All posts by Dr Deepan



BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a disease of males. It is a non-malignant(non-cancerous) enlargement of prostate glands.

Anatomical and Physiological basics of Prostate Gland

Prostate is an exocrine gland about the size of walnut and weight about 7-14gms with median of 11gms it lies below urinary bladder surrounding the urethra with its glandular duct opening in prostatic part of urethra.

It is partly Glandular and partly Muscular. The Glanduloalveolar part produces alkaline prostatic fluid and the Muscular part helps to ejaculate this fluid into prostatic part of Urethra to mix it with sprems produced by testes and form the semen.

Externally it seems to be divided into 4 lobes

  • Anterior lobe or isthemus,
  • Posterior lobe
  • Right and left Lateral lobes
  • Median lobe or middle lobe

The cut section of prostate doesnt show distribution as that of lobe pattern as seen externaly also the morphological distribution is different at different age so in pathology its divided into zones rather than studying in lobes.

  • Peripheral Zone
  • Central Zone
  • Transition Zone
  • Anterior Fibromuscular zone

Pathophysiology of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia BPH

As the men age the production of Aromatase and 5 alpha reductase increases.

Both Aromatase and 5 alpha reductase converts Androgens(male hormones) into Oestrogen and Dihydroxytesterone. Which results into reduced levels of testosterone and increased levels of Dihydroxytesterone and Oestrogen. Oestrogen stimulates growth of prostatic cells and Dihydroxytesterone a powerful anabolic hormone synergestically aids in to the action of oestrogen in growth of prostatic cells.

In which not only the stromal cells but also glandular cells undergo hyperpalsia. Although stromal hyperplasia is more predominant than the glandular, contadicting this the lateral and median lobe that have more glandular tissue and they are seen to enlarge more compared to anterior which has comparatively lesser glandular tissue.

BPH is closely associated with malignancy and its usually found in transition zone.

Risk Factors for Benign prostatic Hypertrophy BPH

  • Aging
  • Genetic and Familial predesposition
  • Smoking and alcohol
  • Sedentary and Stressful lifestyle
  • Obesity and Metabolic syndrome
  • Diabetes and hypertention
  • Abuse or frequent use of Anabolic hormones and aphrodisiac drugs.

Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy BPH

  • Patient typically presents with symptoms of lower urinary tract symptoms like
  • Stangury.
  • Slow and feeble stream of urine.
  • Frequent Urge to urinate.
  • Retention of urine.
  • Urge to urinate soon after passing it once
  • Post void terminal dribbling of urine
  • Intermittent stream of urine
  • Sensation as if some urine is left back, which he ineffectually tries to clear it up.
  • Involuntary passing of urine.
  • Nocturnal Enuresis.
  • Lack of confidence to hold urine on urge to pass
  • May show complications like urinary bladder stones, freqient urinary tract infections which may potentially damage bladder spincter or kidney, retention of urine.
  • Bleeding in urination or per rectum is a sign of severity and needs urgent intervention to rule out the cause and need proper eveluation for presence of malignancy

Diagnosis of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy BPH

  • Per rectal examination to check any enlargement in size by palpating prostate per rectum.
  • Sonography shows enlarged glands and size shape and echotexture are to some extent helpful indicator of malignancy
  • PSA test -Prostate Specific Antigen if elevated it indicates probablilty of malignancy though not specific but many its most of the times elevated in patient with malignancy but it is not specific to it as patients without malignancy also many times shows elevated levels but in maligmamt cases its much more frequent.
  • PSA should not be done few days after sonography as its observed that PSA levels tend to alter after sonography.
  • Biopsy to rule out malignancy in cases where the USG report shows unusually enlarged prostate or abnormal shape or echotexture or changes in surrounding tissues or elevated PSA levels or in patients with unusual symptoms.
  • CT scan may be required in severe cases with complications and or doubt of malignancy.

Homoeopathic Medicines for Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy BPH

  • Sabal Serrulata
  • Chimaphilla
  • Conium Maculatum
  • Phytolacca Decandra
  • Kalium Muriaticum
  • Ustillago
  • Baryta Carbonica
  • Baryta Muriaticum
  • Calcarea Fluorica


Vitamin D Deficiency is also called as Hypovitaminosis D and is very common form of nutritional deficiency and it is closely associated with calcium level in blood as it plays a major role in calcium regulation in body.

Vitamin D also called Cholecalciferol is a Fat Soluble Vitamin produced naturally in skin where a precursor 7-Dehydrocholestrol is converted into Pre- Cholecalciferol through conrotatory pathway when exposed to Ultra Violet B (UV-B) rays present in sunrays having wavelenght between 290nm-315nm causing electrocyclic reaction with optimal synthesis between 295nm-300nm when exposed for several minutes to form an equilibrium.

This Pre-cholecalciferol finally undergoes (1,7) antarafacial sigmatropic rearrangement to finally isomerize into cholecalciferol, which an inactive form of Vitamin D.

Cholecalciferol further undergoes Hydroxylation in Liver whith help of 25-Hydroxylase in Hepatocytes and is converted to 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol(Calcifediol) which is an inactive form.

Calcifediol further undergoes Hydroxylation in kidney with help of 1-α-Hydroxylase to form (1,25)dihydroxycholecalciferol(Calcitriol) which is an active form of Vitamin D. Parathyroid hormone tightly regulates amount of active Vitamin D circulating in blood by controlled activation of 1-α-hydroxylase.

Vitamin D Deficiency is usually caused due to

  • Insufficient exposure to Ultra Violet B radiation from Sun. Person with  dark skin colour are more prone to its deficiency as melanin pigment absorbs UVB and doesnt let it penetrate in skin sufficient enough to activation Vitamin D synthesis. also use of sunscreen peeparations doesnt let sufficient penetration of UVB. Also time and period of exposure, altitude, longitude presence of clouds type of clothing worn by person etc determines its amount of absorption and penetration in skin.
  • Insufficient dietary in take of Vitamin D.
  • Cholecalciferol(Vitamin D) is converted into 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol in liver. In certain liver diseases this step of metabolism is disturbed and vitamin D is not converted into 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol(Calcifediol).
  • 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol(Calcifediol) is further converted into active form that is 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol(Calcitriol) in kidney, certain kidney disease hampers this conversion.

Vitamin D deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin D Deficiency shows not only shows symptoms of its deficiency but also symptoms of calcium deficiency in most cases.

  • Osteomalacia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Triggers Osteoarthritis
  • Rickets
  • Periodontitis
  • Paraesthesia
  • Myalgia
  • Tetany
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Light-Headedness
  • Depression

Vitamin D Deficiency Diagnosis 

Vitamin D Deficiency is diagnosed by measuring level of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol in blood.

Normal level of Vitamin D in blood should range between 30-100ng/ml below this upto 20ng is considered as insufficiency and level below 20 ng is considered as Vitamin D Deficiency.

Sources of Vitamin D

  • Exposure of Skin to Sunlight
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Mushrooms
  • Fortified Milk and other food products like oats bread Fortified with Vitamin D.
  • Suppliments are available in both oral and injectible forms.

Excess intake of Vitamin D causes Nausea, Vomitting, Constipation , Confussion, Weakness, Kidney stones(urolithiasis).

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Calcium Deficiency as commonly used  is an ambiguous and misleading term as it may refer to two conditions Dietary Insufficiency without evident Hyopcalcaemia or Hypocalcaemia without Dietary Insufficiency of Calcium both have different Causes and Implications.

Hypocalceamia means reduced calcium level in blood serum below average range of 8.8-10.7 mg/dl.

Calcium is very essential element in human body and is required for maintaining proper anatomical structure and physiological functions in human body, at cellular level of almost all tissue/ organ.

Serum Calcium levels are not indicative of general chornic calcium deficiency/insufficiency, as per body’s requirements,  as  Blood Serum Calcium levels are very tightly maintained in human body within a narrow range. If there is dietary insufficiency then it may not reflect in Blood Serum Levels as the body comprimises Bone Mineral Density to maintain normal Blood Serum Calcium levels as it is more important so as to maintain proper function of other organs and cells especially heart and nerves and other cellular processes as any disturbance in this due to low blood serum calcium level may cause severe acute life threatenig conditions.

Regular intake of calcium is necessary for proper functioning of the body, If there is dietary insufficiency of calcium then the body starts consuming it from bones to maintain normal Blood Serum Calcium level, this depletes the Bone Mineral Density which if prolonged may result into conditions like

  • Osteomalacia
  • Osteoporosis
  • May trigger or contribute to Osteoarthritis.
  • Rickets with pigeon chest open sutures and fontanalles and other anomalies in growing children.

Hypocalcaemia is a severe acute condition usually caused due to deficient calcium metabolism which is regulated by Parathyroid hormone , vitaminD and also healthy functioning of organs like liver and kidney are required for proper calcium metabolism.

Symptoms of Hyopcalceamia

Positive Bathmotropic Effect

As calcium blocks sodium channel which maintains the threshold level of depolarisation of nerve and muscle So, decreased level of calcium will decrease the threshold level for depolarisation which will result in to Positive Bathmotive Effect


Recurrent Petechial Heamorrhages which if persists, it tends to overlace and merge with each other appearing like purpura , it appears espescially on weight bearing and dependent parts.


Tingling and numb sensation on face especially in perioral region and in limbs on extremities like fingers spreading to hands and toes spreading to feet


Muscular pain especially in lower limbs, its may also accompany paraesthesia.


Painful and violent muscular cramps and contractions generalised or may be redtricted to carpopedal region.Positive Trousseau’s  and or Chvostek’s sign for Latent Tetany

Cardiac Symptoms

  • Decreased Chronotropic and Inotropic effect that is reduced heart rate and Myocardial Cantractibility.
  • Which causes decreased cardiac output.
  • ECG shows associated changes like intermittent QT prolongation, typical Ventricular Tachycardia.


  • Hypoparathyroidism
  • Low Vit D
  • Low dietary intake of calcium
  • Other pathological conditions like kidney or pancrease disease etc.

Homoeopathic Medicines for Calcium Deficiency or Hypocalcaemia

  • Calcarea Carbonica
  • Calcarea Phosphorica
  • Calcarea Fluorica
  • Silicea
  • Magnesia Carbonica
  • Magnesia Muriaticum
  • Magnesia Phosphorica
  • Zincum Metallicum
  • Natrum Mur
  • Natrum Phos
  • Kalium phos







Cancer is a disorder caused due to accumulation of mutations in genome. Usually these mutatuions are at more than one Locus. Typically genes which are responsible for controlled growth, maturation and differentiation of the cell are affected. This causes irregular and uncontrolled growth and multiplication of the cells, where most of the cells do not mature properly and also they lack differentiation.

Such cells starts growing abnormally and starts infilterating adjecent tissues and later starts migrating to other sites through lymphatics and blood vessels and infiltrates tissues at other site in body this is phenomenon called Metastasis.

As these cells are abnormal in growth and maturation majority of the cells of same tissue have abnormally different character due to which the tissue starts functioning abnormally and can not retain its normal structure as well.

This genetic anomaly can be a germ line defect or can be acquired due to life style or enviromental insults on the genome.

Most common known causes of cancer are


Its a well established fact that tobacco in any form causes cancer, almost 20% of cancer patient have tabocco as cause of cancer.

Ionising Radiations

Patient usually gets exposed to ionising radiations when he is subjected to radiological investigations for medical purpose or in region with high radioactivity due to previous contamination of the region with ionising radiation producing source or high intensity wireless communication system emitting radiations.

Non Ionising radiations

Exposure to heat of sun and its Ultra Violet radiations on regular basis for prolonged period of time, this type of exposure usually causes skin cancers like melanoma.


Cancer show strong association with obesity in its incedence and progression.

Faulty Diet high salt diet causes Gastric cancers. similarly too spice and oily diet more of processed food and maida are also associated with malignancies of gastro-intestinal system.


Certain virus causes cancer in humans like Human papiloma virus, Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus, Epstein-Barr Virus, Human T cell Leukemia virus.

Certain bacterias like Helicobacter Pylori are strongly associated with Gastric Carcinoma.

Sedentary life style

It is found that person having sedentary lifestyle with lack of exercise have shown inceased incidence and progression of cancer and vice a versa regular exercise reduces chances of cancer and in those who are affected shows regression or slowing down of progression of cancer


Now a days with industralisation air water earth food everything is polluted or adulterated with carcinogens beyond our human body’s capability to tolerate or adapt which has caused increase in incidence of cancer especially in industrailsed areas.

Exposure to benzene or other carcinogens.

Types Of Cancers Based On Cell Type


Cancer derived basically from Epithelial Cells which line the inner and oter linning of organs and they originate from endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm

They are further divided into

  • Adenocarcinoma

    Carcinoma in which microscopic features like cytology, tissue architecture, molecular products corresponds to Glandular cells and tissue pattern

  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    This type of Carcinoma microscopically shows cellular differentiating features resembling to squamous epithelium.

  • Adenosquamous Carcinoma

    This type of Carcinoma shows mixed pattern of Adenocarcinoma and Squamous cell carcinoma where each of the type comprises atleast 10% of tumour volume.

  • Undifferentiated or Anaplastic Carcinoma

    These types are high grade carcinomas where there is gross lack of cytological or histological differentiation compared to other differentiated carcinomas  this includes many Pseudo Sarcomatous subtypes like  Sarcomatoid Carcinoma, Spindle-Cell Carcinoma, Giant-Cell Carcinoma, Pleomorphic Carcinoma. Many a times Carcinoma and true Sarocoma co-exist e.g. Carcinosarcoma and Pulmonary Blastoma.

  • Small-Cell Carcinoma

    They are smaller in sizeand have less of cytoplasm with component of polygonal or spindle shape cells.

  • Large-Cell Carcinoma

    These types of carcinomas shows excess of cytoplasm filled – Large Monotonous round or polygonal cells.

  • Carcinoma of Unknown Primary(CUP)

    Where the lesion has transformed cells whose origin and developmental lineage is unknown but they show some typical cellular Histological and Molecular character of Epithelial Cells.

  • Carcinoma in Situ

    Epithelial cells not cancerous but significantly abnormal  to fall in transition phase but not exactly Carcinoma.


Cancer derived from Non Heamatopoeitic Messenchymal Cells that is Messenchymal Cells which are outside bone marrow


Cancer originating from Heamotopoeitic cells that arise from bone marrow and mature in Lymphnodes.


Cancer originating from Heamotopoeitic cells that arise from bone marrow and mature in Blood.


Cancer derived from precursor or intermediate cells forms and embryonic tissue.


Cancer derived from Pluripotent cells mostly present in Testes and Ovaries.

Genetics of Cancer

We can broadly divided genes involved in cancer in two types of sets viz

  • Oncogene Genes – Genes Responsible for Growth Maturation and Division of cells
  • Tumour Supressor Genes – Genes that inihibit the growth of cells

Any mutation in the above class of genes which alters their activity may result into transformation of normal cell into malignant cancerous cell. Typically such cells shows many mutations at various Loci.


Homeopathy – FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions on Homeopathy and Homeopathic Treatment.

Homeopathy and Homeopathic treatment related questions that are frequently asked by patients and laymen are being answered in and explained in this article.

1) What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is coined from “Homoeos” which means “Similars” and “Pathies” which means “Sufferings”. Homeopathy is based on principle of “Similia Similibus Curentur” which mean “Same Cures Same”.

The Discovery Of Homeopathy and the Principle “Similia Similibus Curentur”.

It was discovered and developed by Master Samuel Christain Fredrich Hahnemann. Discovered just 350years ago making it the youngest system of medicine. It was while hahnemann was translating Cullen’s Materia Medica. Hahnemann found that juice of Cinchonna bark cures malaria and if Cinchonna bark juice is given to the healthy individuals they produce malaria like symptoms. This for Hahnemann was, like what was falling of apple, to newton on his head. Hahnemann then tried and tested many different naturally occuring substances on healthy individuals. He then systematically noted symptoms. He further refined it with grading of their degree of intensity and the rate of occurance. Hahnemann then observed that if a person in disease is administered a substance based on the similiraty of symptoms of disease along with its grading then the disease gets cured.

Reference in ancient history of Homeopathic principle

Hahnemann then worked to systematise data and its application, to further discover about this well known principle thats been used since ancient times. Since thousands of years  sanskrit has the saying that “Vishasya Vishanam Aushadam” which means “Poison is the Medicine for Poison” and “Unshanam Unshnena Sheetalam” meaning “Heat helps to reduce heat”. During ancient times, kings like Mithridates and Chandragupta Maurya used to consume poison in a very small quantity on regular basis. This gave them resistance towards that substance, sabotaging the poisoning conspiracy by their enemies.

His research found other deeper aspects and gave a wider view to this ancient knowledge, that is, if any person in disease is administered with any substance that is having capacity to produce, in healthy subject, symptoms similar to that of the diseased subject then the diseased subject can be cured of the disease with that particular substance.

The Mode of Administration of Homeopathic medicines

Unlike other systems of medicine, rather than giving heavy dose of medicinal substance and relying on primary action of that material drug itself, in Homeopathy we take the benefit of body’s responses to that stimulus of the drug which we call secondary response which is body’s response towards stimulus.

In Homeopathy, we administer substance in very minute doses, sufficient enough to stimulate body processes in response to this stimulus, and then without interfereing with any further dosing with the same or any other medicines, we wait till the body continues to produce and complete sequence of good restorative processes. Only after this the next dose is administered of same or other medicine if required. In Homeopathy, sometimes only one single dose is suffieient to cure many severe disease conditions.

Principle of Trinity – Mind, Body and Soul an insepersble whole.

Homeopathy is regarded as the only system that has in depth view and understanding of subtle naunces of body’s responses towords various minutest stimulus in all its dimensions, that is mind, body and soul making a unity, which is working as a whole.

Individualised Treatment

In homeopathy, person in disease is treated after proper individualisation. This recent concept of reqiurement, importance and realisation of  need for individualised medicine in Allopathic system was incepted first in Homeopathic system of medicine that too 350 years ago. Since its origin, in homeopathy, each and every patient is individualised first only after that specific remedy is administered.

Hahnemann did one of its kind work, that compiled and organised such an extensive information of the effects of various substances on healthy humans, with relation to its benefits on diseased individuals when given on principle of similars in nanogram proportions or nano particles. He is considered as Father of Homoeopathy. Hahnemann himself initially was MD Allopathic doctor and till date he is well regarded, in the field of modern pharmacology, for his one of its kind contribution. The contribution of extensive work of human provings of number of substances, with grading of symptoms and compiling such an extensive information.

2) What is difference between Homeopathy Ayurveda and Allopathy?

Both Ayurveda and Homeopathy use naturally occuring substances in their medicines but the principle of administering the same substance is absolute opposite. Where as allopathy mostly uses artificially prepared chemicals.


Homeopathy is based on principle of “Same Cures Same“ and all the Homeopathic remedies are strictly administered as per this principle only, in all the disease condition. Where as in Ayurveda their medicines are mostly based on “Opposite Cures Opposite”.

In Homeopathy, we use only one remedy at a time, in minimal dose required to stimulate the latent body processes and vital force, without harming body with harmful effects of large material doses of medicinal substances. Where as in Ayurveda compared to Homeopathy they administer large material doses of medicinal substances and depend on direct primary effects of that material dose.

In Homeopathy, we believe that disease is caused due to disturbance in “Vital Force”- the Autocratic, Automatic, Dynamic and Intelligent forces encoded and embeded in our each and every cell. These forces interact with each other to form a self-protective self-preserving dynamic larger form called Vital Force.

Any external inimical insults on it, that are sufficient enough to derange the Vital Force of the body causes disease. And diseases are classified as per their miasms that is the type of disturbance produced by such inimical forces in our Vital Force. In Homeopathy these disturbances of Vital Force are broadly categorised into thre major types viz Psora, Syphillis and Psychosis and there are other overlaping types.


Ayurveda believes in three basic humours of the body Vaata, Pitta and Cough and disturbance in this causes disease.


Allopathy is term coined by non other than the founder of Homeopathy Dr Hahneman. He termed it because the medicines administered are either on basis of opposite cures or no relevance at all in most cases. Allopaths believe that disturbances in physiology  are due to excesses, deficiencies and infections which can be easily restored by adding or subtracting chemically prepared analogues of enzymes, hormones, mediators, antibiotics and other various chemicals in large doses. Knowing not, that it only further spoils the fine equilibrium and harmonious interplay of body’s physiology. Ignoring the fact that there are inumerable other factors also involved which no mathematics  or microsocpy can find out. They completely rely on chemically prepared material doses to act, rather than to wait for body’s secondary response to stimulus of substance administered. Even though they know the fact that for each and every stimulus body has response and is usually opposite to action of stimulus. So initially patient finds relief but later it aggravates when medicine is withdrawn and withdrawal symptoms sets in.

3) Is Homeopathy slow in action?

Its a myth that Homeopathy is slow in action. Most of the cases visiting to homeopaths are chronic cases. The complaints they present with are years of failed experimentations of allopathic doctors. In such old chronic cases, we do take time. But in acute cases most of the times Homeopathy is faster than allopathy. If compared to Allopathy, Homeopathy cures man in disease from the root and completely annihilates the disease. So its the fastest and the best, as allopathy is not even able to reach the goal, that is to cure.

4) Does Homeopathic medicines cause side effects?

Homeopathic medicines if taken in accordance with Homeopathic principles as mentioned in organon of medicine under consultation of qualified and experienced Homeopathic doctor, then it doesnt have any side effects. But if not taken as per principles, it may cause severe aggravations and eventually killing the patient. As the medicine that’s administered is bases on principle of similar sufferings cures. Such aggravations in homeopathy are termed as KILLER’s AGGRAVATION.

5) Does Homeopathic medicines have steroids?

None of the Homeopathic medicines have steroids.

And even if someone wants to cheat patients with mixing steroids, then its not possible. The reason behind it is, homeopathic medicines are given in very minute doses, which are not repeated frequently, so mixing doesnt make sense.

Though this topic crop up now and then, its only because of conducting nonspecific tests on homeopathic samples. There are certain non specific tests for steroids which also turn false positive in the presence of Lactose or Alcohol due to its non specific character. So for testing steroids in homeopathic medicines only highly specific test should be carried out to avoid false alarm of false positive due to presence of lactose and alcohol.

6) Are Homeopathic medicines harmful if taken for longer period of time?

Homeopathic medicines, if taken under consultation of homoeopathic physician as per principles of homeopathic organon of medicine untill required, then it doesnt harm at all. Regardless of how long its been taken, it simply cant harm, if its taken as per principles, it will only benefit.

7) Does homeopathic medicine cause weight gain as side effect?

Homeopathic medicines doesnt have any side effects. Provided its taken in accordance with homoeopathic principles as mentioned in organon of medicine.

8) Does homeopathic medicine cross react with allopathic medicine if taken together?

Homeopathic medicines will not cause any harmful side effects if taken with allopathic medicines. But most of the allopathic medicines will suppress the effects and benefits of homeopathic medicines, if taken along with. So if u are under homeopathic or allopathic treatment and want to start other along with, then its advisable to inform both of your physician allopathic and homeopathic about it.

9) Do we have to be on strict diet if we are under homeopathic treatment?

There is a proverb in Ayurveda “If your diet is proper then you wont require medicines and if your diet is not proper then no medicine will work”. So same applies in all system of medicines wether ayurvedic or allopathic or homeopathic. One needs to take proper care of diet as it will decide your health status. So we give disease specific diet plans, just like any other system of medicine. But in specific for those on homeopathic medicines we strictly tell not to consume anything that has stimulating or sedative effects like coffee, canabis, opium, tobacco, also camphor as they antidote homeopathic medicines.

10) Do we need to stop coffee while on homeopathic treatment?

Coffee is general antidote to most of the Homeopathic medicines. Anything that has stimulating or depressing effect on nerves, antidotes Homeopathic medicinal action. It also breaks down the chain of sequence of processes that were set into action after the very first dose of medicine. Thus bringing down the whole proces; that was built up during all these days of the course of treatment; to a halt.

11) Do we need to stop onion and garlic while on homeopathic treatment?

Its advisable not to consume onion and garlic just few minutes before or after taking the dose of medicine. Garlic and onion once heated can be consumed during homeopathic treatment.

12) Do we need to stay away from strong odours and fragrances while under homeopathic treatment?

Its advisable to stay away from very strong odours and fragrances. Strong Odours and Fragrances might alter medicinal effect to some extent. If they are not too strong so as to irritate then it doesnt have much impact. It also depends which type of substance is emitting the odour if its of strong harmful chemicals it does impact the treatment.

13) Does Homeopathy has treatment for all the conditions?

Homoeopathy is a complete system of medicine in itself and has treatment for almost all the conditions except few surgical emergencies.

14) Is it safe to take homeopathic medicines over the counter?

No, its not at all safe to take over the counter homeopathic medicines. Most of Over The Counter  Homeopathic Medicines are Patents with combination of various homoeopathic medicinal substances. Now mixing multiple medicine in one is against homeopathic principles. Homeopathy principle strictly states only one medicine should be administered at a time. Not only this but also the indication and dosing mentioned on the packing is completely against homeopathic principles. Its unbelievable, how these combination patent medinines are out in market with homeopathic label where as they are all absolutely un-homeopathic.

Even if you are not going for such patent combination and opting for single medicine, its dangerous if you are not under proper guidance of a qualified Homeopath. Self medication with Homeopathic medicines, may cause killers aggravation. As already mentioned that killers aggravations are experienced with homeopathic medicines if medicine selection and dosing is not in accordance to Homeopathic principles.

15) How much interval needs to be given between medicines and meals?

Its advisable to give atleast 10-15 minutes interval if time permits for better results.

16) Homeopathic medicines needs to be taken before or after the meals?

It can be taken any time, but its generally observed it gives best result on empty stomach.

17) Why all homeopathic medicines look alike?

We use sacchrum lactis(sugar of milk), alcohol or water as base or vehicle for preparation of all medicines so they all look similar.

18) Why homeopathic medicines are sweet?

Homeopathic medicines are dispensed by mixing it with sugar of milk to make it palatable so it tastes sweet.

19) Does homepoathic medicines cause diabetes?

No, homeopathic medicines doesnt cause diabetes. The dose of sugar of milk pills is too small and each dose is too low in calories to cause any harm.

20) Is it ok to take homeopathic sweet pills for diabetic patients?

The dose of sugar of milk pills is too small. Each dose is too low in calories to cause any harm to diabetes patient and also patient can opt for non sugar based alternative of the same medicine, if patient is too concerned about it psychologically or condition demands it.

21) Does homeopathic medicine work?

Homeopathy is the second most acclaimed system of medicine after allopathy globally, results speaks for itself!

22) Is Homeopathy unscientific?

Homeopathic system of medicine is the most scientific way of interacting with body’s self defence mechanisms. Only homeopatic system works on body’s response to stimulus. Unlike other systems which work on primary effect of large material doses of medicines.

Vaccines are the examples of how homoeopathy works via body and not by the primary effect of the stimulus!

23) Is homeopathy unproven?

Homeopathy has clinically proven itself since centuries. It has proven itself so well that even after large scale efforts by allopaths to malalign this wonderful system of medicine which has became threat to their pharma companies now, are finding it difficult to do so and instead its growing with enormous rate. It has become second most acclaimed system of medicine after allopathy.

24) Are homeopathic medicines efficacious?

Frequently such question are encountered as a result of widespread false propoganda against homeopathy by proponants of orthodox system of medicines and pharma companies of contemporary orthodox Allopathic system of medicines. The fact is clinically the efficacy of homoeopathic medicines is unquestionable. Results got on the patients in the so-called incurable conditions speaks for itself. More and more new research Conducted By IIT MUMBAI and other prestigious institutes world wide suggests that homeopathic medicines are too advanced to understand its mode of action in contemporary laboratory set up. So many new hi tech advanced experiment are being conducted which concludes that there are nanomedicinal attributes to medicines. Researchers find the mode of action is unimaginably wonderful with requirements of more sophisticated equipments to understand it even further.

25) Who discovered homeopathy?

Homeopathy was discovered by an allopathic physician Dr Samuel Christain Fredrich Hahneman.

26) In which country Homeopathy originated?

Homeopathic originated in Germany. Homeopathy has flourished more systematically and scientifically in India compared to any other country.

27) Is homeopathy a witchcraft or Pseudoscience?

Homeopathy is based on scientific principles. Homeopathy is a well regareded system of healthcare since centuries. A practitioner of homeopathy in most of the countries which are developed and organised has homeopathy as a speciality subject for post graduate. After completing medical graduation or if taken as undergraduate course its a specialised stream of 66months or 102 months full time course in a teaching hospital to be taken only after basic formal 10+2 education in science stream. One needs to crack competitive exams to secure a seat like in India where the course is at par and equivalent to MBBS course of bachelor in medicine.

28) Are homeopaths quacks?

Homeopathy is based on scientific principles. Homeopathy is a well regareded system of healthcare since centuries. A practitioner of homeopathy in most of the countries which are developed and organised has homeopathy as a speciality subject for post graduate after completing medical graduation or its a specialised stream of 66months or 102 months full time course in a teaching hospital to be taken only after basic formal 10+2 education in science stream. One needs to crack competitive exams to secure a seat like in India where the course is at par and equivalent to MBBS course of bachelor in medicine and has a Common Entrance Test.

29) Homeopathic medicines contain only alcohol?

Most of the Homeopathic medicines are made by potentising them in medium of alcohol. Alcohol acts only as a vehicle to transfer medicinal properties within the organism. Most of the times, this alcohol based preparation of medicinal substance is mixed in pills made up of Sacchrum actis(Sugar of Milk), to make it palatable and easy to administer. Many homeopathic medicinal preparations are in base of water or Sugar of Milk(Sachrum Lactis), instead of alcohol as medium or base or vehicle.

So, though the medium can be of alcohol water or Sacchrum Lactis (Sugar of Milk) but the main medicinal ingredient used are different in each medicine.

30) Does homoeopathic medicines contain non vegetarian products?

Some of the Homeopathic Medicines are prepared from substances procured from animal kingdom. The proportion in Homeopathic medicines of such substance is inheritantly very negligible.

31) What are homeopathic medicines made up of?

Homeopathic medicines are made up from all naturally occuring substances from plant, animals, minerals, energy sources, heathy and pathological secretions of human body, viruses and bacterias etc.

32) What are the sources of homeopathic medicines?

Sources of homeopathic medicines are classified as follows

Plant Kingdom – Various parts of plants or whole plant is used. eg: Aconitum Napelus, Nux Vomica.

Mineral Kingdom – Naturally occuring minerals are used. eg: Calcarea Carbonica, Natrum Muriaticum

Animal Kingdom– Parts or whole organism is used. eg: Lachesis – poison of surukuku snake, Apis Melifica – poison of bee sting.

Sarcodes – Healthy secretions of Human Body. eg: Thyroidinum, Adrenalinum

Nosodes – Diseased secretions and disease causing agents are potentised and used in high potencies. eg: Tuberculinum, Medhorinum, Syphillinum, Pyrogenum.

Imponderabilia – Medicines prepared witb help of Energy sources like Radiations, Sunlight, light of moon, electro magnetic waves etc. eg: Luna, X-ray.

33) Are vaccines and homeopathic medicines one and the same?

Vaccines are based on Homeopathic principles. Although, Homeopathy is much broader feild and principle of vaccine can be said a smaller subset of homeopathic principles.

34) Does homeopathic medicine cause dental carries?

No, Homeopathic Medicines doesnt cause dental carries.

35) Does homeopathic medicine cause hyperacidity and digestive disturbances?Can patient develop somnolence( sleepy feeling) due homeopathic treatment?

No, Homeopathic treatment will never cause somnolence.

36) Does Homeopathic medicines cause weight gain?

No, Homeopathic medicines doesn’t cause weight gain as side effect. Untill such medicines are selected and dosages are purposefully designed with an intention to gain weight in an underweight person.

37) Why there are initial aggravation in condition after taking homeopathic medicines?

There can be initial increase in complaints after taking homeopathic medicines. Such aggravations are called homeopathic aggravations. Homeopathic aggravations are generally considered favourable untill they are not severe and prolonged. Homeopathic aggravations are not experienced in every conditions and also not in every case in conditions where it is observed.

Homeopathic aggravations are more commonly found in immune mediated complaints like allergies and autoimmune diseases sometimes in otjer functional disorders as well. sometimes while treating cirrent condition old symptoms that were suppressed do resurface and its a favourable condition and has good prognosis and in homeopathy it is considered as old suppressed disease condition being removed from within outwards.

Homeopathic aggravations are caused due the the principle of similars on which homeopathy is based where medicinal substance is administered with similar attributes with disease which also stimulates the body’s immune response which causes sich various aggravations, just like a person suffers from fever after vaccination.


After every disease the immune profile of the body changes so does the genetics and epigenome.

After every infection or vaccine there is change in our immune profile as our body learns to produce new type of antibodies driven against those infective microbes which are results of change in genetic profile which now has been encoded for memory to fight new microbes which earlier it didnt had ability to do so!

So, now not only the genetics has changed but also the whole epigenome has changed now, as there are new antibodies in circulation influencing the environment and interaction of the whole genome, hence changing the whole constitution of the person!

Homeopathic philosophy says every single infection or vaccination leaves behind a layer in the body, we call it the miasmatic layer or the miasmatic background in the constitution changing the whole constitution of the person altogether!

So, now the  person is not the same, vaccines and infections and diseases changes the constitution of the person.

This changes are deep seated as certain gene and epigenome has changed affecting the whole environment of the whole genome altogether with subsequent changes in constitution of the person and again subsequently over the time these changes on constitution and physiology as whole does have influence on appearance, psychology and behavioural aspect of an individual as well. There are many influencers on psychology and behavioural aspects of  a person other than this but certain deep seated general or particular physical and behavioural aspects are peculiar to certain miasmatic changes in constitution and a good homeopathic physician based on centuries knowleged on these aspect of human science in homeopathic literature and his own skills and experience can judge only by appearance behaviour and psychoanalysis of a person wether that person ever had tuberculosis or syphillis or other disease in past! Which he could confirm with help of lab investigations now! Isn’t it interesting, the knowledege of getting a clue of the disease history of a person just with help of appearance, psychology and behaviour!



Iron Defciency also called Sideropaenia or Hypoferremia means lack of supply of sufficient quantity of iron required for various eventual physiological needs of human bady, it is one of the most common form of nutritional deficiency.

It is more common in females compared to males. More than 50% of Indian women suffer from iron deficiency. Severe form of iron deficiencies also causes deaths not only in under-developed countries(350 per million) but also in developed countries like USA(8 per million). Its prevalence in European nations is surprisingly low.

On an average there is 4-5 gms of total iron in human body of which approximately 2.5gms is in RBC and almost 2 gms in bone-marrow liver and spleen. Where liver is primary physiologic source of iron reserves in body. Around 3-4 mg of iron in body circulates through plasma which is bound to transferrin as free iron is toxic to body. Also Reticulo-Endothelial system hoards and recycles iron from ageing RBC, macrophages store iron from engulfed RBC and is stored in form of hemosiderin they create in times of excessive RBC destruction and increased requirement of iron which gradually they reabsorb and destroy one requirement is normalised.

Within cells iron that been designated for cellular processes is stored in myoglobin and in cytochromes for energy producing redox reactions these type of designated iron amount is around 400gm in whole body.

Iron deficiency first relfects in iron reserves, reduced reserves usually doesent show any symptoms initially in most of the cases. As more than 60% of iron is in form of heamoglobin within RBC the very first sign iron deficiency will be seen as anaemia, this type of anaemia is called iron deficiency anaemia. and its usually its found that people with iron deficiency die of organ failure due to lack of oxygen carrying capacity of RBC that will be well before cells runs out of iron for intracellular processes like electron transport.

For production of new RBC humans use 20mg of iron/day most of which is salvaged and recycled from old RBC

Basic Role of Iron in Human Body

  • Iron is Present in all the cells.
  • Especially in Red Blood Cell where its a key component of Heamoglobin molecule.
  • Required for transportation of Oxygen from lungs to all tissues and its cells.
  • In the form of Cytochromes it helps electron transfer within the cells.
  • Facilitating Oxygen Enzyme Reaction in various tissues

Iron Absorption

Iron is absorbed in form of Heme protein or in Ferrous Fe²+ form  in duodenum by special molecules present in entrocytes of duodenal lining.

Fe³+ is first converted to Fe²+ with the help of 2 enzymes:

  1. Ferric Reductase Enzyme  present on erythrocyte brushed border and
  2. Duodenal Cytochrome B(Dcytb)

Then Divalent Metal Transporter 1(DMT1) transports this extracellular iron through the cell’s plasma membrane into the Entrocyte.

Its then either stored in enterocytes as ferritin or cell can release it into body by transfering it through basolateral end of enterocytes of small intestine with help of only known iron exporter in mamals called Ferroportin with help of a Ferroxidase called Hephaestin that converts Fe²+ to Fe³+.

Hepcidin is a hormone that post-transitionally inhibits ferroportin which acts as negative feedback in iron level balance

Body uses all these factor to increase or decrease the iron level in body by increasing or decreasing the production of these enzymes and hormone.

Rate of Absorption of Iron is dependent on following factors

  • Total Iron stores
  • Rate of RBC production by Bone Marrow
  • Concentration of Heamoglobin in RBC
  • Oxygen Content of Blood
  • any chronic inflamatory process or infection in body reduces iron absorption to deprive bacteria from iron
  • Hepcidin level

Absorption of iron if taken orally from dietary source or in form of salts as in suppliments is significantly low and also its highly variable, Body can absorb only 5-35% of total ingested dietary iron and it depends on type of iron source and other circumstances. Best absorbed form of iron in which it get absorbed by 20-15% is heme iron and it usually comes in animal products and in few plant products, most of the iron from digested food or suppliment is absorbed in body  from deudenum a part of small intestine.

Human Body steadily lose iron on daily basis through stools, sweating, shedding dead cells of skin and intestinal mucosa, minor blood from intestinal linning , in females menstrual bleeding etc. on an average normal physiologic loss of iron in male is 1 mg/day and in females it is 1.5-2mg/day who has regular menstrual function and regular healthy physiology.

Recommended Dietary Allowances for Iron

7-12 months11mg11mg
1-3 years7mg7mg
4-8 years10mg10mg
9-13 years8mg8mg27mg10mg
14-18 years11mg15mg27mg9mg
50 years above8mg8mg

Causes of Iron Deficiency

Blood loss due to

  • Excessive menstrual bleeding
  • Bleeding through ulcers benign and malignant tumours heamorrhoids.

Insufficient dietary intake of iron compared to physiological needs as mentioned in RDA table above

Improper absorption of iron due to

  • Vitamin B12 or Vit C or co-enzyme deficiencies
  • Intestinal disease
  • In patients who have surgically removed part of stomach or intestine.
  • Excess of Calcium Zinc and Manganese

Iron Deficiency Symptoms

  • Pallor – patient look pale and anaemic
  • Weakness
  • Dullness
  • Dizziness
  • Irritable
  • Lethargic
  • Tiredness
  • Frequent headaches
  • Breathlessness – dyspnoea on exertion
  • Lack of concerntration
  • Child’s growth slows down and milestones walking talking dentition etc delayed mental and behavioral problems.

Diagnosis of iron deficiency

Iron deficinecy will result into reduction in following parameters on blood test:

  • Red blood cells quantity, size and colour
  • Heamoglobin level
  • Hematocrit
  • Ferritin
  • Serrum iron
  • Transferrin

Additional test may be required to rule out other causative factors like USG, endoscopy, to rule out bleeding tumours or ulcers, hormonal essay for women with menorrhagia, etc.

Dietary Sources of Iron

Nonvegetarian has best source of iron especially in

  • Red meat
  • Shell fish
  • Liver
  • Egg yolk
  • Turkey

Vegetarian sources rich in iron

  • Spinach
  • Brocolli
  • Peas
  • Chick Peas
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Tofu
  • Amla
  • Quinoa
  • Almond
  • Cashewnuts
  • Flax seeds
  • Sesame seeds

Iron requires Vitamin C and Vit B12 for its absorption. Amla and Spinach have blend of both iron and vitamin C, so they are regarded as good source of iron since ages in ayurveda.

When iron deficiency is chronic and severe pt may require oral or injectable iron suppliments and in cases with severe iron deficiency anaemia  blood transfussion or RBC transfussion may be required.

Homoeopathic Medicines for Iron Deficiency

  • Cinchonna Officinalis
  • Ferrum Metallicum
  • Ferrum Phos
  • Bio Combination No1

Any underlying causes needs to be ruled out and treated, especially menorrhagia in females.


H7N4 TYPE BIRD FLU First Ever Human Case in China

H7N4 Infection first ever human case reported in  Changzhou of Jiangsu Province of China

A 68 year old women is the first ever reported human to be infected with H7N4 virus, she showed first symptom of flu on 25th December christmas day of 2017 and was admited in hospital on 1st January 2018 was discharged on 22nd January 2018 and the case was confirmed of H7N4 viris infection and reported to health authorities on 14th February Valentines Day  of 2018. She was reportedly in contact with live poultry before she started developing symptoms.

There was a minor reported epidemic in birds and poultry back in 1997 but there was never a record of this H7N4 infecting any human till date.

H7N4 virus is subtype of Influenza A virus of orthomyxoviridae family or in laymen terms called bird flu virus family. Influenza A virus are negative – sense, single stranded,  segmented RNA Viruses. These virus occasionally causes epidemics in wild aquatic birds and then when they come in contact with domestic birds and poultry they infect them and eventualy the infection may pass to humans. Its very rare for these virus to reach humans but whenever they infect humans the consequences are severe and in epidemic and pandemic scale.

Following are known subtypes of Influenza A virus that can infect humans and are listed as per number of known pandemic human deaths.

  • H1N1- Spanish Flu(1918) or Swine Flu recently
  • H2N2- Asian Flu(1950)
  • H3N2 – Hong kong Flu(1968) and 2018
  • H5N1- Avian Flu-Global influenza pandemic (mid-2000) – with fatality rate of 50% it becomes the most falat virus of all know Influenza virus that infect humans it also causes diarrhoea.
  • H1N2- currently endemic in pigs and humans.
  • H7N7
  • H7N2
  • H9N2
  • H7N3
  • H5N2
  • H10N7
  • H7N4 – bird flu – one case reported in China in 2018 which completely recovered

NIPAH VIRUS on Killing Spree In India – Its Homoeopathic Medicines

HONG KONG FLU Epidemic 2018 The Virus That Killed Million In A Year

COUGH AND COLD -Not Only Climate But Also Doctors Making It Worse!

HONG KONG FLU Epidemic 2018 The Virus That Killed Million In A Year

Hong Kong Flu – The Virus That Killed A Million In A Year is Active Again In 2018

Hong Kong Flu Epidemic is Back And Is On A Killing Spree It Has Killed More Than 100 In Just A Month In 2018.

Do you remember the Great Flu Pandemic of 1968, who killed estimated 1million people world wide within 7months. The deadly H3N2 virus has raised its ugly head again and is on a killing spree, it has killed more than 120 people including two below 18 yrs of age till February 2018 that is in just a month of outbreak. Again it has broke out in same region and all the schools and kindergartens of Hong Kong will remain closed till 27 february 2018.

H3N2 is strain of influenza A virus, the orthomyxoviridae family – these are simgle stranded segmented RNA-Virus and they have numerous subtypes which are named by numbers based on type of Heamagglutinin “H number” and “N number” for type of Neuraminidase.

Following are known subtypes of Influenza A virus that can infect humans and are listed as per number of known pandemic human deaths.

  • H1N1- Spanish Flu(1918) or Swine Flu recently
  • H2N2- Asian Flu(1950)
  • H3N2 – Hong kong Flu(1968) and 2018
  • H5N1- Avian Flu-Global influenza pandemic (mid-2000) – with fatality rate of 50% it becomes the most falat virus of all know Influenza virus that infect humans it also causes diarrhoea.
  • H1N2- currently endemic in pigs and humans.
  • H7N7
  • H7N2
  • H9N2
  • H7N3
  • H5N2
  • H10N7

Hong Kong Flu virus H3N2 is desendent of H2N2 through antigenic shift, a process in which genes from various subtypes make up a new virus sub type.

In 1968 the outbreak had started in July and within 3 months of outbreak in Hong Kong  it had reached almost all the conitnent including Europe, Australia, Asia, North America, South America. in Hong Kong the virus infected population of 5lacs and the epidemic density in the region was 500 infected people per acre, and had infected 15% of USA population. Though it didnt claim all those who were infected as the fatality index of epidemic by this virus is low 0.5% and falls in category 2 of pandemic severity index and also its seen that every subsequent outbreak is milder as it seems that people in affected region develops some immunity towards N2 at every outbreak.

Symptoms of HongKong Flu

Symptoms are similar to that of any other flu and lasts for 4-5 days

  • Cough
  • Cold
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Malaise
  • Bodyaches
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Weakness

In severe cases along with above symptoms

  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Severe Debility
  • Blood in Sputum
  • Pneumonia
  • It takes more severe form and is more fatal in people above age of 65years.


If you are residing in locality where there is epidemic of Hong Kong Flu or you have a travel history in epidemic region or if u have come in contact with person infected with H3N2 and if symptoms of flu appears the first you need to do

Rapid Influeza Diagnostic Test (RIDT) is a blood test which detects wether the flu is of Type A or Type B. If Type A turns out to be positive then you should further go for PCR test for  confirmation of subtype

The RIDT is not much sensitive and its advisable to go straight away with PCR in high risk group and in epidemic prone areas

Treatment and Management

In allopathy there is no medicine that can cure H3N2 infection, so treatment remain symptomatic. if symptoms are mild a person doesnt need to be admitted and can stay under observation of healthcare professional on OPD basis but if symptoms deteriorated then its advisable to admit.

In homoeopathy there is treatment for Hong Kong Flu and medicines differs from patient to patient.

Commonly used Homoeopathic medicines for Hong Kong Flu are

  • Influenzinum
  • Eupatorium Perfoliatum
  • Gelsemium
  • Rhus Toxicodendron
  • Aconitum Napellus
  • Arsenicum Album


  • Avoid travelling to epidemic region.
  • Avoid going to public places if you are in epidemic region.
  • It can spread through air so dont stay in room with infected person and maintain at least few feet distance from infected individual. wear mask if required otherwise.
  • Avoid contact with body fluids and secretions wear gloves if requires otherwise.
  • If you are infected with the virus or have flu like symptoms after travel history to epidemic region then isolate yourself so that you dont spread the virus to others and get properly diagnosed and treated.
  • Health authorities should be highly vigilent and keep check on travellers in epidemic region.

NIPAH VIRUS on Killing Spree In India – Its Homoeopathic Medicines

H7N4 TYPE BIRD FLU First Ever Human Case in China

COUGH AND COLD -Not Only Climate But Also Doctors Making It Worse!


COUGH AND COLD -Not Only Climate But Also Doctors Making It Worse!

Cough and Cold – Not only Climate But Also Doctors Making Cough and Cold Even Worse!

Cough and Cold – As dry cold climate approaches so does dust, smog and other pollutants along with subjecting organism to unusual insults of polluted atmosphere especially in urban areas where vehicles construction activity,  crackers of festive season pollute the air so much so that majority of the population who breathes here is suffering from respiratory allergy and things become worse for Asthma patients.

In India, winter is season of fruits where many hybrid fruits come to market to which the sellers further chemically  ripen, inject sweetners, artificially colour and glisten to make it attractive and easily saleable, also many fruits like grapes have lots of pesticides and insecticides sprinkled on it.

Its seen that people have increased appetite during winter days, they feel hungry too often, so processed and packaged food like chips, choclates, soft drinks, packaged farsan, biscuits and other bakery products ,etc. comes handy. Its seen that there is huge surge in sales of all these products during cold climate of monsoon and winter, now not to forget its full of artificial colours, artificial flavours, chemical preservatives, artificial dough conditioners, artificial leavening agents, baking powders and what not, eating such thing makes the health scenerio in winter even more worse with cases of respiratory allergies shooting up even further.

It starts with mild damages to mucosa of respiratory system where the superficial mucosal epithelial lining is subjected to pollutants and the epithelial cells gets damaged and the immune system comes into role to fight out the foreign particles but because of excess quantity of allergens and excess toxicity of few of these allergens the immune system is unable to cope up which the basic primary innate immunity, so it startes to call in for more work force and immunoglobulins which makes our body a battle field causing damage even further till it fights allergen off and im this process patient has symptoms of cold, cough, malaise headache. bodyache, fever etc. In most of the cases where the dose of allergen or infectious agent is not high and immunity is strong enough or in patient, who are taking proper primary first aid care and avoiding triggering and maintaining factor of the condition, should not have complications and the bodyfight it out. Also body will form new memory against many new antigens in this process, improving one’s immunity.

But in some case where the outside organism are more virulent or the allergens are more toxic then the damage is greater. Now this damages tissue and damaged tissue becomes fertile ground for microbes like bacteria, virus, fungus etc to grow and they are ample not only in environment but also within our own body. Now with such an opportunity they start growing and making case even more difficult and severe. In cases with pre-existing allergic conditions and atopy, things get even worse causing chest congestion, breathlessness.

Patient suffers from sleepless nights due to cough, sneezing blocked nose,  irritating nose and throat malaise bodyaches and lack of energy. This causes patient to apprehend and anticipate grave condition like swine flu bird flu or Tuberculosis(TB) or severe bronchitis or asthma which drives patient to the allopathic doctor for instant relief.

Now unlike in India and other developing countries, the developed countries like USA UK and other European nations, dispensing of medicines like anti-tussives, anti-allergics, cough syrups with mix of all, antibiotics, broncho-dilators, cortico-steriods for case of uncomplicated cough and cold is strictly discouraged and the medical doctors are strictly guided not to give any of these medicines for such uncomplicated cases.As its usually a self-limiting condition and regresses on its own, medicines only weakens subject’s immunity even further, causing recurrent spells of such cough and cold every few weeks making condition persistent. But in India where almost all the doctor promotes and dispenses mix of these 4-5 harmful medicines at a time from their clinic in all cough and cold patients, regardless of wether patient’s condition requires such medicines or not, ant that is just to give symptomatic relief to patient at cost of his health. When asked to such doctors, they simply answer – “If I will not give quick relief to the patient, with help of such harmful medicines, then the doctor practicing next to me will give relief to the patient with those harmful medicines, then why shouldnt I give and retain my patient!”  . Now its role of health authorities to keep check on dispensing of such harmful cough syrup preparations and corticosteroids. So that every doctor doesnt use it in every case like what the scenerio is right now!

Knowing the well established fact that cough and cold are body’s response to fight out Antigens (foreign particles living or non living) and other external insults on body. Now suppressing it only interferes normal body functioning and weakens immunity even further and such medicines also damages other systems of body and permanently damaging one’s constitution for ever.

Medicines dispensed by allopathic doctors for cough and cold also have antihistaminics, immunosupressants. Now histamin ,we can say,  is the basic reception point of our immune system, supressing it causes less of the molecular expression signals corresponding to the antigen being sent to immune system and the organism as a whole. The result is no proper immune response being established, so patient will have no symptoms (no cough no cold pt feels good) and feel good but also no new immune memory allocation for that particular antigenis being properly developed due to supression as I explained above, so next time again when the same antigen enters our body again we will suffer from same condition. and the recurrency of cold and cold will persist almost every few weeks as we have to stay in same environment.

Most of the viral respiratory infections recover on its own and there are no medicines specific for viruses that cause cough and cold in allopathy so its not advisable to take multiple heavy allopathic medicines untill there are complications due to it.

Signs of complications:

  • Fever persisting for more than 2-3 days secondary bacterial or in immunocompromised fungal infection may be present and specific treatment is required for infection and underlying condition.
  • Pain in ear along with Cough and Cold or fever indicates that there is congestion of eustachian tube due to eustachian catarrah and may damage ear and hearing ;also infection due to this in middle ear is an unwanted complication as it may not only damage ear permanantly but can also progress retrograde into cranium and infect brain to cause meningitis which is a fatal condition.
  • Cough Cold lasting for more than 15-20days not always  but few cases turns out to be because of tuberculosis and specific TB treatment is required and not cough and cold medication
  • Blood in sputum due to violent coughing or sneezing minor capillary rupture may have occurred; now that may provide microbes an entry point for infection
  • Pain in Chest may be due to muscular fatigue due to coughing which is not a major complication but if the pain in chest is due to some other reasons like infective or inflamatory focus in the lung etc then immediate medical attention and specific treatment for tht reason is required
  • Efforts in Breathing if patient has make an effort on breathing like heaviness in breathing suffocative feeling short breaths ; in small children it is noticed by short small fast breath fan like motion of alea of nose unusual excessive movement of abdomen while breathing along with abnormal sound vibrations from chest.
  • Abnormal sounds from chest while breathing like crepitation and wheezing heard on auscultation  ; in children it is easily felt by keeping hand on chest or can be heard by keeping ear on chest.
  • Headache severe persisting after violent coughing may be due to increased intracranial pressure that may have caused damaged and may need immefiate attention
  • Any other chronic disease in in individual
  • Other coexisting infection
  • Immunocompromised Individual

So what to do, so as to get yourself a proper medical observation and yet to be sure that you will not be medicated unnecessarily, for that first of all your doctor should be experienced enough that he doesnt panic unnecessarily on listening to complaints and  should know how to treat patient without help of any unnecessary medication also he should be competent enough to estimate,  evaluate and treat condition and its complications with minimal medication, also  you need to speak to your doctor first that you are not willing to take any heavy medication and you  are ready to bear with the condition till it recovers and you have visited him just to be under proper medical observation so that no complication arise and if at all, it can be addressed and tackled soon. Now that should give your doctor comfort, confidence free hand in treating you successfully with minimal medication and that too only if required making your body less prone to side effects and also boosting your immunity.

In Homoeopathy, unlike Allopathy, we try to boost immune system by enhancing the immune response and helping organism further to develop permenant immunity, so pt initially may have mild aggravations, we call it homoeopathic aggravations, which are favourable for the case and holds good prognsosis.

There are many homoeopathic medicines that can cure the respiratory allergies and viral respiratory infections, not by suppressing, but by enhancing immune expression and developing permanant immunity against it. Homoeopathy works even faster than allopathy in such acute conditions.

Few of the good homoeopathic medicines that can be used in viral respiratory tract infection or other acute or chronic respiratory tract allergies are:

  1. Spigelia constant bland discharge from posterior nares dropping into nasopharynx and anterior portion of nose always remains dry, severe boring pain in orbits as if eyes weee pushed in, severe paraorbital sinusitis.
  2. Allium Cepa have you ever chopped onion?? Then recollect how it feels in your nose and eyes and if you have similar symptoms in cold this medicine is for you,  copious acrid nasal discharge and bland lachrymation(discharge from eyes) with photo phobia with much burning and smarting in eyes with conjunctival hyperaemia causing red suffused looks of eyes , also mild redness of eyelids,much photophobia,  nasal discharge excoriates nose and upper lip, sore raw sensation at bifurcation of trachea, frontal headache due to cold, patient feels better in open air and cold climate and his complaints becomes worse in closed room and warm climate.
  3. Euphrasia Officinalis Copious Bland nasal discharge and acrid lachrymation better in open room, much mucosal discharge from throat need to bring up too frequently which smells too offensive. Patient suffers from bursting headache due to coryza. Copious thick sticky yellowish discharg from eyes causing eye lids to agglutinate in morning ,eye discharge acrid in nature causing excoriation of surface it touches causing redness and ulceration on inner canthus of eyes , eyelids and cheeks, Blisters in eyes and ulceration in cornea with much photophobia. Good remedy for autoimmune or allergic or infective conjunctivitis accompanying cough and cold.
  4. Arsenicum Iodatum acrid fetid profuse thin watery discharge with much sneezing and redness of all mucous membranes, nasal polyps , eustachian catarrah, hypertrophy of eustachian tube causin g hearing problems and deafness, chronic nassal catarrah
  5. Ammonium Carbonicum Morning sneezing, this medicine works well in patient complaining severe violent bouts of sneezing early in the morning soon after waking up of touching feet to ground or soon after morning bath. typically suited to stout women with tendency to catch cold easily. Can’t tolerate cold climate or  cold food and drink , thirstless and doesnt like water much aversion, lympohmegaly (enlarged lymphnodes), sharp burning watery discharge that continues whale day and stops with nose block at night. slow stertorous opressed breathing. burning in throat and chest , Pneumonia , emphysema, ulcerative tonsilitis, purulent, supurative and gangreneous condition of tonsils,
  6. Spongia Tosta constant tickling and irritation in throat pt has to clear throat too frequently, stitching stinging burning pain in chest, dryness of nasal mucosa alternates with thin fluent watery discharge.
  7. Senega burning and scrapping sensation as if mucosa has abrassions bursting cough, copious thich tough tenacious mucous difficult to bring up, hacking cough, thorax feels as if shrunk and is too narrow, hoarseness of voice.
  8. Occimum Sanctum generaly used in lower potencies for hay fever , otitis media with throbbing pain due to eustachian catarrah, epistaxis with much running nose and violent sneezing, too restless cant lie in bed sits with hands on head and elbow on knee this position gives him some relief , warm drink relieves complaints.
  9. Sabadilla lachrymation with hyperaemic congestion of conjunctiva with much burning, thick tough mucous adhered within throat giving sensation as if skin is hanging within, urging patient to swallow constantly, empty swallowing pains a lot, tongue has sensation as if its burnt.
  10. Rumex Crispus mucous membranes too sensitive causing tickling sensation in pharynx going down deep to bronchus which triggers cough, pain below clavicle , cold starts with copious thin watery nasal discharg soon followed by thick stringy discharge so is with mucous discharge from throat. Urticaria accompanies with or alternates cough and cold with intense itching, early morning diarrhoea accompanies cough.

Also read for associated complaints and their medicines:

Best HOMOEOPATHIC Medicines indicated in ASTHMA


Best HEADACHE Medicines in Homoeopathy


Also read

NIPAH VIRUS on Killing Spree In India – Its Homoeopathic Medicines

H7N4 TYPE BIRD FLU First Ever Human Case in China

HONG KONG FLU Epidemic 2018 The Virus That Killed Million In A Year

Dietary Calcium Intake Reduces Kidney Calcium Stones!

Dietary Calcium Reduces Calcium Oxalate Stone Formation in Kidney!

Frequently we find many doctors eliminating dietary calcium intake levels to alarming low levels in cases of urinary stones, thinking that calcium is the main culprit in formation of renal stones! Knowing not that reduced dietary calcium intake may actually trigger calcium oxalate stone formation even further and spoiling the case, as not only low dietary calcium intake will trigger calcium oxalate stone formation but also it will affect bones joints muscles and other body physiology.

Unlike Supplimental calcium , Naturally occuring dietary calcium may actually reduce the risk of renal stone formation! But supplimental calcium is found to increase the risk.

Calcium Oxalate stones are the most common type of Renal stones found in 75% of all the cases of Renal Stones.

Naturally occuring Dietary Calcium binds with oxalate from food in gastro-intestinal tract to form Calcium Oxalate  in gastro-intestinal tract and thus reducing Oxalate absorption in blood and in turn reduces Oxalate concentration and excretion in urine thus reducing risk of forming renal stone. As Oxalate is 15 times more potent in forming renal stones compared to Calcium.

It is recomended to patients suffering from Calcium Oxalate stones that they should not reduce intake of calcium and maintain their regular recomended dietary intake of natural dietary calcium .

But not to take supplimental calcium as supplimental calcium tablets have shown to form calcium oxalate stone if taken for prolonged period of time.

14mm Renal Caliculus removed nonsurgically at Dr SHAH's Homoeopathy
14mm Renal Caliculus removed nonsurgically at Dr SHAH’s Homoeopathy
14mm Renal Caliculus removed nonsurgically at Dr SHAH's Homoeopathy
14mm Renal Caliculus removed nonsurgically at Dr SHAH’s Homoeopathy

For further reading and details on renal stones/urolithiasis/kidney stones click on the following link:



When solids and particulate metabolites or salts starts depositing at any level of urinary collecting system it forms renal stones or urolithiasis

Urolithiasis is more common in males than in females

Increased concentration in urine, of the constituents of stones is associated with stone formation.

1) Calcium Oxalate/Phosphate Stones comprises 75% of every stones.

Its observed that almost 50 % of cases of Calcium Stones that have idiopathic hypercalciuria and doesn’t have hypercalcemia.

10 % of cases calcium stone cases have both hypercalcemia and hypercalciurea

5% have Enteric(4.5%) or Primary (0.5%) hyperoxaluria

20% have hyperuricosuria

15-20% have unknown metabolic anomaly

2) Struvite Stones (Magnesium, Ammonia, Calcium, Phosphate) usually due to renal infections comprises off 10-15% of all stones.

3) Uric Acid Stones comprises 6% of all stobe cases 50% of which are associated with hyperuricosuria and/or hyperuricemia and 50% are of idiopathic origin.

4) Cystine Stone comprises only of 1-2% of all the cases

5) Other and unknown types of stones comprises of upto 10% of all the cases

An organic matrix of mucoprotien is present in all above all types of stones which acts as an additional binding matrix and it makes up almost 2.5 % of weight of all stones.

Renal caliculus, while selecting homoeopathic remedy for Kidney stones it is important to make note of all accompanying symptoms, like type of pain , character of urine, and if there are gravels in urine then its colour shape size should be noted, also other miasmatic and constitutional background should be evaluated for proper similimum remedy selection.

Risk factors

Increases Risk:

Dehydration, Low water intake, excess grapefruit or apple juice intake soft drinks containing phosphoric acid especially areated drinks.

Excess red meat consumption increases concerntration of certain sulfurous amino acids like cystiene and  methionine which acidifies urine , decreases citrate excretion through urine and increases excretion of calcium and uric acid through urine thus increasing risk of renal stones.

Calcium suppliment tablets and VitaminD suppliment for long term may cause Calcium Stones

Studies show that low dietary calcium promotes calcium stones:- Unlike supplimental calcium , Natural dietary calcium actually protects you against renal stones. As it binds with ingested oxalate from food in gastro-intestinal tract to form calcium oxalate and thus reducing its absorption and inturn reducing oxalate concentration in urine. Oxalate is 15 times more potent in forming renal stones compared to increased levels of calcium in urine.

Sodium and fluoridated water increases urinary excretion of calcium thus increases risk of stone formation.

Low urinary excretion of citrate

Decreases Risk:

Unlike supplimental calcium , Natural dietary calcium actually protects you against renal stones. As it binds with ingested oxalate from food in gastro-intestinal tract to form calcium oxalate and thus reducing its absorption and inturn reducing oxalate concentration in urine. Oxalate is 15 times more potent in forming renal stones compared to increased levels of calcium in urine

Studies show that low dietary calcium promotes calcium stones.

Magnesium inhibits stone formation.

Patassium promotes urinary excretion of citrate and citrate inhibits crystallisation of calcium and thus reduces risk of urinary calcium stones

Commonly Used Homoeopathic Remedies For Renal Caliculus

Renal caliculus, while selecting homoeopathic remedy for Kidney stones it is important to make note of all accompanying symptoms, like type of pain , character of urine, and if there are gravels in urine then its colour shape size should be noted, also other miasmatic and constitutional background should be evaluated for proper similimum remedy selection.

  1. Berberries Vulgaris sensation of retention of urine and urge to pass it again soon after passing, patient is thirstless, bright red mealy sediments, bubbling sore sensation in renal region, pain in urinary bladder region, pain radiating from lumbar region to pelvis and down to lower limbs while passing urine, burning in urethra even when patient is not passing urine, feequent micturation, well indicated in patients with renal caliculus with gouty diathesis and elevated uric acid levels and urate crystals in urine. Works well in patients having  glomerulonephritis along with Renal Caliculus.
  2. Hydrangea Arborescens white amorphous salt in urine giving urine a turbid colour,  white amorphous salt in urine deposits in form of gravel. Sharp pain in loins especially in left side with unquenchable thirst for large quantity  water, unlike berberries vulgaris which has thirstlessness. Well indicated in patients with enlarged prostate and also having Renal caliculus.
  3. Cantheris In patients with bleeding due to renal stones, heamaturia and Nephritis, Intolerable constant urge to pass urine with paroxysmal acute cutting and burning from lumbar region to pelvis in front, urinary tract infection due to stone initially causing membranous scales giving appearance of bran in water when passed profuse urine and later on urine mixed with blood passes drop by drop  jelly like shreddy urine , membranous scales giving appearance of bran in water, infection of urethra due to damage by renal stone causing irritation in urethra increasing sexual desire.
  4. Sarsaparilla Scanty slimy flaky sandy and bloody urine, gravels in urine that passes in thin stream, this medicine should be thought of when  sand-like gravels seen on daiper of children and they are cranky before and during passing urine, Kidney stones on right side.
  5. Pareira Brava/ Condodendron Tormentosum great tenesmus while passing urine, constant urge to pass urine but has to strain much while passing has to bend down on his knees and press head on floor in front to pass urine causing pain to radiating till his thighs, Urine dribbles after micturating, pain in glans penis, renal stones in patient with gonorrhoeal urinary tract affections.
  6. Borax Small red particles in urine and on daiper of child who cries while passing urine, hot smarting pain in urethra.
  7. Solidago Redish brown thick sediment gravels with offensive albuminuria , pain in renal angle radiating forward and downwards towards abdomen and pelvis.
  8. Silicea its a wonderful homoeopathy know for its ability to expel foreign particle from body, for which it is also termed as surgeons knife, Red or Yellow sedimentation prostorrhoea due to tenesmus in patients with retention of urine due to renal caliculus
  9. Lycopodium  Heavy Red Sand Particle in urine, pain in right hypochondrium and right lumbar region , renal stones in old men with slow feeble urine with stangury, tenesmus and retention of urine.
  10. Calcarea Carbonica Calcium oxalate crystals in urine, sour fetid smelling urine with dark brown colour and white sediments and haematuria.

For further reading and details on renal stones/urolithiasis/kidney stones click on the following link: