Chicken pox – 10 Best Homoeopathic Medicines

  1. Ranunculus Bulbosus one of the best remedy for chicken pox in all stages of disease, shingles, herpes zooster, Herpes simplex 1 and 2, pamphigous and all other skin conditions where there are vesicular eruptions with intense itching and burning
  2. Rhus Toxicodendrone can be used during initial stage of chicken pox when pt is febrile and vesicular erutions have just started appearing.
  3. Variolinum its a nosode and it is  to be administered as single dose during treatment intercurrently along with other indicated medicine.
  4. Apis Melifica indicated when vesicles start appearimg and stopped when it starts bursting and patient comolaints of violent burning and itching with stinging pain and thirstlessness aggravations in warm and ammelioration on cold.
  5. Antimonium Tartaricum indicated in vesicular stage of chicken pox till scabs starts forming.
  6. Thuja Occidentalis It is basically a psycotic remedy but has shown great effect in all sorts of viral affections it compliments other medicines and can be continued till vesicles of chicken pox starts bursting.
  7. Ledum Palustre this remedy is indicated in  in all stages of chicken pox untill scabs starts falling off.
  8. Natrum Sulphuris  It can be administered along with other homoeopathic medicines in biochemic form upto 6th trituration in all stages of
  9. Borax It is to be administered when scabs start forming and to be continued untill scabs starts falling off.
  10. Mercurius Solubilis it come into role when fever subsides and vesicles have started bursting and forming crusts , it should not be administered in fever and should not be repeated too frequently, once a day is quite often and it is to be continued once fortnight for a month even after scabs fall off.

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