LOOSE MOTION DIARRHOEA Homeopathic Medicines


Loose Motion -10 Best Homoeopathic medicines

  1. Holarrhena Antidysentrica since ancient times in ayurveda is well regarded as a very good herb to cure amoebic dysentry, its now also comes in homoeopathic mother tincture form, theraputically its giving same benefits to patients with loose motion / Diarrhoea / Amoebic Dysentry.
  2. Elaterium Officinarium Profuse Frothy Olive Green Watery forceful spurting diarrhoea with nausea and vomiting cutting gripping pain in abdomen, patient may or may not have fever with loose motion, fever typically presents with chills that typically sets in with Yawning and Stretching with darting pain in extremities.
  3. Blumia Odorata no homoeopathic proving of this drug has been done till date but its ben used since centuries in ayurveda since centuries with great results for its antiheamorrhagic and antidysentric properties same when incorporated in homoeopathic mother tincture forms yields same results; typically indicated in diarrhoea and dysentry with much blood mixed in stools, also a very usedful remedy in heamorrhagic piles/fissures/fistulas  caused due to frequent acrid corossive loose motion with much tenesmus.
  4. Magnesia Carbonica Green frothy watery stools looks like scumb over the frog pond  with bloody mucous, patient has borborygmy and heavy downward pressive and gripping pain in abdomen more pronounced in right illiac fossa, before and during passing stools, cant tolerate milk in any form passes undigested with sour odour and has to exert a lot while passing, especially in pediartric cases. fever may accompany with diarrhoea or dysentrt and patient has sour smelling sweating during fever.
  5. Alfa Alfa very useful in patient having painful frequent loose yellow stools with much flatulence, it promotes absorption nutrients and fuilds thus helps solidification and formation of stools if given in material doses in mother tincture form.
  6. Abrotanum Ravenous hunger with lienteric stools with undigested food particles seen in stools, bloody dysentry, patient eats well still looses flesh, well suited to patients with PEM Protein Energy Malnutrution like MARASMUS and KWASHIORKER where patient has pot-belly abdomen and and very thin limbs, well suited to patient having diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome secondary to gouty diathesis or rheumatism.
  7. Aethusa Cynapium typically suited to nursing children Summer Diarrhoea,  Diarrhoea Due To Dentition, diarrhoea with much projectilevomitting in infants curd like diarrhoea ; diarrhoea associated with epileptic attack. Cant tolerate milk. diarrhoea during cholera in infants.
  8. Jatropha Curcas loud borborygms with pain in right hypochondrium and below right scapula, cramps in limbs and abdomen, with cold feeling and cold body, DIARRHOEA  – Profuse Rice-Watery Diarrhoea with sudden forceful evacuation giving out loud sound right from abdomen to outside as if wateris gushing out forcefully from a bung-hole,  diarrhoea due to supressed measles
  9. Podophyllum Peltatum Diarrhea aggravated in morning with fever, Pain only in liver region otherwise painless ammelioration on lying on stomach, borborygmy with GERD nausea and vomittimg, thirst for large quantity of cold water, burning in tongue broad large and moist tongue, profuse watery stools or jelly like, polychromatic but mostly greenish, good remedy for cholera infantum and diarrhoea during dentition and diarrhoea during pregnancy in women with lax pelvic muscles supporting ligaments and tendency towards prolapse of uterus and rectum,diarrhoea  aggravated after hot drinks, hot water bath , hot climate , summer diarrhoea, general prostration after diarrhoea.
  10. Nuphar Luteum Diarrhoea during typhoid, yellow morning diarrhoea with much remittent fever headaches and general weakness and prostration.

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