Chalazion is a small, usually painless lump or swelling that appears on eyelids as a result of cyst formation due to blockage of duct of Meibomian gland or rarely of Glands of Zeis. It can appear on upper and lower eyelids. It can be single or multiple and can affect both the eyelids of both the eyes at same time.


CHALAZION is caused by a blockage in duct of one of the tiny Meibomian Gland of upper and lower eyelid or due to infection or inflammation of Meibomian Gland and rarely of Gland of Zeis in which it is usually secondary to Stye.

Meibomian Glands are responsible for secretion on Meibum which is oily in nature that traps tear within eye by forming thin layer above surface of secreted tear, thus retaining it in eye by not letting it spill out and also reduces evaporation of tears thus playing a major role in keeping eye moist. There are around 50 mebomian glands in upper eyelids and 25 mebomian glands in kower eyelids they are situated on the rim of eyelids on Tarsal plate

Glands of Zeis are sebaceous glands that open up in hair follicle of eyelash they secrete sebum to keep eyelids and eyelash soft and supple, it also plays part in providing lubrication. In this gland the chalazion formed is usually secondary to stye and is not too frequent.

It is more common in people with following risk factors

  • Chronic Blepharitis
  • Seborrhea
  • Rosacea
  • Long term inflammation of eyelids.
  • Infective conjunctivitis.
  • Person wearing contact lenses.
  • Those who have frequent exposure to pollution, smoke, dust etc.
  • Those using Kajal or Surma.


  • Painless lump or swelling in upper and lower eyelid usually visible or palpable.
  • It can affect both eyes at the same time.
  • Usually they are well defined round with sharp margin and whole surface of sphere is easily palpable if held netween fingers with eyelids gliding over it.
  • There can be one or multiple chalazia.
  • Sometimes in cases of multiple the chalazia, due to frequent secondary infections, they may mate and overlap adjecent chalazia.
  • In mated and overlaping multiple chalazia it becomes necessary to rule out malignancy.
  • Symptoms depend on its size larger chalazia may cause disturbance in vision due to obstruction of viewing fleid.
  • In some cases it may cause nystagmus.
  • If there is secondary infection then it  might be red and inflammed in appearance and may also occasionally be painful.
  • May complicate and show blepheritis as well.


Sometimes Chalazion may be confused with external or internal Stye.



Is caused due to infection in the area of eyelash follicle or sweat gland.


It is caused due to infection of a meibomian gland.

Difference between chalazia and stye is that stye are painful but chalazia usually aren’t and chalazia may develop after stye.

By physical examination or by asking the patient if there is pain so that it can be differentiated whether it is stye or chalazion. Although chalazion with secondary infection may be painful, so proper evaluation is required in all doubted cases, by checking the location and palaption helps to diagnose properly.

Chalazia those are abnormally large or has abnormal texture of skin over it or is fixed and skin over it is not freely gliding or they are recurring or multiple or overlaping or suspicious with other unusual characteristics should be investigated for malignancy.

Differential diagnosis includes

  • Stye
  • Mebomian adenoma
  • Carcinoma of sebaceous gland
  • Sarcoid Granuloma
  • Foreign Body Granuloma.


Chalazion may disappear by its own just use a warm compression to your eyelid it can reduce the swelling. If it does not reduce then necesary treatment is essential.


Under conventional mode of treatment, surgical removal of chalazion is the only option. which has its own comolications like dryness of eyes and irritation of eyes due to scar formation at site of excision and also it damages and makes mebomein glands non functional forever.

However, In homeopathy chalazion is treated in a non invasive manner with gentle and effective approach.

Few indicated homeopathic remedies in Chalazion are


Presents with swollen eyelids, redness, intolerance of heat and touch especially right sided with burning and stinging sensation.


Patient presents with itching and thick profuse discharge, Worse in warm room better in open air. There is dimness of vision swelling of eyelid and patient wishes to rub or wipe eye constantly.


Indicated in Recurrent chalazion, better by warmth application. Sunken eyes , heat in eyeball, feel dry despite lachrymation.


Indicated in case of Chalazion. Eyelids stick together, usually left sided, eye lid feel heavy as lead and may be dry and scaly. Bluring of vision.


Indicated in case of chalazion, recurrent stye, conjunctivitis, red and swollen eyelid with much dryness it is good for blepharitis too. Indicated remedy for eruption on lids that become hard over a period of time.


Indicated in case of chalazion. Gland enlarged and become stony hard useful in patient has had chalazion for a very long time. Swelling of eyeild with pain.


Indicated in case of chalazion. Frequently used remedy for stye and chalazion which have a tendency to become stony hard over a period of time for chronic and long standing complaints.


I have found this remedy effective in almost allthe cases of chalazion when given in 30 potency with frequent repetition 2-3 times a day for a prolonged period of time and then chalazion starts showing signs of inflamation after which the medicines should be stopped and soon we see the chalazion gradually is resoved in few weeks after the medicines were stopped.

12 thoughts on “CHALAZION”

    1. Coconut oil has no role in treating chalazion.
      Its not recomended to use coconut oil for treatment of chalazion as you might introduce infection into your eye by doing so if the oil is contaminated.

  1. Dear doctor,

    I have several chalazions. Internally and externally. Had it for almost 6 months. I want to try homeotherapy. I live in the Netherlands. I have the following medecine at home. What would you recommend me to take?
    Staphysagria 200C
    Conium maculatum 200c
    Pulsatilla nigricans 200c
    Plantanu occidentalus 30c

    Please help me, i have surgery planned for the end of the month, but i want to try this first.

    Kind regards,

    Yacine Bath

    1. At Dr Shah’s Homeopathy, we treat chalazion with homeopathic medicines
      For more information on homeopathic treatment for chalazion, you can call us or visit our clinic.

  2. Dear doctor.. please help me it is happening for 3 months without losing it happens both of side I worry it.the right one side is a little small

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