warning this page has graphic images (age 18+)
- ALOE SOCOTRINA Piles like bunch of grapes, protruding external piles, weak spincter ani with no power to hold back stools causing insecurity and want more control over spincter ani as there is constant bearing down sensation in rectum, confused on sensation wether its call for stool or flatus, stools ar pasty lumpy and watery or jelly like mucoid which passes out involuntarily with soreness and burning pain in rectum, pt frequently constipated with bearing down sensation in lower abdomen
- AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM piles looking like ground nut most of the times internal , sensation as if all rectal veins are engorged and pulsating with swollen mucous membrane causing narrowing of passage making it difficult to pass stools, constipated with dry hard stools comes out in large lumps with efforts and severe sticking pain after stools as if anus was been sticked with hundreds of needle at a time with rectal prolapse (in severe cases), it accompanies with lumbo-sacral pain.
- RATANHIA protruding heamorrhoids with fissures. Has to strain a lot to pass thin watery fetid stools with constant oozing. Cutting stitching burning pain as if anus was lodged with hundreds of broken glasses or knife with constriction and severe burning like from fire, pain starts just before and persists for many hours after stools with oozing of mucoid substsnce around anal region.
- CALCAREA FLOURICA varices of vesseles around ano-rectal region, with frequent bleeding, piles are internal and has lumbago as concomittant, flatulence and constipation.
- HAMAMELIS VIRGINCA Bleeding piles, blood in copious quantity, with sore raw feeling as if bruised with sensation of engorged vessels with pulsating sensation in rectal region.
- ALUMINA Dry Hard knotty stools initially then followed with soft stools, no urge to pass stools and if at all there is urge to pass its painful, has to strain a lot to pass stools due to anal paretic condition causing soreness dryness and congestion with bleeding from rectum, especially in old people and infants and person suffering from chronic low dose aluminium poisoning due to cooking food in aluminumium utensils
- COLLINSONIA sensations of constriction and pain as if sharp sticks in rectum with great itching and burning pain, severe obstinate constipation with no urge for days together alternates with diarrhoea.
- HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS it has active ingredient hydrastine which acts on nerves, piles caused due to severe constipation , with no regular urge to pass stools, smarting and burning pain in rectum with contractions and spasms of intestimes rectum and muscles of abdomen and anal region
- CARDUS MARIANUS Hard knotty clay-like stools causing Ano-rectal varices and heamorrhagic piles in patients with liver and gall bladder affections, rectal cancer , rectal prolapse.
- BLUMEA ODORATA bleeding piles with diarrhoea and dysentry, copious bleeding, arrests bleeding soon.



I have piles sir last 3years more I am taking lot of treatment like Ayurveda Matra basti but can benefit so I am asking in this treatment it’s possible to cure permanently I have external piles or internal piles after check by doctors saying me masses in 3in internal or external
Homeopathy has permanent solution for piles wether its external piles or internal piles, Homeopathic treatment for piles is non surgical method and is known for its results in piles
I use witch hazel with a sitz bath.
thanks for sharing this article its very useful
Piles are swollen blood vessels inside the rectum and their protrusion into anus or anal canal. Homeopathy medicines can cure piles permanently without any side effects. Homeopathy Treatment is a natural cure for any type of diseases.
Hi there! Such a wonderful short article,
thank you!
i hav piles ,how i treat it
Homeopathy has treatment to cure pile. In homeopathy we treat piles non-surgically with safe and gently homeopathic medicines which doesnt have any side effects. To know more you can contact us or visit our clinic.