Acne or Pimples is a chronic skin disorder affecting pilosebaceous units caused due to clogged skin’s hair follicles by dead skin, excess sebum, dust and pollution.
It is also called Acne Vulgaris
It is characterised by oily skin, comedons, black-heads, white-heads, pimples and scarring and pigmentation.
It usually presents itself in region dense with sebeceous glands, like on face, chest and back.
Strong Genetic and Heredity association is found in 80% cases. During puberty surge in hormones triggers Acne in both sexes. Diet, cleanliness, medication, infections, pollution environmental factors ,sunlight exposure, stress, smoking and other lifestyle factor seems to contribute in not all but many cases in varing degrees. propionibacterium acnes a commonly found on skin which frequently outgrows in number and contribute to acne in most of the cases.
Acne are categorised based on severity and there are various methods to do this Cook’s photographic scale of 0-8 grades, Leed’s scale of 0-10 with 2 modified versions of 0-11 and 0-12 and Pillsburry’s scale of 1-4 grades. A scale of mild, moderate and severe is commonly used which easily helps to quickly decide line of treatment.
Mild form has only clogged hair follicle called comedones also known as black-head(open mouth comedone) and white-head(closed mouth comedone) and very occasional pimples are found on trunk .
Moderate form has pappules and pustules forming on clogged hair follicles called pimples are found on face and trunk.
Severe form has cysts and nodules its termed severe nodular acne and is present extensively on face and trunk.
Acne is a chronic skin disorder affecting pilosebaceous units caused due to clogged skin’s hair follicles due to
- Excess sebum production under influence of androgen
- Excess keratin deposition in hair follicle
- Infection and colonization of the hair follicle by Propionibacterium acnes
- Local activation of inflamatory mediators.
Dihydroxytestosterone and increased amount DHEA-S of secreted during adrenarche leads to excessive Sebum production prevents dead cells and debri to clear itself from hairfollicle causing an initial keratin and debri clog within and form microcomedon, excessive skin cell proliferation also contributes in development of clog its further complicated by colonisation of Propionibacterium Acnes which forms a slimy biofilm within the hair folicle and helps forming a comedone.
If comedone is superficial the melanin pigments gets exposed giving it dark colour so its called blackhead also called open comedone.
If the comedone is deep within the hair follicle, unexposed, it is called whitehead also called closed comedone.
Many of the comedones further progress into papules, pustules and nodules, also it may affect deeper tissue and form deep tissue nodule.
Kali bromaticum is one of the most indicated remedy in case of Acne. In Kali bromaticum pimples usually begins in the teenage. Reddish pustules on the face causing grooves. Pimples usually have a depressed centre. Face is usually flushed, yellowish, cahetic look with pimples on face. In females the acne are worse prior to the menstrual period and during the time of menstruation. Exhausted look of face, lifeless and expressionless. Inflammation and great redness of face due to pimples.
It was said that in the golden age, when men lived on acorns, God lived upon walnuts and hence the name Juglans (Jupitars nut). Juglans regia stimulates the body’s defense mechanism and acts on various skin problems like pimples, eczema etc. Juglans regia is a very beneficial remedy in case of Acne. Indicated comedone of face. Reddish hard painful swelling of cheeks due to pimples. Acne filled with pus. Sharply defined depressed dark red erruptions, pus is seen through the thin skin.
Calcarea sulph is a Schussler’s connected tissue salt and most of the indications for its use are derived from his clinical experience. It has been extensively used for acne treatment based upon the biochemic theory. Very valuable remedy in case of pimoles. pimples with pustules on the face. Pale and sick looking face. Severe erruptions on face with itching. Pain in the erruptions after exposure to cold. Cold sweat on face. Useful in severe cystic acne. Lesions usually persists in one place for weeks and do not heal quickly. Yellow creamy pus drains for a long time. Unhealthy skin with yellowish scabs. Pimples on face, near hairline.
Mercurius solubilis is a powerful remedy which acts on every organ and tissue of the body.Very useful remedy in cases of acne. Earthy, puffy, dirty looking face, with constantly perspiring skin. A big pimple is surrounded by multiple smaller ones. Itchy erruptions, yellowish brown or greenish discharge from pustular pimples, often streaked with blood. Worse from extremes of temperature. Yellowish scabs with purulent pustules. Severe Burning of pimples.
Acne is by far the most commonest skin condition. Although prevalent among teens, a number of old people are also struggling with this condition. Echinecea angustifolia is the most effective remedy in case of acne. Echinecea angustifolia plant has its roots from daisy family. It makes the subcutaneous and superficial blood vessel walls stronger. This makes the skin more resistant and less penetrable from either the bacteria or free radicles that promote the development of acne. Echinecia helps to lower the inflammation levels due to its antibacterial properties. Echinecea angustifolia enhances good circulation and hence the skin will be clear and free from dead skin cells that clog the pores. It helps to accelerate the body’s natural defense mechanisms of flushing out the toxins.
Azaderechta indica has been used since decades as a traditional medicine in treatment of Acne. Azaderchta indica is known commonly as Neem. It is aaociated to Meliaceae family. Azaderchta indica detoxifies the body and acts as a blood purifier. Every part of Neem is useful with number of medicinal properties. It has been used since ancient times to treat many skin problems. It has a soothing effect on irritating skin. Very useful in acne. It acts as a nutritive tonic to skin. The antebacterial properties help to reduce the risk of infections. Azaderachta indica reudces the inflammations and puffiness of acne. Purifies blood thus gives radiance to skin. Pimples with severe redness, pus and tendency to form scars. Painful to touch.
Berberis aquifolium has a marked action on the skin producing pimples, dry, rough and scaly erruptions. Acne is the most common and psychologically distressing skin disorder which is very well managed by Berberis aquifolia, it clears acne and hence clears the skin. It also helps to erase scars on skin. Berberis aquifolia is one of the recommended medicine for its cleansing effect and helps in lightening of complexion.
Pulsatilla nigricans is a very effective remedy for acne during puberty. Especially indicated in young girls. Young girls usually suffer from various hormonal changes which lead to formation of pimples. Acne is worse during time of or around the time of menses, eating rich and fatty food. Especially indicated around time of puberty or when pimples breaks out near menstrual periods.
Hepar sulphur is one of the indicated remedies in acne. Usefull in acne in case of adolescents with unhealthy skin. Yellowish complexion. Great sensitiveness to slightest touch. Useful in pimples that are pustular in nature. The pus may be blood stained at times. The pimples are extremely painful. Tendency to form boils or abscess.
Acne like boils on face especially on cheeks. Slow healing acne which leave pitting scars. Silicea face is waxy, tired, anaemic. Pustular and vesicular erruptions spread over the face. Erruptions and crusts peel off with no healing. Useful in cases of pimples with offensive pus formation. Indicated in treating all types of skin problems. Pimples on forehead and cheeks. Silicea is usually chilly with increased sweating of palms and soles.

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