SWASTIK is regarded as very auspicious symbol in Hindu religion with its origin in Vedic culture
Vedas are the oldest known literary work on planet Earth and are considered as authorless. In Hinduism Vedas are regarded with highest order, amongst all religious and spiritual scriptures. All other scriptures are derivative of vedas or correspond to ideas of vedas, it is considered to be the bare act of nature.
Swastik symbol is found in almost all continent in excavation work and its considered to be the oldest symbol ever found on earth with its references in almost all the cultures around the world. Especially in Hinduism Swastik is consodered very auspiciois and it is used in each and every religious and spiritual activities.
The best way to pass on data, is in easy symbol forms, so that civilization, if not knowing a particular language, even then they can decode and understand.
Because of all these factors Swastik always made me wonder what it must be encoding within, as vedic culture is known to be rich in knowledge and its known to forward knowledge in form of poetic verses and symbols.
So, while studying carbon and carbon compounds, I came across Atoms of 3 different elements
- Carbon atom which has valency of 4
- Oxygen has valency of 2 and
- Hydrogen with valency of 1
These atoms of these 3 elements if placed in Swastik with Carbon in center of Swastika, Oxygen at the turn of each limb of Swastika and Hydrogen at the end of each limb of Swastika forms a complete chemical code of Swastik H4CO4
Now wether they actually meant this or something else? Is it symbol for chemical formula that they made or they wanted to represent something else?
So, now if we try to further decode Swastik we can break word “SWAS-TIK” into two simple words
- “SWAS” means breath and
- “TIK” means motion or letting out in sanskrit language.
Now further we are able to match this chemical code with the meaning of these two words “SWAS” and “TIK”
Swatik is highly unstable compound on planet earth as its atmosphere and its atmospheric pressure doesnt let it thrive, as it requires extremely high pressure to thrive, otherwise it decomposes soon into the nearest stable compound.
4HCO4 decomposes into Carbonic Acid and Water as shown in chemical formula below.
4HCO4 ➡ CH2O3 + H2O
CH2O3 has important role in respiratory process. It is the only acid secreted by lungs in the form of gas and it is described as “Volatile Acid” or “Respiratory Acid”.
So is swastik related to a very unstable intermediate osscilatory substance which though not actually comes into form but remains as intermediate exchange form and plays a major role in respiratory process and constant respiratory osscilation?
Excellent disection of word Swastic with Respiratory system. Well read and interpreted analysis.
excellent read! I would love to contact you about your findings! Big Fan