10 Best Weight gain Medicines in Homoeopathy



Weight gain with homoeopathic medicines

Homoeopathic medicines helps regularise weight of a person as per constitution and requirements of an individual.

For optimal realisation of Homoeopathic medinical effects the medicines needs to be selected as per the constitution with special emphasis on physiological imbalances and any other underlying pathological factors needs to be ruled out.

If not selected in accordance with the homoeopathic principles, the medicine might not yield desired result.

Similarly if selected in accordance with Homoeopathic principles it will not only help in weight gain but also resolve any other underlying abnormalities found in proper physiological functioning of body. As the medicines work via improving constitution of a person.

Below are simplified guidelines to select few of the generally used common medicines which are easy to select that most of the instances are hard to fail and can help gain weight in individuals with below normal weight.

  1. Abrotanum especially suited to person with Protein Energy Malnutrition, in ascending type of Marasmus, pot belly with lean thin arms and limbs, in person who eats well but still loses flesh Kwashiorker Protein Energy Malnutrition PEM , in person with Gouty Diathesis who lose muscles, in person who lose weight due to chronic Diarrhoea dysentery, linteric stool with visible undigested food particles in stools.
  2. Alfa Alfa general homoeopathic tonic to improve digestion promote protien absorption and metabolism.
  3. Ashwagandha / Withania promotes testosterone secretion thus promoting protien metabolism improving muscle mass and reducing fats
  4. Natrum Mur weak lean malnourushed  emaciated person with unhealthy skin and earthy complexion, irritability and depressive temperament causing weight loss.
  5. Tuberculinum weightloss due to past or present tuberculosis
  6. Phosphorus lean thin pale person with history of tuberculosis and sensitive to cold.
  7. Arsenicum Album typically suited in patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, bulemia nervosa, person stops eating due to fear fright and anxiety of death, disease or obesity.
  8. Chelidonium Majus weight loss due to sluggish liver function
  9. Lycopodium low body weight or weightloss due to liver disease or sluggish liver function.
  10. Pulsatilla in women with depressing emotion weeping desposition pale fair complexion with tendency towards hyperacidity and tendency to catch cold easily.

3 thoughts on “10 Best Weight gain Medicines in Homoeopathy”

  1. Past 2 yr back i was caused by tuberclusis tb finally i was cured aftr treatment of tb ..bt the thing is now i want to gain weight plz suggest me what should i do

  2. 2 year ago , I had caused from typhid but now I m fine.btt I m.suffering from under weight this cause depression. So,plz suggest any hemeo medicine that help to gain weight and muscle without side effect.

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