Tag Archives: homeopathic


SLE or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or sometime only called Lupus is a chronic systemic autoimmune condition with genetics, nutrition and environment playing a major role in its onset and evolution, its a condition which greatly reduces life expectancy and also causes complications in pregnancy. It falls under disabling disease conditions category though much less than10% cases develops disabilities.


  • Acute Cutaneous Lupus
  • Sub-Acute Cutaneous Lupus Erthematosus
  • Chronic Cutaneous Lupus also called Discoid Lupus Erthematosus
  • Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus
  • Drug Induced Lupus Erythematosus


Lupus was the most google searched topic in healthcare related topics in 2017! Now that is something to be added in Epidemiology section!  😀 hehehe!

Female are affected more with SLE than male, female of child bearing age are affected more with female to male ratio of about 9:1.

African, Caribean and chinese ethnic groups are more prone to this condition.



Undifferentiating symptoms which are common to other diseases as well.

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Malaise
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Bodyache
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Psychiatric Disorders
  • Poor physical fittness
  • Anaemia of chronic disease
  • Raynaud’s Phenomenon


Majority of cases shows skin manifestation of the condition

  • Though the rashes and lesion on skin may vary, the classic sign of SLE on skin is butterfly rashes on face, also called Mallar Rashes and is seen in almost half of the cases with skin lesions.
  • If it is Acute type there might not be scaling of skin, not well demarcated distinct edge compared to othe types.
  • If it is Subacute type rashes shows scaling of skin with distinct edges.
  • And in Chronic type rashes shows thick distinct thick scaling with very well demarcated edges.
  • Increased Hairfall is also one of the complaints.
  • Ulcers in mucous membranes esp of nose and mouth.


It affects Small joints especially of fingers and wrist and it very closely mimicks rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis making it clinically difficult in making differential diagnosis.

But it is less destructive and disabling compared to other two conditions, only less than 10% cases of SLE will develop deformities and even fewer will have disabilities.

It not only mimicks Rheumatoid Arthritis but it also seems to have very close relation to rheumatoid arthritis.

It significantly increases risks of fractures and also it is associated with facilitation of Osteoarticular Tuberculosis.


  • Anaemia of chronic disease with low Red Blood cell count
  • Low White Blood Cell count
  • Anti phospholipid antibody syndrome is a condition where anti-phospholipid antibodies increases Partial Thromboplastin time causing tendency to heamorrhages and it is frequently found positive in patient with SLE and its coexisting is termed as Lupus Anticoagulant Positive.
  • Patients with SLE frequently show positive results for Anti Cardiolipin Antibodies as well, and patients with these antibodies sometimes shows false positive results for Syphillis.


  • Artheroscelerosis – Thickening and deposition of cholestrol plaque in blood-vessel walls which may also give rise to Ischemic Myocardial diseases like Myocardial Infarction.
  • Vasculitis – Inflamation of blood-vessels in some cases
  • Endocarditis – Inflamation of inner linning of heart, when due to SLE its termed as Libman-Sacks Endocarditis
  • Pericarditis – inflamation of outer layers and and surrounding tissues.
  • Myocarditis – Inflamation of cardiac muscles.
  • It may also cause inflamation of Mitral and Tricuspid valves of heart.


  • Pleurisy – Inflamation of pleura.
  • Pneumonitis – Inflamation of lungs.
  • Interstitial Lung Disease
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Pulmonary Heamorrhage
  • All these complications and chronic inflamatory processes causes Shrinking Lung Syndrome where there is reduction in lung volume.


30 % of pregnancy has comolications like

  • Fetal Death
  • Spontaneous Abortion
  • Still Birth

Prognosis is worse in those who get aggravations in SLE duringbpregnancy.

Neonatal Lupus Erythematosus

Child born to mother with SLE shows symptoms of Discoid Lupus Erythematosus with

  • Heart block
  • Splenomegaly – Enlargement of Spleen
  • Hepatomegaly – Enlargement of Liver
  • Neonatal SLE is self limiting condition and in most cases recovers on its own.

RENAL (Kidney)

  • Painless Heamaturia – Blood in urine.
  • Painless Proteinuria – Protein in urine.
  • Lupus Nephritis leading to terminal Renal failure.
  • Histologically it shows its classical appearance of Membranous Glomerulonephritis with Wire-Loop  Abnormailities due to deposition of Immune Complexes in Basement Membrane.


If any Neuro-Psychiatric is caused dur to SLE its called NPSLE Neuro-Psychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

There are atleast 12  Central Nervous System related and 7 Peripheral Nervous System relate manifestation of SLE that are being observed in patients with SLE.

Central Nervous System(85-90% of all NPSLE)

  1. Headache
  2. Anxiety Disorder
  3. Mood Disorder
  4. Acute Confusional state
  5. Psychosis
  6. Movement Disorder
  7. Cognitive Dysfunction
  8. Seizure Disorder
  9. Myelopathy
  10. Aseptic Meningitis
  11. Cerebrovascular diseases
  12. Demyelinating Syndrome

Peripheral Nervous System(10-15% of all NPSLE)

  1. Acute Inflamatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy
  2. Autonimic Disorder
  3. Mononeuropathy
  4. Myasthenia Gravis
  5. Cranial Neuropathy
  6. Plexopathy
  7. Polyneuropathy


SLE is considered amongst one of the prototype disease as its very difficult to  differentiate from many other autoimmune conditions as they share in common majority of signs and symptoms making  its diagnosis very difficult, It much depends on clinical picture of the disease and investigations after that there are many criterias based on clinical symptoms coupled with laboratory tests based on which a person can arrive at some conclusion though not absolutely sensitive and specific to confirm diagnosis in every case but fair enough.


ANA detection by direct  or indirect immunoflorescence

ANA test detects many different subtypes of ANA related to many other autoimmune conditions as well with many overlapping eachother of which

  • Anti- Double Strand DNA Antibodies most specific of all present in almost 70% cases of SLE with only 0.5% non-SLE cases has t in them.
  • Anti-Smith DNA Antibodies present in most of the cases of SLE and not frequently found in non-SLE person.
  • Anti- Histone Antibodies present in Drug Induced SLE
  • Anti- U1 RNP antibodies – non specific also appears in other conditions like Systemic Sclerosis
  • Anti- Ro or SS-A and  Anti- La or SS-B – non specific for SLE but more Specific to Sjogrene syndrome, but its present in many of the cases of neonatal lupus with heart involvement in particular.

Other Tests

Anti-ENA Test

Lupus Cell Test – It was used in past as it used to show positive in 50-70% SLE cases but was not specific to SLE and used to be present in many cases of many other conditions like RA Scleroderma etc.


Its a stringent criteria developed by American College of Rheumatology, so that non of non-SLE cases should filter in, so many of the SLE cases are also filtered out.

The criteria is that if any patient shows any of the four symptoms out of eleven simultaneously or serially in more than one occasion than he is considered to be positive for SLE.

  1. Mallar Rash/ Butterfly rash on cheeks; Sensitivity of 57% and Specificity of 96%.
  2. Discoid Rash; Sensitivity of 18% and Specificity of 99%.
  3. Serositis, Inflamation of serous membranes around heart (more specific) and lungs(more sensitive); Sensitivity of 56% and Specificity of 86%.
  4. Mucosal Ulcers of oral cavity and nasopharynx; sensitivity of 27% and specificity of 96%.
  5. Arthritis, non-erosive with more than two joints involved with tenderness swelling and effusion; Sensitivity of 86% and Specificity of 37%.
  6. Photosensitivity, Ligh causes aggravation in skin rashes or other Lupus related complaints; Senitivity of 43%and Specificity of 96%.
  7. Non Drug Induce : Hemolytic Anaemia, Leucopenia, Lymphopenia, Thrombocytopenia; Sensitivity of 59% and Specificity of 89%.
  8. More than 0.5g of total protein in urine in a day or cellular cast seen in urine under microscope; Sensitivity 51% and Specificity of 94%.
  9. Anti- Nuclear Antibody positive; Sensitivity of 99% and specificity of 49%.
  10. Positive Anti- Smith, Anti- Double Strand DNA, Positive Anti- Phospholipid Antibody, False Fositive Serological test for Syphillis; Sensitivity 85% and Specificity of 93%; Presence of Anti- ssDNA in 70% of cases.
  11. Neurological disorder Seizure or psychosis; Sensitivity of 20% and Specificity of 98%

This is a very stringent criteria used for research purpose if we go through we may falsely conclude negative diagnosis and miss out on diagnosing many patients who are suffering from SLE

Aslo it misses out on certain factors like antiphospholipid anti bodies which has strong association with SLE  there are many cases who are anti phospholipid antibody positive but are not fitting in above ACR criteria but still they are having SLE.

So more practicle approach widely used is through the Recursive Partitioning which has two classification trees

The Simplest Classification Tree – If patient has any immunological disorder with positive anti- Smith antibody, anti- DNA antibody, false positive serology test for Syphillis, presence of Lupus cells or Mallar rash/butterfly rash, then the person is diagnosed as positive for SLE; specificity of 92% and sensitivity of 92%.

Full Classification Tree : It uses six criterias; sensitivity of 97% and specificity of 95%


I have seen homoeopathy work wonders in SLE especially in cases with NPSLE because then the disease becomes very expressive about itself,  it shows itself not only on skin and joints but also on Neuropsychiatric sphere which show various symptoms typically different in each individual and this is what is required in homeopathic medicine selection, that the body is expressing itself in mental sphere which makes remedy selection easier.

Always a proper case taking needs to be done in deep seated chronic autoimmune conditions like this and a deep acting polycrest remedy should be selected after proper repertorisation as per each individual constitution and constitutional treatment is the only permanant solution for such conditions.

Still some theraputic indications are given which can be helpful guide and can be used as per the symptomatology in course of disease if indicated intercurrently or during acute excerbations of disease showing following symptom.


    – Typically suited in Mallar rash or Bitterfly rash of Syetemic Lupus Erythemotosua with symptoms of Neuro-Psychiatric SLE (NPSLE) where CNS involvement is markedly noted also suits in PNS symptoms of NPSLC


    Whenever in case of lupus there are oral and/or naso-pharyngeal ulceration this remedy is very well suited


    Again this is best suited in mucosal ulceration but in this remedy the ulceration are more marked in oral mucosa than in nasopharynx.


    A nosode a dose can be given intercurrent as anti miasmatic of the cases that shows syphillitic miasma in the background also useful in cases showing painless red mallar rash or butterfly rash with much thickening and exfoliation especially like in Chronic Lupus Erythemotosus, also suited well in ulcerations of oral and nasopharyngeal mucosa.


    In cases with signs of hemolytic anaemia wether due to disease ot allopathic medicines, it will work wonders in both the cases.


    Where the patient has febrile condition due to disease with malaise, fatigue, Hairloss and aneamia duw to lupus or its medicines, can also be givem in low potencies in biochemic form along with other medicines


    Red acute rash typically in acute lupus erythematosus with involvement of oral mucosa, also in later chronic stages when there is are signs of anaemia of chronic disease of hemolytic anaemia


    Works wonders in cases of lupus where it not only acts on skin but also wonderfully acts on the joints and musculoskelwtal complaints the disease shows.


    In patients with symptoms of NPSLE.


    in acute violent spells of relaopse and aggravations with symptoms of NPSLE like mental restlessness and has fear fright and anxiety in general and fear of death in particular.


NIPAH VIRUS on Killing Spree In India – Its Homoeopathic Medicines

Nipah Virus (NiV) Outbreak In India Claims 13 Lives

Nipah Virus infection outbreak,which is fast spreading and has fatality rate 0f 50-70%, has gripped Kerala (Kozhikode) in fear of wider epidemic.

Already 13 people are reported dead till now, of which 3 of them were from same family.

What Is Nipah Virus Infection?

  • Nipah Virus Infection is Viral Zoonosis that means infectious diseases that can be transmitted  transmitted to Humans from Animals.
  • Nipah virus was first found in Pteropid Fruit Bats of Pteropodidae family.
  • Nipah virus is a RNA virus of Paramyxoviridae family of Order Mononegavirales and belongs to Genus- Henipavirus of species Nipah and virus name Nipah Virus (Niv).
  • In Humans Mortality Rate is very high , as per statistics of past outbreaks, almost 50-70% of patient infected will die.
  • The first documented outbreak of Nipah Virus Infection in human was in 1998 in Malaysia leaving 100 dead at that time.
  • Till date less than 600 cases of human infection of NiV are reported globally of which almost 60% had died.

Causes Of Nipah Virus Infection

  • Direct Contact with infected Humans or Animals, especially Fruit Bats and Pigs.
  • Half eaten fruits by Fruit Bats.
  • Contact with Fruit Bat droppings.
  • Contact with body secretion of infected Humans or Animals.

Signs and Symptoms of Nipah Virus Infection

Nipah Virus Infection in humans is very fast progressing fatal condition.

Incubation period of Nipah virus is 3-14 days during this period the first symptom starts to appear.

It presents itself in very initial phase as

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Many cases presents breathing difficulty and other respiratory complaints these patients are more contagious compared to those who do not show respiratory complaints.
  • Few cases may have Pain in Abdomen, Nausea and vomitting.

Followed by symptoms of Central Nervous System (CNS) involvement, Encephalitis.

  • Drowsiness
  • Disorientation
  • Mental Confussion
  • In some cases blurred vision
  • And soon within 24-48 hrs of initial first symptom patient goes into Comma.

Diagnosis of Nipah Virus Infection

In case of an Epidemic or High Risk Group, it should be suspected in patients showing signs of illness and soon diagnosis should be established using Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) of the sample taken from Throat Swab or Cerebrospinal Fluid, which directly detects virus proteins.

Viral RNA can be isolated from the saliva of infected person.

IgG and IgM antibody detection is possible only if the patient has survived the NiV Infection as most of the patients succumb to death even before this antibody appears in blood so its done in those patients who have survived and are on recovery phase and had not done RT-PCR for diagnosis, so just for confirming NiV Infection in those patients this antibody IgG and IgM tests are done.

And in those who have died and are suspected of death from NiV Infection, on those dead bodies, an Immunohistochemistry of tissue collected during autopsy is done this helps to get exact numbers of death due to disease and establish the scale of epidemic.

Treatment of Nipah Virus Infection

In Allopathy there are no medicines available against Nepah Virus and the treatment is based usually only on supportive measures.

In homoeopathy there are medicines available which are indicated in Nipah Virus Infection diesase condition.

Homoeopathic Medicines for Nipah Virus Infection

Very fast acting acute remedies, with profound effect on Central Nervous System and Respiratory system, needs to be selected for treating patients with nepah virus infection.

The best Homoeopathic remedies that are indicated as per Genus Epidemicus in Nipah Virus Infection Outbreak are

Notice :- Under mentioned Homoeopathic Medicines should be taken only under guidance and observation of qualified and registered homoeopathic practitioner.

  1. Aconitum Napellus or Belladonna are suited best in initial stage initial 12-24 hrs of onset of first symptom when patient shows initial signs of illness that is fever and headache, this medicines can oslo be started in doubted cases without any side effects.  (Note: Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association IHMA- Kerala based on its study report has proposed BELLADONNA to be probable PREVENTIVE HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE FOR NIPAH VIRUS  INFECTION in humans)
  2. Gelsemium Sempervirens is best indicated when symptoms of central Central nervous system have developed like Dullness, Diziness, Drowziness, Disorientation, Blurring of vision tremors and trembling.
  3. Nyctanthes Arbortristis in Homoeopathic Mother Tincture from is indicated in general.
  4. Plumbum Metallicum or Ipecacuana is indicated in patient who shows symptoms of pain in abdomen, nausea, vomitting.
  5. Aspidosperma Quebracho or Blatta Orientalis or Arsenicum Album are indicated homoeopathic remedies in patients showing symptoms of respiratory tract involvement with breathlessness and choking sensation.
  6. Stramonium or Baptisia or Zincum Metallicum are best suited in later stages qhen patient is in delerium or comatose state.

Along with these homoeopathic medicines it is necesarry to isolate patient under hospital admission medical observation with proper supportive and symptomatic treatment.

Prevention of Nipah Virus Infection

  • Isolate infected persons.
  • Avoid travelling to affected regions.
  • Make sure food and drinks might not have been contaminated by bats.
  • Avoid eating raw fruits.
  • Do not eat fruits seems to be damaged by Fruit Bats.
  • Stay away from Bat and other animal droppings.
  • Do not drink Taddy brewed in open containers near palm trees.
  • Avoid Meat and Animal Products in the region of outbreak.
  • Maintain proper cleanliness and self hygiene especially sanitary hygiene.
  • Wear N95 mask when at public places if you are working, staying or travelling in region of outbreak.
  • Avoid travelling to regions having fruit bats, especially caves and under those trees where bats resides.
  • Avoid contact with pigs and pig handlers.

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Psoriatic Arthritis is a condition found in patient suffering from autoimmune disease called Psoriasis where in there is involvement of joints as well, along with skin and nail. It is classified as Seronegative Arthropathy and individuals with HLA B27 genotype shows more susceptibility towards this condition with genetic and environmental factors playing a major role in precipitation of the condition.

It presents itself as Chronic Inflamatory Arthritis involving one or more joints which accompanies or alternates with acute of spells of Psoriasis or has relation with the cyclic pattern of Psoriasis.

Signs and Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis

If a person is suffering from Psoriasis doesnt mean he will develop psoriatic Arthritis, regardless of severity of psoriasis he is suffering from. But its observed that person having Psoriatic Arthritis shows some relation between skin complaints and joint complaints either they aggravate together or alternate each other in their spells of aggravation but not in every case and always.

70% of Psoriatic Arthritis cases presents first sign of disease as psoriasis lesion on skin, in majority cases it usually develop almost 10yrs after onset of appearance of skin psoriasis. majority of them are adults between 35-55yrs.

15% first develops joint complaints then skin psoriasis develops later. and majority of them are children.

15% presents both skin and joint complaints originating simultaneously at the onset of disease.


Typical features of Psoriasis on Skin and Nail

  • Silverish scaly skin exfoliating cyclically leaving behind clear red base on extensor surface of skin and typically on scalp, around umbilicus.
  • Exudation and cuts may also be seen in severe cases.
  • Onycholysis, Ridges on nail, Pitting on nail, Hyperkeratosis of skin below nails of fingers and toes.


It more frequently involves small joints of hand and feets especially of Fingers and Toes frequently wrist and spine are also involved, There is morning stifness pain and swelling of joints. Almost 20% cases shows symetry in joints involved.

  • Swelling of fingers, Dactilitis, giving sausage like appearance to fingers.
  • Sacroilitis, Lumbar spondylitis, pain in lower back
  • Cervical Spondylitis, pain in cervical region.
  • Enthesitis of Tendo-Achilles causing severe pain in ankle.
  • Plantar Fascitis causing pain and stiffness in soles.


When the disease progresses or aggravates patient may show signs of

  • Malaise, Fatigue Weakness and Exhaustion.
  • Deformities, Disfigurement and Disabilities.
  • Anaemia of Chronic Disease.

Psoriatic Arthritis presents itself in one of the following five patterns.

1) Oligoarticular

Its the most common type affecting almost 70% of all the cases where in ther is involvement of less than 3 joints and lacks symetry.

2) Polyarticular

Its comparatively severe type and accounts for almost 25% of all the cases of which 50% develops disability and deformities. It typically involves more than 4-5 joints and shows somewhat symetrical pattern. It resembles much to Rheumatoid Arthritis and need to differentially diagnosed which becomes difficult in sero-negative Rheumatoid Arthritis cases.

3) Arthritis Mutilans

Also called Chronic Absorptive arthritis ans is found in almost 5% of all the cases and is the most severe and destructive form of arthritis presented due to psoriasis and in many other conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis and it shows severe disfigurement and deformities.

4) Spondyloarthritis

Typically affects spine especially the cervical spine and sacro-illiac joint. may also affect other joints as well in a symetric fashion.

5) Distal Interphalangeal

Typically involves distal small joints of fingers and toes with involvement of nails.

Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis

There is no Specific Test Available For Psoriatic Arthritis. It cant be predicited based either only on joint or only on skin complaints that the person is developing Psoriatic Arthritis and its only after both skin and musculoskeletal complaints presents itself the diagnosis can be established. So, early diagnosis is not possible and its usually established only after the disease has progressed enough to show itself on both the spectrums.

The diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis depends upon clinical features and host of investigative tests that collectively exclude probability of other conditions and indicate towards Psoriatic Arthritis.

  • Psoriasis with chronic inflamatory arthritis of which the aggravation pattern can be related to cyclic process of psoriasis but not necessarily in all cases. Especially showing features like
  • Distal interphalangeal arthritis
  • 80% of patients presents nail complaints Onycholysis – ridging pitting and hyperkerotosis of skin under nail
  • Dactilitis, sausage like appearance of fingers.
  • 30-50% patients show Enthesitis, involving Tendo-Achilles, Plantar fascia,
  • Pain around Patella, illiac crest, epicondyles, supraspinatus insertions, sacroillitis.
  • X ray shows degenerative changes
  • Family history of psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis
  • Subjects with HLA B27 genotype.
  • Negative Serological tests like RA factor and ACCP of Rheumatoid Arthristis.

For Differential Diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis Read

Homoeopathic Treatment For Psoriatic Arthritis

As mentioned above its an autoimmune condition chronic in nature. So its important to treat the cause first and the symptoms will be relieved on its own. For that a proper homoeopathic case taking and constitutional approach is necessary as its deep seated genetic complaint and only a deep seated constitutional remedial force can bring about change for better. But in many severe cases where there are gross degenerative changes or the disease has progressed much further or the pain is severe we need to treat theraputically initially to get the acute exacerbations in check and later we can find out constitutional remedy based on Miasmatic background and totality of symptoms of Mind and Body. Also There arise much need for anti-miasmatic nosode administeration in the course of treatment if the case is improving but improvement is soon regressing or case has hit a stand still and ia not reaponding further in such case we need to consider a nosode.

Homoeopathic Medicines for Psoriatic Arthritis


Rhus tox is usually adapted or well suited to a person of rheumatic diathesis. Rhus tox is very well indicated in psoriatic arthritis. The effects on the skin, rheumatic pains, mucus memmbrane affections makes this remedy frequently indicated. Rhus tox affects the fibrous tissue of the joints, ligaments causing rheumatic symptoms. Patient presents with burning eczematous erruptions with tendency to scale formation. Skin is red swollen with intense itching. Hot painfull swelling of joints. Rheumatic pains spread over a large surface area at nape of neck, loins, and extremities which is relieved by motion. The cold fresh air is intolerable makes the skin painful.


Urtica urens is one of the indicated remedy for psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatism is usually associated with skin complaints. As its common name stinging nettle implies it produces stinging and burning pain. Skin complaints alternate with rheumatism with severe pain in joints. Itching and swelling all over body resembling hives. Heat in skin of face arms shoulderand chest with formication numbness and itching. Psoriatic errruptions with scales, skin looks wrinkled. Intense burning of skin. Patient is worse from exposure to cold moist air.


In case of Rhus veneta, the skin symptoms of this species of rhus are most severe. Rhus veneta is one of the most actively poisonous remedy among the family. Presents with great restlessness.,numbness and lameness of joints. Bruised feeling in the limbs. Pains as if sprained or dislocated. Presents with trembling of limbs with twitching of muscles. Rashes under the skin with severe nightly itching. Fine psoriatic erruptions on forearm, wrist, back of hands between and on fingers. Severe desquamation with severe itching. Complaints are usually aggravated by warmth.


Ledum pal usually affects the fibrous tissue of joints especially small joints. Hence it can be called as a rheumatic remedy where rheumatism begins in the feet and travels upwards. Ledum pal is very valuable remedy in psoriatic arthritis. There is weakness and numbness of affected parts. Painful cold oedematous joints. Presents with erruptions only on the covered parts of the body. Affecting the skin ledum produces reddish spots with scaly erruptions. Gouty pains shoot all thrkugh the foot and limbs. Cracking in joints worse from warmth of bed. Aggravation from warmth is so severe that the patient can only get relief from rheumatism is by putting his feet in cold water.


Belladona has marked sphere of action on the skin, bones, glands and nervous system. Useful in case of psoriatic arthritis. Pains are usually throbbing, sharp, cutting, shooting which come and go in repeated attacks. Joints are swollen, red hot with severe throbbing sensation and extreme sensitiveness. The heat, redness and burning characterise most of the skin complaints, and presnts with alternate redness and paleness of skin with scaly erruptions and severe itching. The complaints of belladona come on suddenly, eun a regular course and subside suddenly.


Silicea too can be considered one of the efficient remedy in psoriatic arthritis. Silicea produces inflammation of skin. It acts upon the constitution that are sluggish. There is i.perfect assimilation and defective nutrition. Presents with neurasthenic states and increased susceptibility to nervous stimuli. Presents with moist erruptiions on skin with fomation of scales. Usually patient presents with weak spine, susceptible to draught on back. Pain in coccyx. Diseases of bones of spine.


Medorrhinum is a nosode prepared from gonorrhoeal virus. It is a powerful deep acting remedy indicated for most of the cgronic complaints. Medorrhinum is a very valuable remedy for arthritic and rheumatic pains , loss of power in joints, joints feel loose. Useful in chronic psoriatic arthritis wuth great disturbance and irritabilty of nervous system. Pain in back with burning heat. Legs feel heavy and ache all night. Acting on skin medorrhinum causes intense itching worse at night. Yellowish copper coloured spots remain after erruptions.


Actea spicata is a rheumatic remedy especially affecting the smaller joints, tearing tingling pain. Presents with wrist rheumatism. Though wrist is affected prominently other joints are too equally affected. Slight fatigue causes swelling of joints. Psoriatic erruptions on skin which are dry scaly and with intense itching.


Syphilinum is another nosode prepared from syphilitic virus. Acts on the bone, nerves, mucus membrane. Indicated in psoriatic arthritis. Presents with rheumatic stiffness and lameness in back. Aching in the whole spine. Inflammation of joints. Pains are usually aggravated by warmth of bed. Indiacted in shifting rheumatic pains and chronic eruptions like psoriasis, presents with dry scaly or pustular erruptions on different parts of the body in patches. Presents with great weakness with very few symptoms, utter prostration and debility in morning or on walking.


Thuja has main action on the skin, bones. Useful in case of psoriatic arthritis. Thuja chiefly acts on the mucus membrane of skin, nerves, glands. Presents with cracking in joints when stretching them. Limbs feel as uf made of wood or glass and would break easily. Psoriatic erruptions itch or burn violently. Erruptions on covered parts of the body. Worse from scratching. Dry skin with brownish spots and scales with severe itching.






Rheumatoid Arthritis






Neurons, Base Camp of life energy?

Neurons – Base Camp Of Life Energy?

We will make a big mistake in understanding and treating the person if we ignore how all the subtle impressions can influence our body.

By the time you complete reading this article you will have a major change in your philosophy of perceiving your body and you will start having a more broader view and acceptance towards many other aspects of nature and its implications on health and Life.

Senses like Vision, Hearing, Smell, Touch, Taste generates feelings which generates desires and thoughts. Can thought generate itself in absence of all these senses?

Thought gives rise to emotions  like Love, Hatered, Anger, Fear, Sadness, Happiness etc.

Many neurotransmitters like acetylecholine, Dopamine, Serotonine, GABA(Gama Amino Butric Acid), Glutamate, Norepinephrine and there are 60 more such neurotransmitters discovered by scientists who’s secretion is triggered by thought and vice-a-versa.

Senses, Thoughts and Emotions triggers neurotrasnsmitters that determines functioning of our brain  which has hypothalamus and a pitutary glands adjoined below which is called master of orchestra of hormonal interplay in the body as it determines the level of each hormone in the body that we call Hypothalamo-pitutary-Hormonal axis. And you all know how important the hormones are seeing their profound effect on body’s functioning in general. Slightest disturbance in Hypothalamo-Pitutary-Hormonal axis results into grave, acute and chronic complaints.

As we all know that the body parts or organs that are being used more, develops better and those which are not used goes into disuse atrophy and later becomes dormant. Similarly certain functions of body change as per their necessity. We know that most of the body processes are triggered directly or indirectly by brain and our thoughts and emotions.

Certain examples of physiological impact of senses, thoughts, feelings, emotions and other abstract dynamic influences.

  • Sadness causes weeping, it activates tear glands.
  • Fear causes activation of sweat glands , shivering, piloerections, palpitations
  • Fun causes smile and Laughter.
  • Psychological stress causes Hyperacidity, Hypertension, reduced insulin production, reduced Growth hormone secretion.
  • Sight of yawning causes yawning
  • Certain thought Sound and Vision causes stimilation of sexual organs
  • Stimulation of salivary glands on sight of food
  • Nausea on certain sight and odour
  • Depression causes severe appetite and eating disorders, Hypothalamus directly controls our hunger and satiety centers slightest disturbance in this physical psychological or other may cause eating disorders leading to obesity and or alarming weightloss.
  • Depression is thought to be one of the cause of hypothyroidism and vice-a-versa.
  • Now after years of reasearch and experience modern science has accepted the fact that most of the autoimmune conditions are triggered or caused due to psychological stress as one of the major reason.

All these examples shows us that how abstract dynamic influences external or internal has impact on brain and subsequently on our body’s physiology, the prolonged changes in physiology has a wider implication on body’s each and every cells and thus changing the gene environment and epigenome thus influencing gene and finally its structure.

We know the processes of adaptation, our body gradually adapts itself to the type of stimulus we are subjected to for a longer period of time. Similarly our thoughts emotions and other psychological factors influences our body’s physiology and its profound effect for a longer period acts as an effect of a stressor and body has to adapt itself accordingly. Now adaptation initially seemingly to be phenotypic may gradually change genotype as well. Now a change at one locus in gene will have compensatory and/or counter regulatory change at other locus as the harmony is spoiled and body tries to re-harmonize or may be due to one bad sector in gene damaging other sectors(locus) due to their abnormal protein products in gene itself factoring in  new  changes. Now this leads to accumulation of many changes in the character of genome giving rise to positive or negative or mixed physiological or anatomical variations or disturbances leading to diseases.

Majority of endogenous diseases are caused due to genetic imbalance that we got it as hereditary germ line change or are acquired by external impressions and influences that has profound impact on our body.


to be continued…


Rickets is a childhood disease mainly occuring due to vitamin D deficiency. The bones become weak and soft and are more prone to fracture and deformities.
Osteomalacia is similar condition occuring in adults.

Types of Rickets

Hypocalcemic Rickets  – This occurs due to impaired metabolism of vitamin D and calcium resulting into vitamin D deficiency and Calcium deficiency.
Hypophosphatemic Rickets – This occurs due to low serum phosphate levels.


Vitamin D Deficiency
-decreaed sun exposure
-malabsorption disease
•Chronic liver disease
•Renal tubular disease
•Neonatal hepatitis
•Limited breast feeding
•Improper diet
•Certain medications

•Certain Genetic anomalies

For Pathophysiology Also Refer This link VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY

Genes Related to Rickets-

•The most common form of disease is X-lined hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH).
•It is an autosomal form of disease.
•XLH rickets occur due to inactiving mutations in PHEX gene.
•PHEX(Phosphate regulating neutral endopeptidase) gene is expressed in bones , teeth and in mineralization and renal phosphate reabsorption.
•PHEX is involved in suppressing the response of FGF23
•FGF23(Fibroblast growth factor 23) gene signals the kidney to stop reabsorption of phosphate in to bloodstream.
•PHEX mutations lowers the tubular reabsorption of phosphate and vit D.
This contribute to bone diseases.

Signs and Symptoms

•Muscle weakness
•Bone tenderness and retarded growth
•Delayed closure of anterior frontalle
•Delayed eruption of teeth and enamel defect
•Enlargement of long bones
•Anterior curving of legs,bow legs
•Green stick fracture
•Seizures and tetany
•Improper gait, bone pain


Blood tests – Serum calcium and serum phosphate show low level along with changes in shape and structure of bone’s.
Bone biopsy for confirmation.

Homoeopathic Medicine for Rickets-

Thyroidinum – Thyroid producing anaemia, muscular weakness, nervous tremor, rheumatoid arthritis. Infantile wasting rickets. Delayed union of bones, nocturnal enuresis. Oedema of legs.

Phosphorus – Dullnes of head, obstinate vertigo. Caries in teeth, drawing and tearing toothache, bleeding and grinding of teeth, gums separated from teeth. Weakness in all limbs, swelling of hand and feets, joint stiff.

Calcaria Phosphorica – Wewakness of bones,large open frontalle, headache, skull soft. Slow dentition, tearing boring pain in gums, fever during dentition,pain in molars. Rheumatic pain in shoulder and arms, paralysis of joints.

Baryta Carbonica – Suited to old people, dwarfs, scrofulous children inclined to grow fat. Glandular swelling. Chronic enlargement of tonsils. Abdomen distended and hard.

Thuja occidentalis – Scalp sensitive to touch and painful, weakness in head. Caries of teeth, crown of teeth remains sound, gums swollen. Trembling of hands and feets, cracking of joints, frozen limbs.

Silicea terra – Stiffness of nape,caries of clavicle, swelling of gland in nape,coccyx painful, tearing and shooting pain in back.Weakness of joints,cramps of arms and legs,jerk in limbs.

Kalium Iodatum – Glands swollen or atrophied. Gouty daithesis. Swelling of bones, contraction of muscles and tendons, pain after long injury.its is also very well indicated in Dropsy accompanying Rickets basically due to renal complaints impairing calcium resoption.

Conservative management for Rickets-

  • Exposure to Ultraviolet B rays
  • Increasing dietary intake of calcium
  • Phosphate and vitamin D
  • Cod liver oil
  • Halibut liver oil
  • Vit D fortified milk
  • Vit D supplements





IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a functional Gastrointestinal disease that mainly affects the bowel-large or small intestine.
It is the chronic relapsing inflammation of intestine.
Certain genetic and environmental factors are known to be associated with IBD.
The disturbances of immune system and impaired action of microbes leads to development of IBD.
Chrons disease and ulcerative colitis are two different entities of IBD.

Chrons disease

It is a type of IBD that may affect the GI tract from mouth to anus.
Most probably it involves sharply demarcated single or multiple areas of large intestine, terminal ileum or ileocecal region.

Risk factors and cause

Age- chrons disease can occur at any age but most commonly develops at young age.
Hereditary-About 15%of patients with chrons disease have one or more family members either with chrons disease or ulcerative colitis.
Cigratte smoking-smokers are most likely to develop chrons disease than non smokers.
Diet-high intake of refined sugars and low intake of fibre can mainly contribute to chrons disease.
Certain medications like NSAID’s.


Chrons disease is believed to be result of an imbalance between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cells.
There are some mutations in NOD2 gene that disrupts the mucosal defence mechanism.
NOD2 earlier known as CARD15 helps protect body against foreign Invader like bacteria and viruses through immune system cells like macrophages, monocyte and dendritic cells.
When triggered by some bacteria they become active and regulate activity of multiple genes that controls inflammatory response.
ATG16L1 is also involved in pathogenesis.it provides information for making a protein that is required for autophagy (destruction of cells in body).
It’s mutations impaires autophagy process and allows worn our cells to persist in body.
Depressed defence mechanism can stimulate microbial proliferation in body.
Under microscope biopsies of affected colon shows mucosal inflammation characteristed by inflitration of neutrophilis.
Neutrophils along with mono nuclear cells infiltrate crypt’s leading to inflammation and abscess.

Signs and symptoms

Intestinal manifestation-
-Ileum- abdominal pain and cramps
Obstructive symptoms
Mass in right iliac fossa
Acute ileitis
-colon- rectal bleeding
Intestinal stenosis
Perianal disease
Extraintestinal manifestation-
Eyes-it causes uveitis causing blurred vision and eye pain.Photophobia
Oral cavity-it causes apthous stomatitis, geographic tongue,chelitis granulomatosa.
Skin-erythema nodusum, ulcerative nodules.
Chrons disease can also cause osteoporosis and thinning of bones
Clubbing of fingers
Deep vein thrombosis


Blood test-Anaemia is noted in PT with chrons disease.there are low blood cell count.

Stool test-For presence of any occult blood.

Colonoscopy-it is more accurate test that detects the ulcers and areas of inflammation.It can also be used to take biopsies.

Ultrasonography can be useful in patients with palpable abdominal mass and in order to differentiate from abscess

CT scan-this test is used to diagnose entire bowel as well as tissue outside the bowel.it has replaced barium x-rays.

MRI is useful for investigating complex perianal disease

Upper GI endoscopy- A flexible tube containing a camera is inserted in stomach and upper part of small intestine.it can also be done using a capsule.


Gastritis is a condition in which mucosa(stomach lining)is inflammed or swollen.
The mucousa consists of gastric glands that secrete digestive juices.
They are covered by layer of columnar epithelial tissues.
It produces acid and pepsin that helps in breakdown of food and digestion of protein
When stomach lining is inflammed it produces less acid and enzymes.


Acute Gastritis -starts suddenly and appears with noticeable symptoms that resolves without treatment within few days.
Chronic Gastritis -It is long lasting and stays in body unnoticeable and can cause complications.
Other classification-
Non atrophic mainly caused due to H pylori
Multifocal atrophic caused due to H pylori and environmental causes
Radiation-caused due to radiation injury.
Non inflammatory granulomatous

Gastritis can also be classified as

Erosive Gastritis -The acids residing with in stomach erode and wear away the stomach lining causing ulcers and deep sores.
Non Erosive Gastritis – It causes inflammation of stomach lining.it does not cause erosion or ulcers.

Risk factors –

Helicopter pylori-The bacteria that resides in mucosa.
Alcohol consumption – excessive alcohol consumption can cause irritation of the mucosal lining.
Stress-stress due to major surgery or injury can lead to gastritis.
Age– older adult people are more prone to this Condition due to thinning of mucosal lining and they are more likely to have Helicobacter Pylori infections.
Bile reflux– regurgitation of bile into stomach from bile tract.
Certain medications.


Chronic Gastritis – it can be divided into two

  • Autoimmune Atrophic Gastritis
  • H Pylori Associated Gastritis

Autoimmune Atrophic Gastritis 

It is a chronic condition that results in replacement of parietal cell by metaplastic mucosa.
The interaction of autoantibodies against parietal cell proton pump leads to destruction of parietal cells.
It in turn causes imparied absorption of vitamin B12 and pernicious anaemia.

H. Pylori Associated Gastritis

H Pylori Bacteria enters the body and resides in stomach
It attacks the Lining of the stomach that protects it from acid that digest the food.
Once bacteria damage the lining acid can enter through the lining easily causing ulcers.
H pylori produces its virulence through motility,urease activity and association with mucosal cells.
Urease activity create ammonia that neutralizes the activity of acid
Motility allows the bacteria to penetrate the mucus layer and promote association of bacteria and epithelial cells.


Pain in upper abdomen.
Feeling of fullness in upper abdomen.
Belching and heartburn.
Weight loss
Early satiety


Breath test – for H. Pylori
Blood test– pernicious anemia and H pylori infections can be ruled out with blood test.
Stool test-For presence of blood in stools.
Endoscopy-for stomach lining inflammation and erosion
Stomach biopsy
Liver, kidney and pancreas function test.



Intense burning and heat in stomach and pit of stomach.violent burning pain. Vomiting after eating and drinking.


Spasmodic pain in abdomen. Colickly pain with urge to stool and urinate. Cutting Pains causing patient to bend. Reversed peristalsis.


Belching, vomiting, nausea. Ulcerative pain in Left side.gastritis especially of drunkards. Trembling and throbbing pain In stomach.enormous distension.


Cutting pain in abdomen soon after eating.dilatation in stomach, round ulcer of stomach, cannot digest meat, vomiting of bright yellow water.painful retraction, burning.


Abdominal colic with flatulent distension.stitchy ulcerative pain in left side of abdomen.nausea, retching vomitting of mucus.great craving for sweets.painful spot over stomach that radiates to all over abdomen.


Diabetes Mellitus is a complex condition in which the blood sugar levels are raised for a long period of time either because of inadequacy of insulin production or lack of body cell responses to insulin

Causes of Diabetes

Weight-Weight is the important risk factor in type 2 diabetes.
The more the weight the more the body becomes resistant to insulin.
Age-Risk of Diabetes increases after 45 years of age.
Family history-Those having family history of Diabetes have greater risk of acquiring diabetes.
Diet-Diet high in fats, calories and cholesterol and deficient in fibre increases risk of diabetes.
Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle.
Hormonal imbalances.

Types of Diabetes Mellitus

1- Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1)-Also known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile diabetes as it is usually diagnosed in childhood.
In this type the insulin production is not enough or very less.
They require insulin on daily basis to survive
2- Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2) -In this type the body is incapable of responding to insulin.
The body becomes insulin resistant.
It is most common type of Diabetes due to sedentary lifestyle and increased obesity.
3- Gestational Diabetes -It occurs in cases where there are high blood sugar level during pregnancy.
Occurs in women who previously delivered baby weighing more than 4.5kg(10lbs).


Type1 diabetes mellitus
Type 1 diabetes is considered to be an autoimmune disorder
In autoimmune disorder body attacks it’s own tissues and organs.
T1 DM results from destruction of insulin producing pancreatic beta cells.
Beta cell autoantigen, macrophages,B and T lymphocytes are involved in pathogenesis of T1 DM.
Activated macrophages,CD4+Tcells and beta cytotoxic CD8+Tcells destroy beta cells
Insulin antibodies, Islet antigen (IA 2) antibody, glutamic acid carboxylase also paly a major role in autoimmunity.
The Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) encoding the major histocompatibility complex proteins is known to be associated with increased susceptibility to T1 DM.
The HLA complex helps the immune system to distinguish body proteins from proteins made by viruses and bacteria.
Due to insulin deficiency there is excessive secretion of glucagon.
The excess glucagon secretion and insulin deficiency imparies the expression of genes for target tissue to respond normally to insulin resulting in T1 DM.

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Inability of insulin to produce it’s desired effect on circulating glucose levels.
Destruction of pancreatic beta cells along with insulin resistance is associated with T2 DM.
Muscle fats and level cells fail to respond to insulin.
The main mechanism involves increased breakdown of lipids with in fat cells,lack of incretin,high glucagon levels.
Inability of insulin to suppress lipolysis results in increase plasma levels of fatty acids that in turn stimulates glucose production in liver.
The elevated free fatty acids also produces low grade inflammation which is also associated with T2 DM.
Genetic factors include insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate gene polymorphisms that affects insulin signal.
Polymorphisms of beta3 adrenergic receptor gene associated with visceral obesity promote insulin resistance.
Adipokines are also seen to be involved in insulin resistance.
Other gene associated are ABCC8,CAPN10,GLUT2,TCF7L2.

Signs and Symptoms

  • High blood level of glucose
  • Frequent and painful urination
  • More thirsty and hungry
  • Feeling tired and dizzy
  • Lethargic feeling
  • Fatigue
  • Itching skin
  • Dry mouth
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Vomitting
  • Smell of acetone in breathe
  • Increased susceptibility to Infections
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Slow healing if wounds, cuts and sores
  • High blood pressure

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis is complex disorder characterized by hyperglycaemia, acidosis and ketonaemia.
It occurs due to insulin deficiency that causes increase in counter regulatory hormones.
Insulin deficiency along with counter regulatory hormones leads to excessive production and accumulation of glucose in the body.
Insulin deficiency causes release of fatty acids and glycerol.
Glucagon stimulates liver to oxidize fatty acids into ketone bodies.
Ketone dissociates into anion and hydrogen ions.
Acidosis develops as body tries to maintain extracellular pH by binding hydrogen ions with bicarbonate ions.
Ketonaemia develops as the ability of tissue to utilize ketone bodies exceeds.
Kidney excrete large amount of ketone and glucose into urine that causes dehydration, ischemia that further worsen acidosis.


  • Random blood sugar – By this test the level of glucose can be measured at any time irrelevant of diet.
    Blood glucose level of 200mg/DL or more indicates Diabetes.
  • Fasting blood sugar test-Blood sugar level of 126mg/DL indicates Diabetes.
  • Sugar level between range of 100-125mg/DL indicates prediabetes.
    Normal range is below 100 mg/DL.
  • Oral glucose tolerance test-Blood sugar level of 200 mg/DL indicates diabetes.
  • Sugar level with in range 140-200 mg/DL indicates prediabetes.
    Below 140 mg/DL indicates normal range.

Homoeopathic Medicines For Diabetes Mellitus

  • Syzygium Jambolanum
  • Cephalandra Indica
  • Rhus Aromatica
  • Acidum Phosphoricum
  • Gymnema Sylvestre
  • Uranium Nitricum
  • Helonias
  • Abroma Augusta
  • Iodium


Osteoporosis is a disorder of bone where reduced Bone Mineral Density makes the bones fragile

Osteoporosis is a silent disease that causes thinning and weakening of bones

There is decrease in Bone Mineral Density making the bones weak and brittle

Risk Factors of Osteoporosis

  • AGE  and SEX – as age advances chances of osteoporosis increases, Bone Mineral density reached its peak at around 30 yrs of age. Then after certain years it gradually starts depleting due to depleting levels of Growth hormone and later more pronounced after 48 in women and after 60 in men, its attributed to depletion of oestrogen in females and depletion of testosterone in males. its more common and severe in females as oestrogen depletion in females affects more compared to effect of testosterone depletion in males.
  • Genetics and Familial Predesposition
  • Habitat  – in region or lifestyle with lesser exposure to sunlight.
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Parathyroid Dysfunctions
  • Thyroid Dysfunctions
  • Kidney diseases
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Acromegaly
  • Certain rheumatological conditions
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Sedentary lifestyle lack of exercise and physical activity
  • Excessive tobacco smoking
  • High Protein diet
  • High intake of phosphoric acid, usually its through areated soft drinks
  • Prolonged increased exposure to Cadmium.
  • Malabsorption and Malnutrition

Pathophysiology of Osteoporosis

(this part is under construction)

Bone constitutes major portion of Human Skeleton

There Are Over 206 bones in skeleton primarily it consists 270 bones at birth later they fuse together during development

Bones Differs in various size shapes and structures

Bones not only performs the functions of protection protection and support to the body but also helps in storage of minerals lipids and nutritients

Tissue that constitute bone are of two types that gives strength and rigidity to bones viz:

  1. Cortical bone – Cortical Bone forms the outer layer of most of the bones. It is stiffest and hardest. It helps in supporting and protecting the soft tissues of body and gives shape to the body. It Consists of Osteons that in turn consists of Haversion Canal that allows the blood vessels and nerves to travel through them.
  2. Cancellous Bone – It occur at the end of the Long Bones. It is less stiff and weaker compered to the Cortical Bone. They Consists of Red Bone Marrow that produce Blood Cells

The Bone tissue exibits following type of cells:

  • Osteoblast
  • Osteoclast
  • Osteocyte

They help in Synthesization, Bone Resorption as well as Maintainence and repair of bones

Osteoporosis most commonly occurs due to the imbalance in bone resorption and bone formation and insufficient mass

Low Bone Density occurs when osteoclast degrads bone matrix faster than osteoblasts.

Role of Parathyroid Gland in Calcium Metabolism and Osteoporosis

•Hyperparathyroidism-Hyperparathyroidism can be defined as a condition when one or more of the parathyroid glands become hyperactivie and increases in size.
This leads to increased PTH levels in blood
Parathyroid Hormone Vitamin D and Calcium Metabolism 
•Parathyroid hormone is secreted by parathyroid glands.
•PTH along with vit D helps in regulation of calcium level in human body.
•PTH is secreted through negative feedback mechanism of the body when the serum calcium levels are decreased.
•Vit D regulates intestinal absorption of calcium.
•Calcitrol the active form of vit D regulates calcium metabolism.
•Vit D3 is produced from 7-dehydrocholestrol when the skin is exposed to Ultraviolet rays
•Vit D3(Cholecalciferol) is then carried to liver via blood where it undergoes two hydroxylation process.
•First it goes under hydroxylation in liver forming Calcidol 25(OH) and then in kidneys forming Calcidol(1,25 dihyrdroxy vit D).
•The decreased serum calcium level stimulates PTH secretion.
•As Bones are the major store house of calcium,the secreted PTH corrects calcium level by mobilizing calcium from bone through destruction of bones by osteoclasts.
•This leads to osteoporosis where there is weakening of bone decreasing it’s density.

Signs and Symptoms of Osteoporosis

  • Osteoporosis itself may stay silent and show no symptom untill bone becomes weak and break down.
  • Acute and chronic pain in bones and muscles.
  • May precipitate or trigger osteoarthritis
  • Deformities and anomalies to carry out normal daily activities.
  • Stooped posture, loss of height, collapse (loss of consciousness).
  • Fractures are most dangerous aspect of osteoporosis. Fractures most commonly occurs in spine, hip, rib, shoulder, wrist.

Diagnosis of Osteoporosis

The normal Bone Density is within +/-1 SD(+1 or-1)(Standard Deviation) in young adults.

The Score Between -1 and -2.5 is indication of low bone mass.

The score of -2.5 or lower indicates osteoporosis.

  • X rays to an extent helps in detecting reduced Bone Mass also in detecting the complications of osteoporosis like fractures.
  • CT Scan and MRI helps in detecting complications of reduced bone mass, preosteoporosis or follow up examination.
  • Dual Energy X ray Absorptiometry(DEXA) is mostly used for evaluating Bone Mineral Density and its grading for diagnosis of Osteoporosis.
  • Quantitave Ultrasound is a non-invasive method of estimating bone density and risk of bone fracture.
  • Certain Biomarkers are also useful in detecting bone degradation.

Homoeopathic Medicines for Osteoporosis


    It affects the nutrition of bones and glands indicated in it Homoeopathic form when bones becomes soft brittle and thin, promotes ossification of bones in non union of fractures, pain and burning along the sutures, shifting pain, malassimilation.


    Improper assimilation of calcium gives rise to defective nutrition of bones glands and skin. Swelling of the joints especially knee weakness and trembling of limbs.


    injuries to cartilage, periosteum, comminuted fractures, non union of fractures, deficient callus, arthralgia of knees, carries of vertebrae.


    Sore tendons, injured or bruised bones, formation of deposit or nodes in periosteum and tendons, ill effects of bruise, fractured bones, brittle paralytic rigidity of injured or affected part.


    This remedy should be thought of when osteoporosis secondary to some chronic metabolic digestive or autommune condition or post chronic debilitating deep seated  infections  produces slow deeply destructive effects carries of long bones ulceration varicose veins bedsores calcareous degeneration tissues are puffy indurated and fistulus.

  • Ammonium Muriaticum 

    A good remedy to combat secondary effects and complications of osteoporosis especially those due to nerve compression due to degenerative changes of spine as a complication of osteoporosis. Patient has tension and tightness as if muscles or tendons are too short neuralgic pain in stumpsof amputed limbs sciatica pain in heels.



HOMEOPATHIC PATENT MEDICINES – Your Life Is At Stake – Are They Actually Homoeopathic!

Homoeopathic Patent Medicines – Homoeopathy for NAME-SAKE!

Homoeopathic Patent Medicines – Over the Counter – So Called Homoeopathic Medicines.

Are they actually Homoeopathic?

Are you being cheated in name of Homoeopathy?

There are lots of controversies related to So Called “Homoeopathic Patent Medicines” available over the counter in pharmacies.

And no one wants to dare to raise their voice against it as most of these are owned by major manufacturers having good contacts with central councils and no one wants to mess with them!

There are many flaws in the homoeopathic patent medicines that are available in market and about the rules and regulations governing them and without any doubt this need to be corrected in system as soon as possible, as its affecting the credibility of Homoeopathy  as  whole and its our resposibility to act and regularise certain things.

There are 5 Gross Irregularities that I have noticed in OTC Homoeopathic patent Medicines are:

1)Many of these medicines mention the effect/indications of each of the used drug seperately on the labels, where as its being administered in combination, and when more than substances are combined the new combination may not retain individual properties of original components. So only effects of newly prepared combination as a whole should be allowed to be mentioned on label.

2) Indications/effects should be strictly scrutinised before letting them mentioning it on their Label. Though generalising of medicine as per disease is against certain laws of organon but still “Genus Epidemicus” section does provide liberty on this aspect to some extent.

But the claimed effects should be confirmed by not only as per Homoeopathic Drug Proving Principles under high vigilance but also double blind placebo controlled trials with most modern techniques as they are not giving classical or constitutional approach in their combination disease specific medicines and is based only on theraputic model, which can easily be checked by modern techiniques.

3) The dosing which they mention on their labels should be strictly banned as  almost all of these medicines mention a fixed dose pattern without time-frame in a generalised manner for all . Organon strictly mentions that one cannot generalise the dosages as its too dangerous and should only be administered as per the susceptibility of an each individual also its a well known fact that organon strictly warns unnecessary repetition of doses in same potency one the effect has started.

4)Label of “Homoeopathic Medicine” should not be allowed if the indications are not based on same cures same principle, as its not the substance thats being used makes it homoeopathic in nature its the way its administered on a diseases condition determines wether  its Homoeopathic or Unhomoeopathic in its mode of action. There are many substances that are being used in common in Ayurveda  Homoeopathy and other systems of medicines but application and indication is different as in Homoeopathy we administer as per “LIKE CURES LIKE” or “Same Cures Same” principle where as most of other system use “Opposite Cures”.

Let me give you an example that if homoeopathy used X substance for cure of  diarrhoea then the other system will use  that substance X for cure of cobstipation.

Organon clearly mentions that when a substance is administered first it shows a primary action which is due to material dosw of that substance that act directly on the body and then come secondary response that is the body’s reaction towards that direct primary medicinal action, which we all know as response to stimulus, So in homoeopathy we rely on response to stimulus and not the primary action of the drug substance that is the stimulus, so in homoeopathy we just stimulate the organism as a whole and wait for its reaction towards that stimulus unlike other systems where they simply keep stimulating and stimulatimg by repeating ever increasing material doses whereas we just administer initial few doses untill we find satisfactorily that the organism is being stimulated sufficiently then we stop dosing it further as it will only create medicinal aggravation or even dangerous – the killers aggravation which under certain condition is fatal.

So its important wether the mentioned indication is homoeopathic in nature or unhomoeopathic and wether the indicated dosing are corresponding to laws of organon or not, otherwise they can simply mention to consult physician for dosing of those medicines.

5)Most of these medicines mention “No Side Effects” on their label,  Now this fact is not commonly known that if Homoeopathy if not taken as per principles of homoeopathic it can produces severe aggravations which might deteriorate patient’s condition and in some cases patient may even die, this type of aggravations are well known in Homoeopathic community as “Killers aggravation”. And by mention such dosing and with other irregularities most of these medicines are not homoeopathic medicines at all!

Considering all above facts most of the so called Patent Homoeopathic Medicines alvailable in market are not at all homoeopathic!


  • The consumers are being cheated
  • Their life is at stake
  • Goodwill of homoeopathy is perishing

All these are gross irregularities not only on the part of Manufacturers but also the Governing body and the lax rules and ruglations governing them.

Its causing lots of critisicism about homoeopathy globally and homoeopathy has started losing its credibility because of all such issue this wonderful system of gentle medicine needs to be preserved properly and its in our hands.

Its time for all of us to come forward not only the physicians and consumers but also governing body and manufacturers to find a proper solution to this mess and lay down stringent laws not only as per Homoeopathic pharmacopia but also keeping into effect the bare homoeopathic laws as mentioned in homoeopathic organon of medicine. Though many of those need to be ammended but still the basic essence and priciple can never be Violated or Amennded  to proudly call our self HOMOEOPATHS And That Law Is “LIKE CURES LIKE”.


THE KILLER’s AGGRAVATION -Homoeopathic Medicines Can Kill You!