HAIRFALL -10 Best Homoeopathic Medicines



Hairfall has multiple causes and each cause needs to be attended

A careful history needs to be taken and case needs to be taken to note down the following factors

  • Life style including diet exercise rest use of cosmetics
  • Life situations
  • Climate and Environment of the region where patient resides
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Automimmune conditions
  • Chronic diseases
  • History of communicable diseases
  • History of longterm medication
  • Family History and hereditary factors

Based on which we will be able to evaluate all the major factor involved and help us prepare line of treatment and selection of medicines

It is always advised that one should always select homoeopathic medicines as per Homoeopathic principles for best results.

Although there are certain medicines which can be generalised and given in almost any case with reasonably good results without side effects.

Below are few such medicines with simplified note for their selection as when they are called for.

  1. Arnica Montana Promotes hair growth if applied locally can be mixed in coconut oil and massaged locally on scalp on daily basis.
  2. Jaborandi Promotes hairgrowth and fights dandruff can be applied on scalp on daily basis.
  3. Selenium hairfall due to dandruff and hormonal imbalance
  4. Acidum Hydroflouricum hair lossdue to exudating eruptions on scalp and sensitive scalp
  5. Lycopodium male pattern baldness
  6. Acidum Phosphoricum Hair loss due to depressing emotions
  7. Acidum Nitricum Hair loss with severe folliculitis with burning sensation on scalp
  8. Kalium Carbonicun dryness of hair and scalp causing hairloss
  9. Natrum Muriaticum Hair loss due to depressing emotions, anger resentment.
  10. Calcarea Carbonica Hair loss in fair fat flabby women who typically have tendency towards thyroid affections.

A general care needs to be taken of hair scalp diet exercise rest which will be discussed in other article, as this article is intended only to throw light on commonly used homoeopathic medicines for hairfall.

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