitis are two different entities of IBD.
Chrons disease
It is a type of IBD that may affect the GI tract from mouth to anus.
Most probably it involves sharply demarcated single or multiple areas of large intestine, terminal ileum or ileocecal region.
Risk factors and cause
Age- chrons disease can occur at any age but most commonly develops at young age.
Hereditary-About 15%of patients with chrons disease have one or more family members either with chrons disease or ulcerative colitis.
Cigratte smoking-smokers are most likely to develop chrons disease than non smokers.
Diet-high intake of refined sugars and low intake of fibre can mainly contribute to chrons disease.
Certain medications like NSAID’s.
Chrons disease is believed to be result of an imbalance between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cells.
There are some mutations in NOD2 gene that disrupts the mucosal defence mechanism.
NOD2 earlier known as CARD15 helps protect body against foreign Invader like bacteria and viruses through immune system cells like macrophages, monocyte and dendritic cells.
When triggered by some bacteria they become active and regulate activity of multiple genes that controls inflammatory response.
ATG16L1 is also involved in provides information for making a protein that is required for autophagy (destruction of cells in body).
It’s mutations impaires autophagy process and allows worn our cells to persist in body.
Depressed defence mechanism can stimulate microbial proliferation in body.
Under microscope biopsies of affected colon shows mucosal inflammation characteristed by inflitration of neutrophilis.
Neutrophils along with mono nuclear cells infiltrate crypt’s leading to inflammation and abscess.
Signs and symptoms
Intestinal manifestation-
-Ileum- abdominal pain and cramps
Obstructive symptoms
Mass in right iliac fossa
Acute ileitis
-colon- rectal bleeding
Intestinal stenosis
Perianal disease
Extraintestinal manifestation-
Eyes-it causes uveitis causing blurred vision and eye pain.Photophobia
Oral cavity-it causes apthous stomatitis, geographic tongue,chelitis granulomatosa.
Skin-erythema nodusum, ulcerative nodules.
Chrons disease can also cause osteoporosis and thinning of bones
Clubbing of fingers
Deep vein thrombosis
Blood test-Anaemia is noted in PT with chrons disease.there are low blood cell count.
Stool test-For presence of any occult blood.
Colonoscopy-it is more accurate test that detects the ulcers and areas of inflammation.It can also be used to take biopsies.
Ultrasonography can be useful in patients with palpable abdominal mass and in order to differentiate from abscess
CT scan-this test is used to diagnose entire bowel as well as tissue outside the has replaced barium x-rays.
MRI is useful for investigating complex perianal disease
Upper GI endoscopy- A flexible tube containing a camera is inserted in stomach and upper part of small can also be done using a capsule.
Gastritis is a condition in which mucosa(stomach lining)is inflammed or swollen.
The mucousa consists of gastric glands that secrete digestive juices.
They are covered by layer of columnar epithelial tissues.
It produces acid and pepsin that helps in breakdown of food and digestion of protein
When stomach lining is inflammed it produces less acid and enzymes.
Acute Gastritis -starts suddenly and appears with noticeable symptoms that resolves without treatment within few days. Chronic Gastritis -It is long lasting and stays in body unnoticeable and can cause complications.
Other classification-
Non atrophic mainly caused due to H pylori
Multifocal atrophic caused due to H pylori and environmental causes
Radiation-caused due to radiation injury.
Non inflammatory granulomatous
Gastritis can also be classified as
Erosive Gastritis -The acids residing with in stomach erode and wear away the stomach lining causing ulcers and deep sores. Non Erosive Gastritis– It causes inflammation of stomach does not cause erosion or ulcers.
Risk factors –
Helicopter pylori-The bacteria that resides in mucosa. Alcohol consumption – excessive alcohol consumption can cause irritation of the mucosal lining. Stress-stress due to major surgery or injury can lead to gastritis. Age– older adult people are more prone to this Condition due to thinning of mucosal lining and they are more likely to have Helicobacter Pylori infections. Bile reflux– regurgitation of bile into stomach from bile tract.
Certain medications.
Chronic Gastritis – it can be divided into two
Autoimmune Atrophic Gastritis
H Pylori Associated Gastritis
Autoimmune Atrophic Gastritis –
It is a chronic condition that results in replacement of parietal cell by metaplastic mucosa.
The interaction of autoantibodies against parietal cell proton pump leads to destruction of parietal cells.
It in turn causes imparied absorption of vitamin B12 and pernicious anaemia.
H. Pylori Associated Gastritis
H Pylori Bacteria enters the body and resides in stomach
It attacks the Lining of the stomach that protects it from acid that digest the food.
Once bacteria damage the lining acid can enter through the lining easily causing ulcers.
H pylori produces its virulence through motility,urease activity and association with mucosal cells.
Urease activity create ammonia that neutralizes the activity of acid
Motility allows the bacteria to penetrate the mucus layer and promote association of bacteria and epithelial cells.
Pain in upper abdomen.
Feeling of fullness in upper abdomen.
Belching and heartburn.
Weight loss
Early satiety
Breath test – for H. Pylori Blood test– pernicious anemia and H pylori infections can be ruled out with blood test. Stool test-For presence of blood in stools. Endoscopy-for stomach lining inflammation and erosion Stomach biopsy Liver, kidney and pancreas function test.
Intense burning and heat in stomach and pit of stomach.violent burning pain. Vomiting after eating and drinking.
Spasmodic pain in abdomen. Colickly pain with urge to stool and urinate. Cutting Pains causing patient to bend. Reversed peristalsis.
Belching, vomiting, nausea. Ulcerative pain in Left side.gastritis especially of drunkards. Trembling and throbbing pain In stomach.enormous distension.
Cutting pain in abdomen soon after eating.dilatation in stomach, round ulcer of stomach, cannot digest meat, vomiting of bright yellow water.painful retraction, burning.
Abdominal colic with flatulent distension.stitchy ulcerative pain in left side of abdomen.nausea, retching vomitting of mucus.great craving for sweets.painful spot over stomach that radiates to all over abdomen.
Holarrhena Antidysentrica since ancient times in ayurveda is well regarded as a very good herb to cure amoebic dysentry, its now also comes in homoeopathic mother tincture form, theraputically its giving same benefits to patients with loose motion / Diarrhoea / Amoebic Dysentry.
Elaterium Officinarium Profuse Frothy Olive Green Watery forceful spurting diarrhoea with nausea and vomiting cutting gripping pain in abdomen, patient may or may not have fever with loose motion, fever typically presents with chills that typically sets in with Yawning and Stretching with darting pain in extremities.
Blumia Odorata no homoeopathic proving of this drug has been done till date but its ben used since centuries in ayurveda since centuries with great results for its antiheamorrhagic and antidysentric properties same when incorporated in homoeopathic mother tincture forms yields same results; typically indicated in diarrhoea and dysentry with much blood mixed in stools, also a very usedful remedy in heamorrhagic piles/fissures/fistulas caused due to frequent acrid corossive loose motion with much tenesmus.
Magnesia Carbonica Green frothy watery stools looks like scumb over the frog pond with bloody mucous, patient has borborygmy and heavy downward pressive and gripping pain in abdomen more pronounced in right illiac fossa, before and during passing stools, cant tolerate milk in any form passes undigested with sour odour and has to exert a lot while passing, especially in pediartric cases. fever may accompany with diarrhoea or dysentrt and patient has sour smelling sweating during fever.
Alfa Alfa very useful in patient having painful frequent loose yellow stools with much flatulence, it promotes absorption nutrients and fuilds thus helps solidification and formation of stools if given in material doses in mother tincture form.
Abrotanum Ravenous hunger with lienteric stools with undigested food particles seen in stools, bloody dysentry, patient eats well still looses flesh, well suited to patients with PEM Protein Energy Malnutrution like MARASMUS and KWASHIORKER where patient has pot-belly abdomen and and very thin limbs, well suited to patient having diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome secondary to gouty diathesis or rheumatism.
Aethusa Cynapium typically suited to nursing children , Summer Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea Due To Dentition, diarrhoea with much projectilevomitting in infants curd like diarrhoea ; diarrhoea associated with epileptic attack. Cant tolerate milk. diarrhoea during cholera in infants.
Jatropha Curcas loud borborygms with pain in right hypochondrium and below right scapula, cramps in limbs and abdomen, with cold feeling and cold body, DIARRHOEA – Profuse Rice-Watery Diarrhoea with sudden forceful evacuation giving out loud sound right from abdomen to outside as if wateris gushing out forcefully from a bung-hole, diarrhoea due to supressed measles
Podophyllum Peltatum Diarrhea aggravated in morning with fever, Pain only in liver region otherwise painless ammelioration on lying on stomach, borborygmy with GERD nausea and vomittimg, thirst for large quantity of cold water, burning in tongue broad large and moist tongue, profuse watery stools or jelly like, polychromatic but mostly greenish, good remedy for cholera infantum and diarrhoea during dentition and diarrhoea during pregnancy in women with lax pelvic muscles supporting ligaments and tendency towards prolapse of uterus and rectum,diarrhoea aggravated after hot drinks, hot water bath , hot climate , summer diarrhoea, general prostration after diarrhoea.
Nuphar Luteum Diarrhoea during typhoid, yellow morning diarrhoea with much remittent fever headaches and general weakness and prostration.
Constipation homoeopathic treatment requires a careful note of other digestive system disorders, patients dietary and exercise habbit, water and fluid consumption throughout the day, and addiction to any types of nerve stimulants like tea coffee tobacco etc.
A careful note of type of constitution and body make up is required with miasmatic background , history of various illnessess and medication should be ask about.
In homoeopathic remedy selection for constipation it is important to make note of character of stool and any peculiar pain or sensations for individualisation of case and repertorisation for similimum remedy selection.
Collinsonia Obstinate with no stools for days together, dry hard stools with pricking sensation while passing stools , which causing heamorrhoids, this remedy should be thought of in constipation of children with itching in anus and in women with dysmenorrhoea or during pregnancy.
Bryonia Alba Dry hard large thick dark brown knotty stools as if burnt, typical stitching pain while passing stools, constipation due to dryness of mucous membranes, Constipation in summer season calls for this remedy, it typically suits to constitutions who are robust with firm lean muscular fibers dark complexion and right sided affections aggravated in summer and ammeleorated in cold wether.
Nux Vomica incomplete unsatisfactory bowel clearance, frequent ineffectual urge to pass stools,this medicine is contradicted if patient has no desire or urge for stool, irregular peristalsis, constant uneasiness of rectum due to frequent urge for stools, Constipation due to side effects of homoeopathic medicines, constipation in persons having stressful sedentary lifestyle with habbit of frequent stimulants like tea cofee tobacco opium etc, night watching, constitutionally this subjects typically have irritable temperament ,short tempered gets angry soon and are lured by wine and women, Zealous fiery temperament, predominantly a male remedy.
Hydrastis Canadensis constipation due to slugish liver functions and gallbladder affections, sluggush nerves need for stimulants for urge to pass stools, smarting pain in rectum while passing stools, all gone empty sinking sensation in abdomen with constrictions and spasms berore and during passing stools.
Natrum Muriaticum Chronic constipation in person with hyperacidity, earthy complexion with lean thin emaciated body great craving for salt, ailments due to grief anger irritability , resentment , excess salt intake for prolonged period, cutting and gripping pain in abdomen before and during passing stools, constipation with cuts and ulcers on lips and corner of mouth.
Chelidonium Majus constipation due to affections of liver and gall bladder, obstructive jaundice, and sluggish intestinal motility, stools hard and in round balls , like sheep’s dung, pasty clay coloured , stools floats on water, burning and itching in rectum during and after passing stools.
Causticum Child can pass stools only while in standing position, Stool soft and small size like of Goose-quill or hard tough envoloped in mucous giving it greasy shiny appearance has to strain a lot due to partial oeresis of rectum.
Anacardium Orientale Plug like sensation in anus, spasmodic contractions of spincter ani with lack of control and pawer on spincter ani, ineffectual urge to pass stools.
Aletris Farinosa aversion to food, few mouth fill causes fullness of abdomen nausea and bilious vomitting, hyperacidity, dyspepsia , severe constipation with flatulent colic, hard large stool pain and difficulty to pass stools due to paralytic condition of rectum with lots of stools lodged inside,
Alumina Dry Hard knotty stools initially then followed with soft stools, no urge to pass stools and if at all there is urge to pass its painful, has to strain a lot to pass stools due to anal paretic condition causing soreness dryness and congestion with bleeding from rectum, especially in old people and infants and person suffering from chronic low dose aluminium poisoning due to cooking food in aluminumium utensils.
Pain in abdomen may be due to many reasons it can be because of minor gastric disturbance or may be due to severe conditions like Pancreatitis, Hepatitis, Ascitis, Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, Urolithiasis, Apendicitis, Tumours Malignant or Non Malignant, Hernia, Strangulated Hernia, Gastric or Peptic ulcers, fistula in Gastro Intestinal tract, Gynaecological complaints, Helminthiasis or Amoebiasis or other infections, Urinary tract infections etc.
All these may be due to minor infections or minor physiological disturbance to severe septic conditions and severe autoimmune conditions. So if pain persists then Its advisable to rule out any underlying pathological condition under observation of qualified physician.
In homeopathy each medicine has its own sphere of action, that is, more affinity towards certain organs and systems compared to other, also such action has a peculiar mode of action producing perculiar type of pathology in the organ, system and organism as a whole.
So its important to understand the person’s constitution and underlying pathological cause due to which the patient is having pain so that we can relate it to medicinal symptoms and select the most similimum medicine to treat not only the symptom of pain but also the underlying cause along with.
There are many medicines in homoeopathy which has special affinity towards certain abdominal organs and nerves along with, which can be used for abdominal pain depending on which organ and system is involved and what kind of patholigy its showing.
Below I have mentioned GENERAL MEDICINES that have specific affinity towards certain abdominal organs and produce peculiar pathological action giving rise to characteristic symptoms in corresponding constitution types that have been mentioned.(FOR MORE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS BEHIND ABDOMINAL PAIN I HAVE GIVEN LINKS OF MY VARIOUS ARTICLES)
MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA One of the best Anti-spasmodic remedy in homoeopathy, Severe cramping pain in abdominal muscles due to indigestion causing flatulence or constipation, gas in bowel loop compelling patient to bend double with eructation of gases, patient has fullness and distention of abdomen patient has to the loosens the belt or clothing around belly and walk with frequent release flatus relieved by rubbing with pressure and warmth.
NATRUM PHOSPHORICA complaints due to hyperacidity burning pain in abdomen and sour eructation , good remedy for Gastro-oesophageal-reflux disorder, patient has sensation of some lump type obstruction in throat, good remedy for flatulent colic during jaundice.
CARBO VEGETABILIS Its one of the best homoeopathy emergeny life saving remedies , can be used from minor to severe conditions ; typically suited to fat sluggish and lazy persons with weak vital force and immunity; typically shows singns of sluggish circulation causing hypoxic condition; also it affects the blood vessels causing ecchymosis and mucosal heamorrhage; stagnant circulation causing sepsis gangrene patient goes into septic shock with cyanosed appearance blueness of face and exretmities , very cold body but hot head; very good remedy for abdominal affections with or without infections Contractions from chest to abdomen; all gone empty sensation in abdomen not relieved after food, cramps in abdomen compelling patient to bend double, pain in abdomen due to slow sluggish digestion causing food to putrify, pain in abdomen and septicemia due to strangulated hernia.pain aggravates by lifting weight,exterme fetid flatulence with Gastro-oesophageal-reflux disorder distentension and fullness of abdomen pt has to loosen belt and clothes around waist(Mag phos); aggravation 30 minutes after meals even with the lightest mealor food, sour rancid belching, severe burning pain in epigastrium which is sensitive to touch ; general hyperacidity and flatulence due to indigestion ; pt has aversion to food in general esp heavy oily food, gastric disturbance triggers asthmatic affections. pain due to ulcers fistula in Gastro-intestinal tract. a good remedy in cholera typhoid liver affections gengrene hernia appendicitis
PLUMBUM METALLICUM constrictive sensation in internal organs,contracting and boring pain in abdomen, sensation as if whole abdominal wall is pulled backwards and tied to spine causing pressure tightness of abdomen and radiating pain, abdominal pain due to lead poisoning painter’s colic, pain in abdomen due to kidney ailments like acute nephritis etc. accumulation of gasses in bowel loop which doesnt pass off causing abdominal pain.
CAULLOPHYLUM False labour pains, Spasmodic pain of abdomen due to gastric disturbances.
COLOCYNTHIS cutting agonising pain in abdomen, boring sensation as if stone were ground together in abdomen,
MAGNESIA CARBONICA typically suited to individuals having hyperacidity and excessive secretion of digestive juices and mucous from gastro-intestinal tract,sour body odour , broken down and worn-out women during climecteric age having uterine affections; this individuals are oversensitive to external impressions like noise touch bright lights etc,typically ailments from blows , shock, brain fag, this constitutional types have tendency towards constipation; Pain in abdomen with Rumbling and Gurgling within very heavy downward dragging sensation towards right illiac fossa and pelvis, colicky gripping pain preceeds stools with severe tenesmus in constipation or when these subjects contract diarrhoea or dysentry.
BRYONIA ALBA typically suited to individual having tall dark robust lean and strong muscle fibre; patients having right sided complaints, Patient has stitching and tearing pain worse by slightest motion making patient too irritable due to pain , pt wants to rest complately due to it , burning, stitching, tearing, pressing pain in epigastrium as if a heavy stone was in the pit of the stomach, region to tender and sensitive to touch or slightest motion even on breathing for that purpose, severe constipation with stitching tearing pain in abdomen with dry hard knotty large stools difficult to pass.
NUX VOMICA predominantly a male remedy. It is a wonderful remedy to start homoeopathic treatment as it antidotes bad effects of most allopathic and homoeopathic medicines taken in past also it balances digestive system thats been disturbed due to irregular lifestyle ; medicines alcohol spicy oily food etc; Its frequently used by homoeopath as first prescription when the homoeopath wants to borrow time to conclude the constitution of the patient and yet start the basic treatment; This remedy is typically suited to persons whose constitution is deranged and shaped up as a result of leading irregular and sedentary life style ; like irregular meal pattern ireegular sleep pattern night watching ; no exercise ; excess of sexual indulgence and frequent excess of alcoholic beverages causing digestive disturbance and liver affectionsBruised and Sore abdominal muscles with stitching spasmodic colicky pain causing short breath and urge to pass stools ; abdominal distended with gaseous accumulationspain due to strangulated inguinal and umbilical hernia; Pain in abdomen due to alcoholic hangover; Pain due to severe constipation as a bad effect of allopathic medication.
ASAFOETIDA Typically suited more to hysterical and Hypochondriacal patients,flatulent and spasmodic contraction of stomach and oesophagus with reverse peristalsis, abdominal pain due to severe ulcers fistulas and other abdominal presentation of secondary and tertiary syphillis; this rem,edy has typical boring pulsating and throbbing pain; lots of gas formation pain around umbilicus gasses accumulates in large quantity and the whole ball of gas ascends upwards giving out frequent loud eructations with pain in epigastrium.
ALOE SOCOTRINA Piles like bunch of grapes, protruding external piles, weak spincter ani with no power to hold back stools causing insecurity and want more control over spincter ani as there is constant bearing down sensation in rectum, confused on sensation wether its call for stool or flatus, stools ar pasty lumpy and watery or jelly like mucoid which passes out involuntarily with soreness and burning pain in rectum, pt frequently constipated with bearing down sensation in lower abdomen
AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM piles looking like ground nut most of the times internal , sensation as if all rectal veins are engorged and pulsating with swollen mucous membrane causing narrowing of passage making it difficult to pass stools, constipated with dry hard stools comes out in large lumps with efforts and severe sticking pain after stools as if anus was been sticked with hundreds of needle at a time with rectal prolapse (in severe cases), it accompanies with lumbo-sacral pain.
RATANHIA protruding heamorrhoids with fissures. Has to strain a lot to pass thin watery fetid stools with constant oozing. Cutting stitching burning pain as if anus was lodged with hundreds of broken glasses or knife with constriction and severe burning like from fire, pain starts just before and persists for many hours after stools with oozing of mucoid substsnce around anal region.
CALCAREA FLOURICA varices of vesseles around ano-rectal region, with frequent bleeding, piles are internal and has lumbago as concomittant, flatulence and constipation.
HAMAMELIS VIRGINCA Bleeding piles, blood in copious quantity, with sore raw feeling as if bruised with sensation of engorged vessels with pulsating sensation in rectal region.
ALUMINA Dry Hard knotty stools initially then followed with soft stools, no urge to pass stools and if at all there is urge to pass its painful, has to strain a lot to pass stools due to anal paretic condition causing soreness dryness and congestion with bleeding from rectum, especially in old people and infants and person suffering from chronic low dose aluminium poisoning due to cooking food in aluminumium utensils
COLLINSONIA sensations of constriction and pain as if sharp sticks in rectum with great itching and burning pain, severe obstinate constipation with no urge for days together alternates with diarrhoea.
HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS it has active ingredient hydrastine which acts on nerves, piles caused due to severe constipation , with no regular urge to pass stools, smarting and burning pain in rectum with contractions and spasms of intestimes rectum and muscles of abdomen and anal region
CARDUS MARIANUS Hard knotty clay-like stools causing Ano-rectal varices and heamorrhagic piles in patients with liver and gall bladder affections, rectal cancer , rectal prolapse.
BLUMEA ODORATA bleeding piles with diarrhoea and dysentry, copious bleeding, arrests bleeding soon.
Severe Piles before treatment At Dr SHAH’s Homoeopathy- Dr DEEPAN P SHAH
Severe Piles during treatment At Dr SHAH’s Homoeopathy- Dr DEEPAN P SHAH
Severe Piles Cured Completely After treatment At Dr SHAH’s Homoeopathy- Dr DEEPAN P SHAH
Homoeopathic medicines helps regularise weight of a person as per constitution and requirements of an individual.
For optimal realisation of Homoeopathic medinical effects the medicines needs to be selected as per the constitution with special emphasis on physiological imbalances and any other underlying pathological factors needs to be ruled out.
If not selected in accordance with the homoeopathic principles, the medicine might not yield desired result.
Similarly if selected in accordance with Homoeopathic principles it will not only help in weight gain but also resolve any other underlying abnormalities found in proper physiological functioning of body. As the medicines work via improving constitution of a person.
Below are simplified guidelines to select few of the generally used common medicines which are easy to select that most of the instances are hard to fail and can help gain weight in individuals with below normal weight.
Abrotanum especially suited to person with Protein Energy Malnutrition, in ascending type of Marasmus, pot belly with lean thin arms and limbs, in person who eats well but still loses flesh Kwashiorker Protein Energy Malnutrition PEM , in person with Gouty Diathesis who lose muscles, in person who lose weight due to chronic Diarrhoea dysentery, linteric stool with visible undigested food particles in stools.
Alfa Alfa general homoeopathic tonic to improve digestion promote protien absorption and metabolism.
Ashwagandha / Withania promotes testosterone secretion thus promoting protien metabolism improving muscle mass and reducing fats
Natrum Mur weak lean malnourushed emaciated person with unhealthy skin and earthy complexion, irritability and depressive temperament causing weight loss.
Tuberculinum weightloss due to past or present tuberculosis
Phosphorus lean thin pale person with history of tuberculosis and sensitive to cold.
Arsenicum Album typically suited in patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, bulemia nervosa, person stops eating due to fear fright and anxiety of death, disease or obesity.
Chelidonium Majus weight loss due to sluggish liver function
Lycopodium low body weight or weightloss due to liver disease or sluggish liver function.
Pulsatilla in women with depressing emotion weeping desposition pale fair complexion with tendency towards hyperacidity and tendency to catch cold easily.
Lose Weight (Fat Loss) – 10 Best Homoeopathic Medicines
To Lose Weight in obese patient who wants to reduce weight it is necessary to rule out all the pathological factors which may be responsible for obesity and if any found then first the underlying abnormalities needs to be treated first.
Each case preferably needs to be individualised properly as per homoeopathic principles for medicine selection, to yield best results of homoeopathic medicines.
Though , there are some generally used common homoeopathic medicines to lose weight which I have simplified to select by providing basic guidelines which are hard to fail in most of the cases,
Phytolacca Berry well proven homoeopathic medicine for weightloss in general.
Fucus Vesiculosus compliments well to phytolacca berry and when both given intermittently during weightloss treatment works wonders.
Calcarea Carbonica Generalised obesity, for fair, fat and flabby women especially in their forties, mentally and physically sluggish , well suited to women with thyroid disorders.
Thuja Occidentalis obesity due to excessive hunger and abnormally high appetite.
Ignetia Amara obesity in females due to depressing emotion and PCOS.
Thyroidinum obesitydue to thyroid disorder
Sepia obesity in female do to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Iodium obesity due to disorder in thyroid glands
Bromium obesity due to disorder in thyroid gland
Nux Vomica for weight gain due to sedentary lifestyle, irregular dietary habbits, irregular routine, lack of sleep, typical central obesity.
To lose weight a person needs to keep strict control on his diet and need to do exercise on regular basis along with medicines for faster and better results.
One needs to keep check that he doesnt lose muscle mass in the process
I recomend to completely stop sugar and jaggery
Oil and Ghee not more than 1-2 tsp throughout the day
Increase protien intake as per intensity of workout
Increase fiber intake in form of salads and fruits that are not too sweet
4-5 small meals throughout the day
Ample of water throughout the day
1 hour yoga or brisk walk
Intense workout under professional guidance for those wants to achieve subnormal so called ripoed and defined body.
Atleast 7 hours of continious sleep at a stretch is recomended.
Basically this article emphasises more on medicines so diet and regime will be discussed in detail in other article.