Category Archives: Oncology


THYROID LESION Cured With Homeopathy

Thyroid Lesion – DrDEEPAN P. SHAH cured 17mm*12mm*13mm hypoechoec lesion in thyriod glands with internal vascularity

Thyroid lesion

DrShah cured 17mm*12mm*13 mm hypoechoec lesion with internal vascularity Presenting complaints pain deglutition , malaise , recurring pharyngitis , mild visible swelling in cervical region and lateral cervical lymph node enlargement, trembling of limbs , frequent cramps , loss of appetite , wt loss, anxiety, insomnia with somnolence in daytime.USG thyroid showed this vascular noduleTFT showed elevated TSH

Most of the homoeopaths would have thought here of constitutional treatment based on totality of symptoms but I prefered pathological prescribing based on the organ involved, to start with and then if required constitutional.I avoided FNAC as the tumours in glands are usually encapsulated and if this capsule integrity is breached in anyways or physically intervened it may facilitate malignant cells to escape and form new vegetations (metastasis).

Medicines I used were THYROIDINUM 3X and IODIUM 30 given TDS for period of 1 weekfollow up:Pt showed improvement in all other symptoms except for aggravation in trembling malaise and sleep disturbances which i attribute to thyroidinum 3xI stopped thyroidinum 3x as it had delivered expected homoeopathic aggravation continued iodium 30After 15 days pt showed improvement in all his symptoms ,patient was kept on placebo thenAfter approx 3 mnths, USG and TFT were repeated and pt showed complete resolution of the vascular nodule but his TSH levels were still elevated with mild increase in the gland size which again I attribute it to the homoeopathic medicines administered and will resolve soon, Pt is under observation for that and will be for few months or year and treated accordingly.


Echogenicity:-When the lesion is hypoechoiec the chances of cancer are higher it typically appears solid and hypoechoic when compared with normal thyroid parenchyma. When a thyroid nodule is markedly hypoechoic, with a darker appearance than that of the infrahyoid or strap muscles of the neck(termed as marked hypogenicity), the specificity for detection of malignancy is increased to 94 per cent. Marked hypoechogenicity is very suggestive of malignancy(cancer). No hypoechoeic halois visualised in periphery, also its taller than wider in dimension.Vascularity:-Marked vascularity within the nodule(marked intrinsic vascularity) again add up to the probability of malignancy (cancer).

Lymph nodes:-Enlarged lateral cervical lymph nodes again add up to the probability of malignancy (cancer).

TFT:-Elevated TSH shows its not a hot nodule. Again a cold nodule has increased probality of malignancy (cancer).

733806_275943122536519_1641164196_n BEFORE

Note the Size and Vasuclarity in Hypoechoeic Lesion

734367_275950532535778_1204352364_n   AFTER

Note No Lesion Found




OVARIAN CYST Cure in Homoeopathy


A fluid filled sac within the ovary is called Ovarian Cyst.

There can be a single cyst or multiple cyst in one or both ovaries

Usually in majority of cases these cysts are fromed due to ovulating follicle in women of reproductive age.

Types of Ovarian Cysts

All the cysts can be broadly classified into two major cayegories viz. functional ovarian cysts and non functional ovarian cysts

1. Functional Ovarian Cysts

  • Follicular Cysts
  • Corpus Leuteum Cysts
  • Theca Leutein cysts

2. Non-Functional Cysts

  • Dermoid Csyts
  • Endometriotic Cysts also called Choclate
  • Ovarian Serous Cystadenoma
  • Ovarian Mucinous Cystadenoma
  • Ovarian Cystic Adenofibroma
  • Heamorrhagic Cyst
  • Paraovarian Cysts
  • Multiple cysts or follicles in both ovaries are suggestive of a condition due to hormonal imbalance called Polycystic ovarian disease PCOD/Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS
  • Borderline tumoural Cyst
  • Few Cysts may originate due to Ovarian cancer. If ovarian cyst appears in a post menopausal women then the probability of it being cancerous are high.
  • The cyst may be a complex of one or more type which may have bleeding internally and internal space may also have developed septums and other abnormal features.
  • Rarely the cyst can also be due to vegetation of micro-organismthat is of infective origin.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst

Many a times there are no symptoms what so ever and its an incidental finding. But majority of cases presents with following symptoms.

  • Pain in pelvis
  • Pain in abdomen
  • Pain in lower back
  • Uterine Bleeding
  • Irregular periods
  • General Symptoms like Malaise Fatigue Lethargy
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms like Difficulty in bowel movement due to large cyst causing pressure symptoms, NauseaFlatulence and gasueos distention may also be present in many cases.
  • Symptoms of PCOS/PCOD  are different like Hirsutism, weight gain, acne For information about Polycystic Ovarian Disease or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome visit PCOS

Complications of Ovarian Cyst

  • Ovarian Torsion is usually caused due to large cysts above 4cm in diameter causing the ovaries to change its location due to pressure alsonit might obliterate artery causing obstruction in blood flow resulting into infarction.
  • Cyst Rupture  may cause pain in abdomen lasting from few days to weeks in some cases due toncyst rupture there can be severe internal bleeding which in some cases may be severe to cause heamorrhagic shock.

Diagnosis of Ovarian Cysts


Case A

Ovarian Cyst Cured – Dr DEEPAN P. SHAH resolved 5cm*5cm*5cm haemorrhage oravian cyst in 45dys

Ovarian Cyst Cured – Haemorrhagic ovarian complex cyst measuring 5.1cm*4.9cm*4.9cm with internal septae, volume 65.36ml, COMPLETELY RESOLVED with homoeopathy by Dr.DEEPAN P SHAH, allopaths had no medicines to cure this so they had recommended urgent surgery.

BEFORE :- Haemorrhagic ovarian complex cyst measuring 5.1cm*4.9cm*4.9cm with internal septae, volume 65.36ml,

Before Treatment; Ovarian Cyst

AFTER :- read the last line which quotes “ATTN- previously noted right adnexal complex cyst has COMPLETELY RESOLVED “.

Ovarian Cyst Cured with Homoeopathy By Dr Deepan P Shah
Ovarian Cyst Cured with Homoeopathy By Dr Deepan P Shah

ABDOMINAL PAIN Homeopathic Medicines


Pain in abdomen may be due to many reasons it can be because of minor gastric disturbance or may be due to severe conditions like Pancreatitis, Hepatitis, Ascitis, Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, Urolithiasis, Apendicitis, Tumours Malignant or Non Malignant, Hernia, Strangulated Hernia, Gastric or Peptic ulcers, fistula in Gastro Intestinal tract, Gynaecological complaints, Helminthiasis or Amoebiasis or other infections, Urinary tract infections etc.

All these may be due to minor infections or minor physiological disturbance to severe septic conditions and severe autoimmune conditions. So if pain persists then Its advisable to rule out any underlying pathological condition under observation of qualified physician.

In homeopathy each medicine has its own sphere of action, that is, more affinity towards certain organs and systems compared to other, also such action has a peculiar mode of action producing perculiar type of pathology in the organ, system and organism as a whole.

So its important to understand the person’s constitution and underlying pathological cause due to which the patient is having pain so that we can relate it to medicinal symptoms and select the most similimum medicine to treat not only the symptom of pain but also the underlying cause along with.

There are many medicines in homoeopathy which has special affinity towards certain abdominal organs and nerves along with,  which can be used for abdominal pain depending on which organ and system is involved and what kind of patholigy its showing.

Below I have mentioned GENERAL MEDICINES that have specific affinity towards certain abdominal organs and produce peculiar pathological action giving rise to characteristic symptoms in corresponding constitution types that have been mentioned.(FOR MORE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS BEHIND ABDOMINAL PAIN I HAVE GIVEN LINKS OF MY VARIOUS ARTICLES)

  1. MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA One of the best Anti-spasmodic remedy in homoeopathy, Severe cramping pain in abdominal muscles due to indigestion causing flatulence or constipation, gas in bowel loop compelling patient to bend double with eructation of gases, patient has fullness and distention of abdomen patient has to the loosens the belt or clothing around belly and walk with frequent release flatus  relieved by rubbing with pressure and warmth.
  2. NATRUM PHOSPHORICA complaints due to hyperacidity burning pain in abdomen and sour eructation , good remedy for Gastro-oesophageal-reflux disorder, patient has sensation of some lump type obstruction in throat, good remedy for flatulent colic during jaundice.
  3. CARBO VEGETABILIS Its one of the best homoeopathy emergeny life saving remedies , can be used from minor to severe conditions ; typically suited to fat sluggish and lazy persons with weak vital force and immunity; typically shows singns of sluggish circulation causing hypoxic condition; also it affects the blood vessels causing ecchymosis and mucosal heamorrhage; stagnant circulation causing sepsis gangrene patient goes into septic shock with cyanosed appearance blueness of face and exretmities  , very cold body but hot head; very good remedy for abdominal affections with or without infections Contractions from chest to abdomen; all gone empty sensation in abdomen not relieved after food, cramps in abdomen compelling patient to bend double, pain in abdomen due to slow sluggish digestion causing food to putrify, pain in abdomen and septicemia due to strangulated hernia.pain aggravates by lifting weight,exterme fetid flatulence with Gastro-oesophageal-reflux disorder distentension and fullness of abdomen pt has to loosen belt and clothes around waist(Mag phos); aggravation 30 minutes after meals even with the lightest mealor food, sour rancid belching, severe burning pain in epigastrium which is sensitive to touch ; general hyperacidity and flatulence due to indigestion ; pt has aversion to food in general esp heavy oily food, gastric disturbance triggers asthmatic affections. pain due to ulcers fistula in Gastro-intestinal tract. a good remedy in cholera typhoid liver affections gengrene hernia appendicitis
  4. PLUMBUM METALLICUM constrictive sensation in internal organs,contracting and boring pain in abdomen, sensation as if whole abdominal wall is pulled backwards and tied to spine causing pressure tightness of abdomen and radiating pain, abdominal pain due to lead poisoning painter’s colic, pain in abdomen due to kidney ailments like acute nephritis etc. accumulation of gasses in bowel loop which doesnt pass off causing abdominal pain.
  5. CAULLOPHYLUM False labour pains, Spasmodic pain of abdomen due to gastric disturbances.
  6. COLOCYNTHIS cutting agonising pain in abdomen, boring sensation as if stone were ground together in abdomen,
  7. MAGNESIA CARBONICA typically suited to individuals having hyperacidity and excessive secretion of digestive juices and mucous from gastro-intestinal tract,sour body odour , broken down and worn-out women during climecteric age having uterine affections; this individuals are oversensitive to external impressions like noise touch bright lights etc,typically ailments from blows , shock,  brain fag, this constitutional types have tendency towards constipation; Pain in abdomen with Rumbling and Gurgling within very heavy downward dragging sensation towards right illiac fossa and pelvis, colicky gripping pain preceeds stools with severe tenesmus in constipation or when these subjects contract diarrhoea or dysentry.
  8. BRYONIA ALBA typically suited to individual having tall dark robust lean and strong muscle fibre; patients having right sided complaints, Patient has  stitching and tearing pain worse by slightest motion making patient too irritable due to pain , pt wants to rest complately due to it , burning, stitching, tearing, pressing pain in epigastrium as if a heavy stone was in the pit of the stomach, region to tender and sensitive to touch or slightest motion even on breathing for that purpose, severe constipation with stitching tearing pain in abdomen with dry hard knotty large stools difficult to pass.
  9. NUX VOMICA predominantly a male remedy. It is a wonderful remedy to start homoeopathic  treatment as it antidotes bad effects of most allopathic and homoeopathic medicines taken in past also it balances digestive system thats been disturbed due to irregular lifestyle ; medicines alcohol spicy oily food etc; Its frequently used by homoeopath as first prescription when the homoeopath wants to borrow time to conclude the constitution of the patient and yet start the basic treatment; This remedy is typically suited to persons whose constitution is deranged and shaped up as a result of leading irregular and sedentary life style ; like irregular meal pattern ireegular sleep pattern night watching ; no exercise ; excess of sexual indulgence and frequent excess of alcoholic beverages causing digestive disturbance and liver affections Bruised and Sore abdominal muscles with stitching spasmodic colicky pain causing short breath and urge to pass stools ; abdominal distended with gaseous accumulationspain due to strangulated inguinal and umbilical hernia; Pain in abdomen due to alcoholic hangover; Pain due to severe constipation as a bad effect of allopathic medication.
  10. ASAFOETIDA Typically suited more to hysterical and Hypochondriacal patients,flatulent and spasmodic contraction of stomach and oesophagus with reverse peristalsis, abdominal pain due to severe ulcers fistulas and other abdominal presentation of secondary and tertiary syphillis; this rem,edy has typical boring pulsating and throbbing pain; lots of gas formation pain around umbilicus gasses accumulates in large quantity and the whole ball of gas ascends upwards giving out frequent loud eructations with pain in epigastrium.








ABDOMINAL PAIN Homeopathic Medicines




Menorrhagia is one of the most common gynaecologic complaint seen in most of women and young girls. Almost every women experiences such episode of bleeding at some point of time in their life.

Menorrhagia may start anytime from menarche through reproductive years to menopause.


Menorrhagia is defined as a cyclic bleeding at normal intervals, the bleeding is either excessive in amount or duration or both.

The term menorrhagia is derived from the greek word

MEN meaning Menses
RRHAGIA meaning burst forth.

Menorrhagia interferes with a womens physical, emotional and social quality of life.


A normal menstrual blood loss is 50 to 80 ml and usually does not exceed more than 100 ml.
In menorrhagia, the menstrual cycle is unaltered but the duration and quantity of menstrual bleed are increased.
Menorrhagia is essentially a symptom and not a disease in itself.


Once the menstrual bleeding starts the platelet forms clots in the opened vessels. Prostaglandins causes myometrial contractions and constricts the endometrial vessels. The repair of endothelial regeneration begins on 3rd and 4th day of period, by growth of epithelial cells from the open endometrial glands aided by vasculal endothelial epidermal and fibroblastic growth factor.
In menorrhagia or excessive bleeding with regular menstrual cycles, the Hypothalamopituitary ovarian axis is intact but endometrial changes get altered.

What are Ovulatory and Anovulatory Cycles?

A more logical approach is to divide the abnormal uterine bleeding into those patterns associated with ovulatory and anovulatory cycles.

Ovulatory Cycles

Normal menstrual bleeding with ovulatory cycle ia spontaneous, regular, cyclic, predictable and frequently associated with discomfort that is dysmenorrhoea.

Anovulatory Cycles

Uterine bleeding that is unpredictable with respect to the amount, onset and duration and is usually painless, as in dysfunctional uterine bleeding like menorrhagia.


The most common cause lies in Disturbed Hypothalamo-Pitutary-Ovarian axis resulting in condition like polycystic ovaries PCOS, Immature development of organs results in anovulation in the earlier years, unapposed oestrogen causing endometrial hyperplasia. As the girl matures the normal menstrual cycle are established.

General Causes – Blood dyscrasia, coagulation disorders, thrombocytopenic purpura, severe anaemia, leukamia, Von willebrand disease.

Uterine Causes –  Uterine fibroids, fibroidal polyps, adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis etc.

Pelvic inflammatory diseases can cause menorrhagia.

Use of Intrauterine devices, it is seen that 5 to 10% of women using intra uterine devices suffer from menorrhagia in 1st few months.

Pregnancy complications include Single, heavy, late period may be due to miscarriage. Another cause of heavy bleeding during pregnancy includes location of placenta , low lying placenta or placenta previa.

Malignancies – Uterine cancer or cervical cancer can cause heavy bleeding.

Medications– Certain medications can cause heavy menstrual bleeding.

Thyroid dysfunctions can also be one of the cause for menorhhagia.


  • Heavy vaginal bleeding resulting in saturation of one ore more sanitary pad, requring double protection, and need to sanitary pad more frequently.
  • Bleeding along with passage of clots and usually lasts for more than a week affecting the routine of a women.
  • Pelvic pain though not present in all cases of menorrhagia is frequently encountered symptom of menorrhagia. This may be seen in menorrhagia due to infections and conditions like endometriosis, adenomyosis and pregnancy related complications.
  • If the patient presents with pelvic infections there may be other symptoms like fever, chills, copious vaginal discharge.
  • Excessive and prolonged menorrhagia leads to anaemia. Usually the patient manifests in the form of excessive weakness, easy fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath.
  • Menorrhagia caused due to hormonal imbalance in diseases like polycystic ovarian disease, patient may present with hirusitism, acne etc.
  • Delayed appearance of menstrual bleeding phase with Heavy bleeding is due to anovulatory dysfunction of ovary with prolonged influence of Oestrogen
  • Frequent / Early appearance of menstrual bleeding phase i.e. interval less than 21days with:
  1. Normal bleeding – is always an anovulatory cycle.
  2. Heavy Bleeding – is due to ovarian dysfunction


Diagnosis of menorrhagia can be done based on the complete medical history of the patient and conducting a complete physical examination including a pelvic examination.

Other diagnostic procedures for menorrhagia may include

  • Routine blood examination
  • Pelvic ultra sound scan is the first line of diagnostic tool for identifying structural abnormalities.
  • Hysteroscopy, includes visual examination of canal of cervix and interior of uterus using an instrument inserted in the vagina.
  • Pap test to rule out neoplasia.


  • We should note the total duration of bleeding and how much time it is heavy bleed.
  • Assess the length and duration of cycle.
  • How often or how frequently the patient has to change her sanitary pad.
  • Enquire about the passage of clots. Clots represent heavy flow and are painful as they pass through the cervix.
  • Look for any symptoms suggestive of anemia like easy fatigue, shortness of breath, weakness etc.
  • Enquire whether menorrhagia has an impact on her personal life and is hampering her day to day activities.
  • Enquire about any past medical illness including clotting disorders, thyroid dysfunctions or any other gynaecological history.


Some useful measures like general measures to improve the health status of patient.

Maintain a menstrual calender noting duration and extent of blood loss.

Adequate rest during menses.

Advise for proper diet with a healthy and balanced diet to regulate the menstrual cycle. Choose a diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meat, fish, food ricch in protein vitamins, iron, calcium.

Excercise regularly – Besides emproving blood circulation, excercise also helps to maintain weight. As fat cells release excessive oestrogen from body, excercise helps to maintain an optimum hormone balance.



    Very useful homeopathic remedy for passive dark bleeding very useful medicines in inter-menstrual pain and bleeding; Vicarious menstruation dark profuse bleeding with much clots and membranous discharge; passive bleeding; in patients with heamorrhagic cyst ovarian cyst; vulva feels sore with much pruritus and severe pain in lumbar region; good remedy for post partum bleeding.


    Hemorrhagic tendency typically suited during climacteric age when patient has hormonal changes which causes mood swings and other menstrual abnormality especially menorrhagia. This remedy is called in when patient shows peculiar mental symptoms like mentally too restless, jealous, pt is too jealous too harm someone but her benevolent side stops her doing so,  loquacious jumps from one topic to other with no head or tail in talks, abusive ill-humored , too much of suppressed sexual desires causing nymphomania, too suspicious keeps doubting everyone around her that they all are conspiring against her, she develops a religious mania and also feels as if she is under some supernatural powers.


    Too frequent and too profuse menses, with swollen sensitive breast and nipples swollen red congested burning with pruritus in vulva and severe pain in back.


    Excessive menses during at climacteric age blood dark with much coagulation forming long black strings and much clotting, uterine bleeding after delivery or miscarriage, uterus much enlarged in size. headaches due to menstrual irregularities.


    heamorrhagic diathesis; menorrhagia with bright red blood, profuse, prolonged and starts too early. bad effects due to lifting weights or due to pregnancy which causes varicose veins that bleed easily.


    if given in excess dosing unhomoeopathically, this remedy will promote uterine bleeding and also aborts fetus and if administered homoeopathically in similimum dosing it will stop uterine bleeding


    very good remedy in lower potency and in crude mother tincture form, in women with menorrhagia and infertility due to hormonal ovarian or uterine imbalances. Its a very good tonic for female reproductive system used since ancient times in india in ayurveda now its homoeopathic tincture is showing promising results in homoeopathy as well


    I have found this medicine wonderfully effective in curing menorrhagia especially due to thickeneng of endometrium in mother tincture form in frequent repetitions. also menorrhagia due to fibroids and polyps prolapse of uterus is well tackled with this medicine not only stopping the bleeding but also regressing its cause.


    A wonderful remedy for Uterine Heamorrhages uterine bleeding aggravates on slightest movement with bright red blood gushing out accompanied with sensation os if lumbar region and gluteal region was breaking into pieces and wants it to tie it with a bandage. menorrhagia during climecteric age; menorrhagia with prolapse of uterus.


    a very good remedy for non specific bleeding from any organ also has a very good action on uterine bleeding too profuse menorrhagia.

PCOS / PCOD / Polycystic Ovaries cure in Homeopathy

PCOS is caused due to Hyperandrogenism and has strong germ line and/or acquired genetic anomaly, Strongly associated with heriditary as clustering of members with condition  in same family Is very commonly seen.

Lifestyle, lack of exercise proper sleep and dietary irregularities contribute to Polycystic ovarian Syndrome, it is observed that most of the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are ammeliorated only by regular exercise and diet.

Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS) berfore treatment Dr SHAH Homoeopathy - Dr DEEPAN P SHAH
Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS) berfore treatment Dr SHAH Homoeopathy – Dr DEEPAN P SHAH
Polycystic Ovaries(PCOS) cured After Treatment - Dr SHAH's Homoeopathy - Dr DEEAN P SHAH
Polycystic Ovaries(PCOS) cured After Treatment – Dr SHAH’s Homoeopathy – Dr DEEAN P SHAH

PCOS is characterised by

  1. Oligovulation /anovulation and or polycystic ovary.
  2. Hyperandrogenism
  3. Exclusion of all other causative factors of hyperandrogenism.

Sign and Symptoms of PCOS

  • Polycystic ovaries, strings of follicles peripherally located in ovaries detected by USG.
  • Oligovulation or Anovulation
  • Various types of Menstrual disorders but mostly Oligomenorrhoea less than 9/annum or Amenorrhoea.
  • Hyperandrogenism, excessive androgens , especially ovarian testosterone
  • Reduced sensitivity to insulin
  • Hirsuitism excessive hair growth in females especially on beard upperlips abdomen chest and back
  • Central obesity
  • Eevated Homocystien levels
  • Acne on face neck back and upper chest
  • Infertility
  • Dark velvety thickening of skin especially on neck and other extensor surfaces.

Pathogenesis of PCOS

It is caused due to increase in ovarian androgens especially testosterone due to one or more of the following reasons with combination of genetic factors.

Insulin resistence causing Hyperinsulinaemia which disturbs Hypothalamo-Pitutary-Ovarian Axis causing increase in GnRH which causes increase in LH:FSH ratio which increases ovarian androgen, reduces follicular maturity and SHBG binding giving rise to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Also insulin in presence of its cognate receptors in presence of cAMP via P13k increases activity of 17α-Hydroxylase which is responsible for Androgen precursor synthesis so hyperinsulinaemia contributes in pathogenesis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

It is observed that insulin resistance and obesity is strongly associated in pathogenesis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

FMR1gene Subtype is associated with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Chronic inflamation, certain inflamatory mediators and oxygen radicals are also associated with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Diagnosis of PCOS

1)Ultra Sonography(USG) findings in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

  • Strings of ovarian follicles peripherally arranged in ovaries more than 25 in number most of them arrest in growth at 5-7mm and no dominant follicle reaching preovulatory size of above 16mm. It appears like “string of pearls” on USG.
  • Oligovulation or Anovulation

2) Blood Test related to PCOS

  • Testosterone elevated
  • DHEAS elevated
  • LH elevated
  • FSH reduced
  • SHBG reduced
  • LH:FSH increased
  • Free Testosterone: SHBG increased

3) Clinical signs of PCOS

  • Oligomenorrhoea less than 9/year or Amenorrhoea
  • Hirsutism , excessive hairgrowth.
  • Obesity
  • Acne

Homoeopathic Medicines for PCOS

  • Pulsatilla
  • Sepia
  • Cyclamen
  • Trillium Pendulum
  • Platina
  • Alumina