What is Oral Mucocele?
Oral Mucocele is a cyst formed due to collection of salivary gland secretion.
It is pearly translucent occasionally with bluish discoloration usually measuring from 1-8mm in diameter. The deeper cysts may appear as a nodule and may not have translucent pearly appearance as in superficial cyst.
It appears on lower lip on sides.
When it appears on floor of mouth below tongue its termed as ranulla.
They are painless most of the time.
It usually lasts for few days to years.
It may frequently rupture and reappear again at same site.
It may also cause ulcerations.

Oral Mucocele results from
- Ruptured Salivary Gland Duct this results into mucous extravasation phenomenon.
- Obstructed Salivary Gland Duct this results into mucous retention cyst.
Rupture or Obstruction can be due to
- Infection that can potentially obstruct or damage the salivary gland and its duct. which can be due to many factors most common being poor oral and dental hygiene.
- Injury on lower lip which can damage salivary gland duct may result innto oral mucocele tje most common form of injury is due to bitting lips by one own teeth.
- Tumours that may obliterate obstruct or rupture or damage salivary glands and its ducts in any form may result in to mucocele in oral mucosa
The underlying cause needs to be evaluated, exclude the probability of infection, malignancy. Patient needs to be guided for proper oral hyegiene, any habbit like bitting teeth should be avoided.
Following are the common Homeopathic medicines used in treatment of Oral Mucocele
- Silicea
- Thuja
- Variolinum
- Calcarea flourica
- Mercurious Solubilis
- Syphyllinum
- Antimonium Tartaricum
- Antimonium Crudum
- Apis Mellifica
- Ranunculus bulbosus
Selection from the above medicines should be strictly done as per symptom similarity basis under consultation of homeopathic practitioner.
I have mucocele on my lower lips. Just want to know how much time it will take to get fine if I use homeopathic treatment for it. Kindly revert.
Gaurav Rajoria
I have mucocele on my lower lips. Could please let me know how can I get the listed medicine in pune?
Consult a registered homeopathic physician before taking any of the above mentioned homeopathic medicine.
My son’s have mucocele on his lower lips. He is 9+ years . He is suffering 2 months .Some time it is big some time small.Just want to know how much time it will take to get fine if I use homeopathic treatment for it. Kindly write me homeopathic medicine.
It may take around 3-10 weeks to resolve for more details you can directly call me on my personal contact information provided
I have got one mococele last month than it became bigger and got burst and one small mococele was also came. I have taken lots of medicine only the size is changing its not totally going away .. yesterday I went to dentist and he told u need to do surgery … Now today I saw one more mococele .. how many will come more .. plz help I am really scared
With homeopathic treatment for oral mucocele surgery can be avoided, for further details on treatment call me on the contact details provided.
I have done surgery also but just after one month .. one new mococele arrived .. now what to do.. are u sure with homeopathy it will be cured
I strongly suggest you to go for homeopathic treatment for such recurring oral mucocele, for lasting permanent solution.
I have mucous cyst on my lower lips. I am suffering 1 months. I have taken a lots of medicine. A general physician doctor prescribed me two medicine(Becosules Z and Roxid 150). But the size is changing only it’s not totally going away. Please suggest me. I don’t want to do surgery. I want to know how much time it will take to get fine if I use homeopathic medicine.
I have mucous cyst on my lower lips. I am suffering 1 months for it. I have taken a lots of medicine but only the size is changing. A general physician doctor prescribed two medicine (Roxid 150, Becosules Z). But the size is changing only. I want to know how much time it will take to get me fine if I use Homeopathic medicine. Please suggest me.
Homeopathy has treatment for oral mucocele, every individual case is different and any comment on course of treatment can be made only after evaluating the case in its totality you can directly contact me on provided number for further discussion.
Sir I have oral mucocele in lower lip before 2 month, it causes due to 2 time lip biting by teeth, it is changing size small to large after using medicine homeopathic and allopathic but still, what I do please give me advice.
Homeopathy has trearment for Oral Mucocele, At Dr Shah’s Homeopathy we treat oral mucocele
Sir I have mucocele from 2 month, it varies size small and large, mucocele form due to lip biting, I have tried lot of homeopathic and allopathic medicine, what I do? Please advise me.
Homeopathy Has treatment for Oral Mucocele, We treat Oral Mucocele at Dr Shah’s Homeopathy.
Sir my son has cyst in lower lip last one month. And his size is big. Dentist and surgen has suggest for surgery. So please suggest. Surgery is last option for cyst.
You have not mentioned the type of cyst but as you have posted in oral mucocele, I presume that you are talking about oral mucocele, knidly forward me pics of the cyst and other medical reportd(if any) on whatsapp.
Hi i am suffering from mucocele for the past 1 years earlier it was small in size and painless and now it is bigger in size and it pains. Sometimes it is small sometime it becomes big. Can u plzz tell me how to get rid of this mucucele by using homeopathy medicine. Plz help i am very worried.
Oral Mucocele can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines, call us for more details
Hello sir i m suffering from mococele in lower lip. these are spread over the lower lip what i do further. please give me some suggestion.
I hava been already consult with homeopathy Dr and taking medicine since 1 month..
We Treat Oral Mucocele with homeopathic medicines, for details call us on number provided on website
Mucosela on right inside lower lip
55 yrs old please suggest med. To remove this
We treat Oral Mucocele with homeopathy, for consultation visit clinic or call
My daughter is suffering from same symptoms for last 2 months… Some doctor told me it is edema or granuloma and suggest me for surgery… Then i started homeopathy treatment… It’s size has reduced but rapturing and reforming again and again.. Is there any probability of malignancy? Plz ensure me..
Forward me all her medical reports
Hello Doctor, I have a recurrent Mucocele on my lower lip for around 2 months. It ruptures and goes away, but forms again. I live in France, but do not have health insurance to see the doctor. What is your recommendation please and which of those home remedies should I take?
We treat oral mucocele, kindly call us or visit our clinic for more information.
Mucocele on my lower lip ever about 9 months
For consultation contact us on 9322682402
Good dr